TOC - World View feat.TwiGy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни TOC - World View feat.TwiGy

World View feat.TwiGy
World View feat.TwiGy
この話をよく聞け この話をよく聞け 聞きなよ
Listen to this tale. Listen to this tale. Hear me out.
この話をよく聞け 人の話をよく聞け 聞きなよ
Listen to this tale. Listen to what I have to say. Hear me out.
相手のいないシーソー 夕方5時ブラウン管のヒーロー
A seesaw with no one on either end. A television hero at five in the evening.
かつてアホみたいに憧れた 正義の味方はもういない
Once I aspired to be like them, those heroes of justice. No more.
少年が手に持つナイフ 誰もいない教室から盗る財布
A boy with a knife in his hand. A wallet stolen from an empty classroom.
"Acknowledge me." Guilt and money hidden away in his pocket.
悔やむ あってくれどうか 神の悪戯
Regret. Please, let there be a divine prank.
全てに歯向かい 流し目 ここが俺にとって病む街ひたすら
Defying everything. Sidelong glances. This is the city that makes me sick.
An outcast from the revolving circle. My COLOR is different from yours.
A forced smile and a "See you later."
束の間の優越はひとしきり去り訪れた静けさ 独りきり
A brief moment of superiority, then silence. Loneliness. My heart still aches.
あのバースが俺の全てを変えた あの晩 悪魔の声が途絶えた
That verse changed everything for me. That night, the devil's whispers ceased.
勝手に作った虚像の敵は 反転し今は俺を照らすメシア
The imaginary enemy I had created reversed and now became my savior, shining its light on me.
衒いの無い笑顔 斜に構える君へ願おう
An unaffected smile. To you, who are always looking down, I pray.
7日で世界は壊され 7日で世界はまた創られる
In seven days, the world will be destroyed. In seven days, the world will be created anew.
World. what a beautiful.
World. What a beautiful.
World view. what a beautiful.
World view. What a beautiful.
怖くない 怖くないって
Not scary. Not scary at all.
パッチワークな七日間 過ぎ去りしの真夜中 聞きなよ
A patchwork of seven days. The night has passed. Hear me out.
改まってからまた黙ってたら 様変わっていくゾーンなら
When you start talking and then go silent, the zone changes.
顔洗って出直す バランス 心と体通う はたまた
Wash your face and start again. Balance. Mind and body connect.
殻を割ってその腹を割って ただわかり合ってるかどうか
Break out of your shell and show your belly. Are we really connecting?
まだ笑ってれば朝も待ってるさ 枯れ葉待ってなくカラス
If you're still smiling, the morning will come. Withered leaves don't wait for crows.
だれのせいや これ俺のもんではあらず ならず話す
Whose fault is it? It's not mine to say. Talking.
さかあがっている夜 こしゃくな
A drunken night. Obnoxious.
重なり合っていくトーン しゃくない
Overlapping tones. Shameless.
凝らす目を 伸ばす手を 描く夢の音を
Intense eyes. Reaching hands. Painting the sound of dreams.
向けるな背を 答えの旅 愛の銃でパン 痛い痛い
Don't turn your back. A journey of answers. A gun of love. Bang. It hurts.
サイを振ってから最初だったなら最後だって知りたい YO
If this is the first time you've swung your dice, I want to know if it's your last.
足るを知る 無しなくす あるシール剥ぐ 習わしはつ
Know your limits. Remove the unnecessary. Peel off the sticker. This is the way.
雨をぬってでもあせぬ絵 世を駆け抜ける
Running through the world, undeterred by the rain.
World. what a beautiful.
World. What a beautiful.
World view. what a beautiful.
World view. What a beautiful.
怖くない 怖くないって
Not scary. Not scary at all.
つまらぬ視界はズラかれ裸足 繋がる気が今 ずば抜けたらいい
Move away from your narrow perspective. Barefoot. The feeling of connection is now. It would be great if it could stand out.
時は俯瞰し殺める無関心 かけがいない だが駆け足
Time looks down and kills indifference. Irreplaceable. But hasty.
おちゃらけを知るすごろくも さらけ出し合う各々
Even the trivial game of sugoroku, we each reveal.
全てはパーフェクト 備わってる 触れてわかって遠くのなら
Everything is perfect. It's within us. If you can sense it, even from afar.
日にちをたぐってほどく縄 佇んじゃっては時代問うが
Untangling the rope of days. Lingering in the past, questioning the times.
未だ踏ん張って発揮だそう 自我向き合い 軌道のる詩
But still persevering, striving to express it. Facing the self, a poem that sets a course.
刻む気合い 糸を解く
Engraving determination. Unraveling the thread.
TOC 黙々と目論む 即動く よく飲む
TOC. Silently planning. Moving quickly. Drinking a lot.
モクモク煙たいね 素面でも血走ってるこの赤い目
Smoky, even sober, these bloodshot eyes.
もういないスタンドプレイヤー 人と接し学んでいったconversation
No more stand-alone players. Meeting people and learning to converse.
頭の中膨らんだイメージ 時を経て西の地で掴んだ手
The image that swelled in my mind. A hand reached out in the West.
歯車回り出す かみ合って ほら二〇〇〇とんで十四 やいやい
The gears start to turn. Interlocking. See? Two thousand and fourteen. Hey, hey.
世界ごとひっくり返す まるで希少情報 音源 ZIPにファイル
Turn the whole world upside down. Like a rare piece of information. Music. Files in a ZIP.
過去を消去 そうじゃないって
Erase the past. That's not how it is.
Without yesterday, there would be no today.
Through the cycles of destruction and creation, this world was made.
World. what a beautiful.
World. What a beautiful.
World view. what a beautiful.
World view. What a beautiful.
怖くない 怖くないって
Not scary. Not scary at all.

Авторы: Toc, Ohld, ohld, toc

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