Sílvia Pérez Cruz - Estimat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sílvia Pérez Cruz - Estimat

Tenir l'ull sempre viu
Keep your eyes always open
I una veu que vol riure
And a voice that wants to laugh
Permetre'm, quan em vingui de gust
Allow me, when I feel like it
Semblar dispers, semblar dispers
To seem dispersed, to seem dispersed
Permetre'm, quan em vingui de gust
Allow me, when I feel like it
Per un o per un no
For a yes or for a no
Combatre o fer un vers
To fight or write a verse
Treballar sense glòria ni fortuna
To work without glory or fortune
En el viatge que em portarà a la lluna
On a journey that leads me to the moon
Evitar res que no surti de mi
To avoid anything that does not come from me
Sense renunciar a la modèstia, dir
Without giving up modesty, to say
Estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
Dearest, you can be satisfied with the flowers
Dels fruits i dels troncs
Of the fruits and the trunks
Estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
Dearest, you can be satisfied with the flowers
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós, estimat
If you pick them from your thriving garden, dearest
I rebutjant ser l'heura
And rejecting to be ivy
I encara que no siguis cap roure o cap avet
And even if you are not an oak or a fir
Potser no pujar gaire, no
Maybe not climbing so high, no
Però fer-ho tot solet, solet
But doing everything alone, alone
I rebutjant ser l'heure
And rejecting to be ivy
I encara que no siguis cap roure o cap avet
And even if you are not an oak or a fir
Potser no pujar gaire
Maybe not climbing so high
Però fer-ho tot solet
But doing everything alone
I estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
And dearest, you can be satisfied with the flowers
Dels fruits i dels troncs
Of the fruits and the trunks
I estimat, pots estar satisfet de les flors
And dearest, you can be satisfied with the flowers
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós
If you pick them from your thriving garden
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós
If you pick them from your thriving garden
Si ho culls del teu jardí ufanós
If you pick them from your thriving garden

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