Tavito Nanao - きみはうつくしい - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tavito Nanao - きみはうつくしい

Your Beauty
いつかきみはたちあがる どんなに道は険しくとも
One day, you'll stand up, no matter how arduous the path
雨にうたれ 風にふかれ 果てない壁に 阻まれても
Beaten by the rain, blown by the wind, even if you're obstructed by an endless wall
You're beautiful
そしてきみはたちあがる どんなに道は険しくとも
And one day, you'll stand up, no matter how arduous the path
雨にうたれ 風に吹かれ 果てない壁に 阻まれても
Beaten by the rain, blown by the wind, even if you're obstructed by an endless wall
折れた翼で 煽られて 夜の彼方に さらわれても
Even if the unforgiving wind tears at your broken wings, carrying you far into the night
微かなchanges ゆっくりと でも確かに
Small, gradual changes, but real
Great little changes 変わってくのは?
Precious little changes, what's changing?
泥にまみれ あざけられ 焼けつく痛みに震えても
Even if you're covered in mud, scorned, trembling in searing pain
きみはうつくしい きみはうつくしい
You're beautiful, you're beautiful
A wavering shadow
夜更けのベル 真夜中のワーニングベル ああ気づけば途切れて
The bell tolls late at night, a warning in the dead of the night. Oh, when I notice, it's cut off
誰かが最後に遺したフレーズ 読まれぬまま 流れるメール
Someone's last words, unread, emails fading away
誰かが最後に あれから迷子に そう 見逃される 無数のトレイル
Someone was lost since then, forgotten, countless trails ignored
どこに居たって同じさ いつまでたっても暗がり
It's the same wherever you are, always dark
なにをしたって同じで やり損ね ぎりぎり
It's the same no matter what you do, just missing out, always on the edge
気づけばもう引き返せぬ場所 永遠に無駄に見えるトライアル
Before you know it, you've reached the point of no return, trials that seem eternally futile
でも ありえない言葉も ありにできる
But even impossible words can become possible
望めない景色も やがて見える そう思いたいから
Even unimaginable sights may eventually be seen, that's what I choose to believe
息することをやめないで きみがいなけりゃおれは
Don't stop breathing, because if you're gone, I
生きてくことをやめないで きみがいなけりゃまるで
Don't stop living, because if you're gone, I'm like
太陽が ぎらぎらと この荒れ野を照らす時
When the sun shines brightly on this desolate land
I want to keep watching you
ここで 眼の前で
Here, right before my eyes
いつかきみはたちあがる どんなに道は険しくとも
One day, you'll stand up, no matter how arduous the path
雨にうたれ 風に吹かれ 果てない壁に 阻まれても
Beaten by the rain, blown by the wind, even if you're obstructed by an endless wall
影に追われ 声におびえ 荒ぶる波に さらわれても
Even if you're chased by shadows, frightened by voices, or swept away by raging waves
微かなchanges ゆっくりと でも確かに
Small, gradual changes, but real
Great little changes 変わってくのは?
Precious little changes, what's changing?
ぼくを忘れ 嵐に呑まれ 崖の上で 揺らいでも
Forget me, be swallowed by the storm, sway on the edge of the cliff
きみはうつくしい きみはうつくしい
You're beautiful, you're beautiful
微かなchanges ゆっくりと でも確かに
Small, gradual changes, but real
Great little changes 変わってくのは?
Precious little changes, what's changing?
世界よ やがて おしみなき ひかりを
World, eventually, infinite light
Great little changes
Precious little changes
You're beautiful

Авторы: Tavito Nanao

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