TBF - Nostalgicna - перевод текста песни на английский

Nostalgicna - TBFперевод на английский

Može bit da san potrošija i ono malo suza
Maybe I've spent the last of my tears
Za navodnit dolinu sevdaha i bluza
To irrigate the valley of sevdah and blues
Svit je tužan, tu nikad neće bit pravde
The world is sad, there will never be justice
Za one koji žele samo da žive i rade
For those who only want to live and work
I samo vole i smiju se svemu ka vicu
And just love and laugh at everything as a joke
A ja se pitan ima li smisla pravit dicu
And I wonder, does it make sense to have children
Donosit ih na svit di su život i sloboda
To bring them into a world where life and freedom
Ka roba koju će neki moćnik prodat
Are like goods that some powerful man will sell
I ove stare melodije bude memorije
And these old melodies become memories
Čiste nostalgije, i ne znan šta mi je
Pure nostalgia, and I don't know what's wrong with me
Stari s bafama, stara s ogromnon trajnon
Old men with mustaches, old women with huge perms
Sestra i ja cili umazan slajon
My sister and I, all covered in mud
I sve je daleko i tajno
And everything is far away and secret
Al ditetu sve je sjajno
But for a child, everything is brilliant
Znan i onda nije sve bilo bajno
I know, even then not everything was great
Al pari mi se puno lipše
But it seems much better to me
I ove kapi kiše ka da šapću "nikad više"
And these raindrops are like whispers "never again"
Jer sve prolazi, ostaje samo u nama
Because everything passes, only remains in us
U srcima, u umu i fotoalbumu
In our hearts, minds, and photo albums
Priča svaka slika, da ne zaboravin nikad
Every picture tells a story, so I'll never forget
Nasmijana lica nekih starih prika
The smiling faces of some old friends
Nekih nema više, ostale su sjene
Some are gone, only shadows remain
Mora bit da je s njima nesta i dio mene
A part of me must have disappeared with them
Al vrate ga kiše i vitar s juga
But the rain and the south wind bring it back
Neka stara pisma, nostalgija i tuga
Some old letters, nostalgia and sadness
Nekad se pitan jel tribalo sve baš tako bit
Sometimes I wonder if it all had to be that way
Pa mislin tribalo je bit kad je proklet ovi svit
Well, I think it had to be since this world is cursed
Dobri ljudi uvik izvuku deblji kraj
Good people always get the short end of the stick
Zato se nadan da postoji pakal i raj
So I hope there is a hell and a heaven
Neki viši sud, Božja pravda
Some higher court, God's justice
Da presudi i kazni svakog onog gada
To judge and punish every one of those bastards
Željnog rata i žednog krvi
Eager for war and thirsty for blood
Ali ko je bez grijeha nek baci kamen prvi
But he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone
Ironično, zaista, da citira Krista
Ironically, really, to quote Christ
Jedan od onih šta je odgojen u obitelji ateista
One of those raised in an atheist family
U mraku, u miješanom braku
In darkness, in a mixed marriage
U nekoj dalekoj zemlji sad je samo u zraku
In some distant land, now only in the air
(I baš me tamo donila roda)
(And that's where the stork brought me)
Je, da ne mrzin i buden pošten, iskren i odan
Yeah, so I wouldn't hate and be honest, sincere and loyal
A razliku između zla i dobra
And the difference between good and evil
Nisan naučio ni od fratra, ni od hodže, ni popa
I didn't learn from a friar, an imam, or a pope
Kad su zavladali oni šta su pali s kruške
When those who fell from the pear tree took over
Božji ljudi su blagoslovili puške
God's people blessed the rifles
Ovce slali u smrt za svoga boga jedinoga
Sending sheep to die for their one and only god
Za ludilo svoga ideologa
For the madness of their ideologue
I kad zavlada mržnja razum nije lijek
And when hatred prevails, reason is not the cure
I ludilo uvik promijeni tijek povijesti
And madness always changes the course of history
Ispiše novu, krvavu stranu
Writes a new, bloody page
U zemlji seljaka, na brdovitom Balkanu
In the land of peasants, in the mountainous Balkans
Zato letin visoko iznad napaćenog tla
So I fly high above the afflicted ground
Daleko iznad poimanja dobra i zla
Far beyond the comprehension of good and evil
Visoko gore, ka suncu, u nebesa
High up, to the sun, into the heavens
(Di se gužvaju poruke sms-sa)
(Where text messages are crowding)
Iz ovog vrimena izlazin van
I'm stepping out of this time
I zaranjan u neki davni, zaboravljeni san
And diving into some distant, forgotten dream
U neki bolji dan, pun smija i vica
Into some better day, full of laughter and jokes
Di su sritni ljudi i njihova dica
Where happy people and their children are
I gledaju u sutra ozarena lica
And they look to the future with bright faces
Puni nade, u tom svitu pravde
Full of hope, in that world of justice
Jednakosti, bratstva i slobode
Equality, brotherhood and freedom
(U svit ljubavi me misli vode)
(My thoughts lead me to a world of love)
I još uvik virujen da će na ovoj planeti
And I still believe that one day on this planet
Jednog dana svi ljudi moć živit sretni
All people will be able to live happily
Razum, ljubav i znanje izgradit će raj
Reason, love and knowledge will build paradise
I znaj, neće bit ironije za kraj
And know, there will be no irony in the end

Авторы: Aleksandar Antić, Arsen Dedić

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