TBF - Ye'n Dva - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни TBF - Ye'n Dva

Ye'n Dva
One, Two
Je'n, dva
One, two
Bez kompromisa i sa željom da se educira mase
Without compromise and with the desire to educate the masses
Rapom prvom klase
With first-class rap
Postavljam standarde slaganja novih rima
I set the standards for stacking new rhymes
Svi se ravnaju po njima, ja određujen šta štima
Everyone follows them, I determine what fits
Bezuvjetno polažem nade u mlade
I unconditionally place my hopes in the youth
Naraštaje hrvatske estrade, oni znaju šta rade
Generations of the Croatian stage, they know what they're doing
Njihovo je razmišljanje uvik pravo, nikad krivo
Their thinking is always right, never wrong
Jer inspiraciju traže čitajući moje štivo
Because they seek inspiration by reading my work
Zaražen ludilom vokalno-ritmičkog izražavanja
Infected with the madness of vocal-rhythmic expression
Vidim da i noćas za Deluksa nema spavanja
I see that tonight there's no sleep for Delux
Kad tilom ovog MC-a piči čisti adrenalin
When pure adrenaline rushes through this MC's body
Osnažen za pobjede, mojin umom ponovo palin
Empowered for victories, my mind is ignited again
Ka Tic Tac u justima, cvjetna polja vaših misli
Like Tic Tac in your mouths, the flower fields of your thoughts
Jednom riječju sad su pustinja, zastrašujuće tiha
Are now a desert in one word, frighteningly quiet
Al' samim tim moćna i snažna jer ste spoznali osjećaj kad je glava potpuno prazna
But at the same time powerful and strong because you have experienced the feeling of a completely empty head
Mudrost kakvu posjeduje samo tek rođeno dijete
The wisdom that only a newborn child possesses
A odrasli se tog istog tek na kraju puta sjete
And adults only remember it at the end of the road
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene
Uz ritam je'n, dva, je'n, dva
With the rhythm one, two, one, two
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene
Uz ritam je'n, dva, je'n, dva
With the rhythm one, two, one, two
Sad san splitski mulac rođen '77
Now I'm a Split kid born in '77
Onda kad je Elvis umra da napravi mista za mene
When Elvis died to make room for me
Lice stoljeća, realan odraz života palače
The face of the century, a realistic reflection of the palace life
Moj pogled tjera i najsretnijeg ravera da zaplače
My gaze makes even the happiest raver cry
Kroz ping-pong vidin stvari kakve jesu i ko puni kesu
Through ping-pong I see things as they are and who fills their pockets
Porezom na pare šta mi moje vještine donesu
With taxes on the money my skills bring me
Pa se u rodnoj grudi osjećam ka potpuni stranac
So I feel like a complete stranger in my homeland
I žudim za pravednošću ka rastafarijanac
And I crave justice like a Rastafarian
Ja i ja, mladunče najvećeg lava od svih
Me and myself, the cub of the greatest lion of all
Bižin iz Babilona kad izgovaran ovaj stih
I escape from Babylon as I utter this verse
Dajte nam učenja njegovog veličanstva
Give us the teachings of his majesty
A ne vražje propovjedi i lažna božanstva
And not the devil's sermons and false deities
Izgaran od želje da sadin suncobrane i zelje
Burning with the desire to plant parasols and greens
Brišen granice, mišan rase i pri tom guštan ka prase
Erasing borders, mixing races and enjoying it like a pig
I sidnen u polje kojen ne vidi se kraja
And sitting in a field that has no end
I buden baja, na ljetnom povjetarcu ladi jaja
And being a dude, cooling my balls in the summer breeze
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, je'n, dva
With the rhythm one, two, one, two
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, je'n, dva
With the rhythm one, two, one, two
Vječito liječim to prokleto stanje
I eternally heal that damned state
Da svima dajem na znanje da je život sranje
To let everyone know that life is shit
Al' san sve više svjestan toga što jesam
But I'm more and more aware of who I am
Borac za bolje danas, glasajte za nas
A fighter for a better today, vote for us
A nas je puno, puno više nego drugih
And there are many of us, many more than others
Ili trećih na listi, ma svi su oni meni isti
Or the third on the list, they're all the same to me
Scenaristi, sadisti, pucaju od zavisti
Scriptwriters, sadists, bursting with envy
A ja sam u totalno drugom filmu
And I'm in a totally different movie
Pretoćin se u riči, kad se spičin onda pičin
I transform into words, when I speak, I shoot
Neko sasvim novo slovo, ka "Šč", za šta je ovo?
A completely new letter, like "Šč", what is this for?
Sasvin normalan beat sa sasvin normalnim tempon
A perfectly normal beat with a perfectly normal tempo
Običnin jazz sampleom da se slažu sa rapon
With a simple jazz sample to match the range
Jer je svakoj glavi bolje kad se klima gore-dolje
Because it's better for every head when it nods up and down
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, je'n, dva
With the rhythm one, two, one, two
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, kad na scenu stupan ja (ye'n dva)
With the rhythm one, two, when I step on the scene (one two)
Uz ritam je'n, dva, je'n, dva
With the rhythm one, two, one, two
(Ye'n dva, ye'n dva)
(One two, one two)
(Ye'n dva, ye'n dva)
(One two, one two)
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two
Ye'n dva, ye'n dva
One two, one two

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