TBF - Psihijatrija - перевод текста песни на английский

Psihijatrija - TBFперевод на английский

Svanulo je, sunce je granulo u sobu, pomislih:
It's dawned, the sun has broken into the room. I thought:
"Jo? jedan dan manje bli? e grobu.".
"Oh, one day less until the grave.".
Usta san i lagano diza roletnu i sku? ija:
I got up and slowly lifted the blind and said:
"Jebate,? elin minjat panetu.".
"Fuck, that cunt stole my bread.".
Napokon upalija sve klikere,
I finally turned on all the lights,
Odlucija odjebat sve mamine sinove i? minkere.
Decided to fuck every motherfucker and pimp.
I perverzne, bezvezne atmosfere di svi trepere i ste? u sfingtere.
And the perverted, pointless atmospheres where everyone trembles and shits in their sphincters.
I svi se znoje od nervoze jer se boje da je premalo stvari kojima
And everyone's sweating with nerves because they're afraid there aren't enough things that
Ce pri? iti: "Moje!". Dobre barbe i tete vole lipit etikete, a ja,
They can say: "Mine!". Good beards and aunts love to stick labels on, and me,
Nisan sa ove planete. Ja san cudno dijete, nosin cudne epitete,
I'm not from this planet. I'm a strange child, I wear strange epithets,
Iman cudne sklonosti. Mama, oprosti.
I have strange inclinations. Mom, forgive me.
Psihijatrija, ja san izvan tokova, donesi naranca, banani, sokova.
Psychiatry, I'm out of the loop, bring me oranges, bananas, juices.
Psihijatrija, ba? bi mi godila,? ta je to mater rodila.
Psychiatry, you'd do me good, that's what birthed this matter.
Tog kobnog jutra u mojoj glavu? i, stari, probudili su se podstanari.
On that fateful morning, in my head, man, the tenants woke up.
Grinte, Lude i Bena su preuzeli inicijativu na sredini terena.
Grinte, Lude and Bena took the initiative in the middle of the field.
"Hey, good day!", prvi ce Lude, "mene zorom bude? ute amplitude.".
"Hey, good day!", Lude was the first, "I'm woken by the morning amplitudes.".
"Meni ni? ta ne valja!", nato ce Grinte,
"That's not true for me!", Grinte said,
Dok je Bena cilo vrime cuca peperminte.
While Bena quietly sucked peppermints.
I promrlja samo: "Meni je ba? genza,
And just mumbled: "It's fucking great for me,
Imat cu brdo para i vozit Mercedesa benza.".
I'll have a lot of money and drive a Mercedes Benz.".
Nadoveza se Lude:
Lude added:
"Ma, bice? ta bude i doce vrime kad ce ententinesavarakatine.".
"But, that will happen and the time will come when the antinasavarakatines will come.".
Psihijatrija, ja san izvan tokova, donesi naranca, banani, sokova.
Psychiatry, I'm out of the loop, bring me oranges, bananas, juices.
Psihijatrija, psihija odmila,? ta je to roda donila.
Psychiatry, my psychiatry dear, that's what brought on this labor.
Stiglo me vrime, dragon san reka, do? li su po mene iz daleka.
My time has come, I'm a river dragon, from afar they came to get me.
Toster je u portu, hodi se obuci, jer na me ceka posteja meka.
The toaster is in the port, go get dressed, because a soft bunk awaits me.
Reka san, odlazin, idem i ja, pravac psihijatrija.
I'm a river, I'm leaving, I'm going too, straight to the psychiatric ward.
Kakva divna planeta, divnog li svijeta? to tu? eta,
What a wonderful planet, what a beautiful world it is,
Niko nikom ne smeta i ba? je? teta,? ta svi ne dodu vamo,
No one bothers anyone and that's fucking great, why doesn't everyone come here,
Jer tu je tako bajno, puno teta nam dava pilula, tableta.
Because it's so beautiful here, the aunts give us lots of pills, tablets.
I ba? je sranje, ba? je super peh,? ta svi ne dodu na planetu di
And that's fucking shit, that's fucking super bad luck, that everyone doesn't come to the planet where
Vlada samo smijeh i ludilo, sve je dobro,
Only laughter and madness reign, everything is good,
Moj pobro, neman briga i ba? mi je prva liga.
My brother, I have no worries and that's the best for me.
Svakog prvog dobijem placu, odem u birtiju i sve potro? im.
Every first of the month I get paid, I go to the bar and spend it all.

Авторы: Aleksandar Antić, Dragan S. Lukic, Luka Barbić, Mladen Badovinac

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