Pero,
o
mellor,
atópase
coa
mai
nun
ceo
que
il
nunca
imaxinou
e
quétanse
as
cariñas
das
súas
almas
de
nenos,
mentres
il,
o
seu
meniño,
cántalle
a
canción
que
lle
cantabamos
sempre
os
tres
irmaus.
Hoxe
pensa
que
lla
cantará
il
soliño,
pero
non
sabe
que
nos,
a
modiño,
farémoslle,
desde
eiquí,
un
dúo
de
cegos.
But,
the
best,
is
found
with
the
mother
in
a
heaven
that
he
never
imagined
and
the
faces
of
their
childlike
souls
warm
each
other,
while
he,
her
little
boy,
sings
the
song
that
we,
the
three
siblings,
always
sang
to
him.
Today
he
thinks
he
will
sing
it
alone,
but
he
doesn't
know
that
we,
slowly,
will
make
a
duet
of
the
blind
from
here.
Como
a
miña
nai,
ninguna,
Like
my
mother,
none
other,