TANK 呂建忠 feat. D.T SEAN - 渺小的貴重 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни TANK 呂建忠 feat. D.T SEAN - 渺小的貴重

Precious Insignificance
我從來就沒有想過 那渺小的我
I never thought that insignificant me
能遇見你 像出現在夢裡
Could meet you, like a dream come true
而如此幸運的我 因你的成就
And this fortunate me, through your achievements,
Was rescued from the desolate wasteland
不再視為懦弱 不再失望的活
No longer seen as weak, no longer living in despair
Whenever I felt lost and adrift,
跟在主人後面 失去了所有想法
Following the master, I lost all my thoughts
不知方向 苟且偷生找不到盼望
Without direction, living a meaningless life with no hope,
等著被待宰 他們笑我真傻
Waiting to be slaughtered, they laughed at my foolishness
Until the glory appeared
The extinguished fighting spirit started to burn again
Even though I still blindly navigate this path
因此我低頭 想如何衝刺
So I lowered my head, thinking how to sprint
去讓生活更充實 讓我的馬達不再鬆弛
To make life more fulfilling, to keep my engine running
Pulling dreams out and turning them into reality
Before his birth, I hadn't understood the truth
I had no talent, not even the slightest skill
Logically, like a lamb, I was just waiting to be dealt with
沒人關心 誰要管你 當成空氣
No one cared, who would bother, treated like air
What was the meaning of life
I increasingly looked down on myself
Who would give someone like you support
符合別人的期待 你的價值已經無限縮小
Meeting others' expectations, your value had infinitely shrunk
You were just an insignificant supporting character
Fertilizer under the flowers, unnoticed
於是那個夜晚 你的誕生 我學會了禱告
So on that night, your birth, I learned to pray
You generously created a runway for my dreams
The only truth that no one could imitate
And only your words I strive to follow
時間在走 心也在變 一路走來別忘了當初
Time passes, hearts change, along the way, don't forget the beginning
你徬徨過 我徬徨過 這些都是必經的道路
You were lost, I was lost, these are paths we must take
這首寫的不是饒舌 而是把他的話使你完全記住
This song isn't about rap, but about making his words stick in your mind
Using Christmas to introduce you to the Heavenly Father who gave me talent
As I witnessed all this
All these chips were doubled by me
From the abyss, I step by step walked towards the mountain peak
Overlooking the mountain spring flowing through the mountains
即使跑到磨破了雙腳 我也不想蹉跎
Even if my feet were worn out from running, I wouldn't waste time
I will strive even harder to live for my faith
If this is my last attack
這次絕對不再放棄我像是Lebron 切入禁區單手暴扣
This time I will never give up, like Lebron driving into the paint for a one-handed slam dunk
擊敗徬徨 這輩子不再平平庸庸普普通通
Defeating confusion, this life will no longer be ordinary and mediocre
我從來就沒有想過 那渺小的我
I never thought that insignificant me
能遇見你 像出現在夢裡
Could meet you, like a dream come true
而如此幸運的我 因你的成就
And this fortunate me, through your achievements,
Was rescued from the desolate wasteland
不再視為懦弱 不再失望的活
No longer seen as weak, no longer living in despair
於是 我繼續的跑 繼續的找
So, I keep running, keep searching
沒日沒夜 在這寥寥無幾的沙海
Day and night, in this vast and empty desert
究竟尋找什麼 我根本完全不知道
What am I searching for? I have no idea
靈魂快被乾枯 終點還沒有到 現在還早
My soul is drying up, the finish line is not yet in sight, it's still early
Just when I was losing hope and wanted to escape
I finally met you at the moment of your birth
To save me from my sins
The anxiety in my heart has long since disappeared, I'm no longer nervous
不完美的我 也能因為你的帶領
Imperfect as I am, through your guidance
I gradually shed the layers of shackles within my heart
Can you feel me?
Can you feel me?
甚至還帶領我 每時每刻活出自信
You even guide me to live with confidence every moment
讓我了無牽掛在生活闖蕩 不失去信心
Allowing me to wander through life without worries, without losing faith
After all, even when life is disappointing, don't resign yourself to failure
人生十之八九不如意 就禱告吧
Life is full of disappointments, so pray
Send your words to the sky
At least there's a Father in heaven who thinks you're not bad
就算再脆弱的羊 終究能看到盼望的生活
Even the most fragile sheep will eventually see a life of hope
Don't doubt your life
Let him be your most reliable shepherd
Is the purpose of life to flatter others?
就像平凡的馬槽 造就不平凡的人物
Just like an ordinary manger gave birth to an extraordinary person
他所為我做的 我必須對生活決不認輸
What he has done for me, I must never give up on life
One day I will become the most shining pearl
Believing in him was the smartest bet I ever made
You are always my support by my side
I ask for no reward, only that I can improve
Perhaps even now you still doubt the future
我跟你一樣 被他們當作眼中的廢才
Like you, I was seen as a waste in their eyes
隨風去吧 我相信你的努力到明年
Let it go, I believe that by next year your efforts
是笑臉迎接聖誕 抹去之前苟延殘喘
Will be met with a smiling face, erasing the previous struggles
The nights will no longer be filled with fear and tossing and turning
Your light allows my lost and wandering soul
To embark on the journey once again
From this moment on
I will greatly improve my equipment and dedicate my all to the Heavenly Father
Give my all and break through this mortal world
我從來就沒有想過 那渺小的我
I never thought that insignificant me
能遇見你 像出現在夢裡
Could meet you, like a dream come true
而如此幸運的我 因你的成就
And this fortunate me, through your achievements,
Was rescued from the desolate wasteland
不再視為懦弱 不再失望的活
No longer seen as weak, no longer living in despair
我從來就沒有想過 你會接受
I never thought you would accept
如此狼狽 又支離破碎的我
Such a battered and broken me
是你溫柔的雙手 拯救了我
It was your gentle hands that saved me
不到最後 永遠都不放手
Never let go until the very end
原來渺小的我 你卻看為貴重
It turns out that insignificant me, you consider precious

Авторы: D.t Sean, 呂建忠

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