You are always by my side, wearing your beautiful smile that warms my heart. Please bear with me as I work to keep us happy and content.
今 君が望むなら 側に居るから割れた鏡に映るMEMORY
If you need me here, I will be by your side. The broken mirror reflects our shared memories.
今日も帰り遅くてごめんな 不器用な男でごめんな
I'm sorry for coming home late today. I'm a bit of a klutz, but please forgive me.
好きな気持ち絶対止めんな 今も変わらず誓う FOREVER
My love for you will never cease. I promise you this, now and forever.
声が聞きたいだけや電話 話せば切りずらいジレンマもう寝るんかほなな、ほなな... って繰り返す
I just want to hear your voice over the phone, but I can't bring myself to say it. We hang up with a routine "goodnight" after an awkward conversation.
指切りげんまん 照れくさいがした事忘れんな
Let's make a pinky promise, even though it's a bit embarrassing. I won't forget it.
うまくいえればええけどな なんか強がってまうねんな
I'm not great with words and I often act tough, but I love you more than anything.
頑張れば頑張る程 寂しい想いさせてるかもしれんな
The harder I work, the more I realize how much I'm making you suffer.
でもお前の笑顔があったらな それだけで頑張れんねんな
But when I see your smile, I find the strength to keep going.
いつまでも隣には君の笑顔が愛される 幸せ枯らさない様に
You are always by my side, wearing your beautiful smile that warms my heart. Please bear with me as I work to keep us happy and content.
今君が望むなら 側に居るから割れた鏡に映るMEMORY
If you need me here, I will be by your side. The broken mirror reflects our shared memories.
当たり前だったことが 当たり前じゃなくなった
I've taken you for granted, but not anymore.
離れて気づいた お前の存在の大きさに
Now that we're apart, I realize how much I need you.
わがままな自分を責めた いつもお前は優しかった
I have been selfish and you have always been kind.
一番近くで応援してるよ それなのに
You are my biggest supporter, yet I...
ありがとう がうるさいになって 頑張れ がしっかりしろになる
My 'thank you's have become empty and my 'hang in there's have lost their meaning.
胸元にある はじめてあげたネックレス Tシャツ 白似合う
I gave you that necklace that you wear so close to your heart. You look so beautiful in white.