ひきずったままで笑顔つくってるお互いに気づいているのに昨日のかけらが何度でもずっと胸の中でよみがえってくる二人は子供じゃないだからできない全て捨てて寄り添うなんて抱き寄せてそっと囁いて求め合うだけ愛さない約束をしたはずなのに君のことは今はもう自分を許す言い訳さえ探しているあの日からおさえてた思いが全て溢れだすよ今はまだ答えだせるような勇気もoh
darlingdarlingdarlingないくせに
Forcing
a
smile
while
hanging
on
the
pain.
Noticing
each
other,
but
still
dragging
on
yesterday's
pain.
The
fragments
of
our
past
keep
resurfacing
over
and
over
again.
We're
not
children
anymore,
so
we
can't
do
it.
We
can't
give
everything
up
and
just
be
together.
Just
hold
me
close
and
whisper
to
me
gently.
It's
only
asking
for
love.
We
made
a
promise
not
to
love
each
other,
but
now,
as
for
you,
I'm
already
finding
excuses
to
forgive
myself.
Since
that
day,
the
feelings
I've
been
holding
back
are
all
overflowing
now.
still
don't
have
the
courage
to
give
you
an
answer,
oh
darling,
darling,
darling.
たたずんだままで言葉につまって素直になれずにいるのにやけに冷静に君を見送ってる笑顔と涙のあいだで二人に未来はないそう言い聞かして苦しくて張り裂けそうで目の前にそっとひとひらの枯れ葉が舞う愛さない約束をしたはずなのに君のことは今はもう自分を許す言い訳さえ探しているあの日からおさえてた思いが全て溢れだすよ今はまだ答えだせるような勇気もoh
darlingdarlingdarlingないくせに
Standing
still,
unable
to
speak,
being
awkwardly
honest.
Watching
you
go
with
a
strange
sense
of
calm.
My
smile
and
tears
don't
match.
tell
myself
that
there's
no
future
for
us.
Enduring
the
pain,
feeling
like
my
heart's
about
to
burst.
Suddenly,
a
withered
leaf
falls
gently
in
front
of
me.
We
made
a
promise
not
to
love
each
other,
but
now,
as
for
you,
I'm
already
finding
excuses
to
forgive
myself.
Since
that
day,
the
feelings
I've
been
holding
back
are
all
overflowing
now.
still
don't
have
the
courage
to
give
you
an
answer,
oh
darling,
darling,
darling.
コートのポケットの中にねむってた君からのメモを見つけてせめて思い出はきれいなまま残したくて愛さない約束をしたはずなのに君のことは今はもう自分を許す言い訳さえ探しているあの日からおさえてた思いが全て溢れだすよ今はまだ答えだせるような勇気もoh
darlingdarlingdarlingないくせに
In
my
coat
pocket,
found
the
note
you
gave
me.
I've
been
longing
to
recall
the
memories,
so
just
wanted
to
keep
them
pure.
We
made
a
promise
not
to
love
each
other,
but
now,
as
for
you,
I'm
already
finding
excuses
to
forgive
myself.
Since
that
day,
the
feelings
I've
been
holding
back
are
all
overflowing
now.
still
don't
have
the
courage
to
give
you
an
answer,
oh
darling,
darling,
darling.