TYT - 老媽最常說的十句話 - перевод текста песни на английский

老媽最常說的十句話 - TYTперевод на английский

Ten things my mother says the most
碎碎念 碎碎念 快起床去上學
Natter, natter, Hurry up and go to school
都幾點 還不睡 幾點了還在睡
What time is it? You still haven't slept? It's what time and you're still sleeping
叫吃飯 叫幾遍 還是想當神仙
I've told you to eat so many times, do you still want to be an immortal
壓歲錢長大之前 先放老媽這邊
Set aside your New Year's money until you grow up
老媽說好多遍 我都裝沒聽見
Mommy told me so many times and I pretended not to hear
只想玩我的音樂 其它懶得理會
I just want to play my music and don't care about anything else
老媽最常說的 不是我想聽的
What my mother says the most isn't what I want to hear
老媽最常嘮叨的 不是我要的
What my mother nags me about the most isn't what I want
我不是好學生 也不是個壞人
I'm not a good student, but I'm not a bad person either.
我想活我的人生 做我想做的人
I want to live my life and be who I want to be
課本給 別人K 和朋友去唱K
Give the textbooks to others, and go out with friends to sing karaoke
天天就跑外面 別把家當飯店
Don't run around outside all day, don't treat home like a hotel
再蹺課 再搞band 就滾出家裡面
If you skip class again, or play in a band again, you can get out of the house
滿腔夢想 和熱血 她說浪費時間
A lot of dreams and enthusiasm, she says they're a waste of time
考個第一志願 找個正當職業
Get into a top university and find a proper job
偏偏我就不信邪 常常吵到翻臉
But I don't believe it, and I often argue until we fall out
老媽最常說的 不是我想聽的
What my mother says the most isn't what I want to hear
老媽最常嘮叨的 不是我要的
What my mother nags me about the most isn't what I want
我不是好學生 也不是個壞人
I'm not a good student, but I'm not a bad person either.
我想活我的人生 做我想做的人
I want to live my life and be who I want to be
Why are the dearest people the most distant?
Why are these wounds so hard to heal?
Until she came to my concert
I realized that my mother always understood
我想寫一首歌 和那青春言和
I want to write a song, and reconcile with that youth
從前總不願承認 此刻都瞭解了
I didn't want to admit it before, but now I understand
肚子會不會餓 煮了你愛吃的
Are you hungry? I've cooked your favorite food
那些嘮叨的刺耳 因為愛的深刻
That nagging is harsh, but it's because your love is deep
原來老媽最在乎的 是我平凡安穩
My mother cares most about me being safe and sound
健康的長大成人 管他偉人廢人
Growing up healthy, doesn't matter if you are a great person or a waste of space
沒有偉大夢想 願望微小單純
I don't have any big dreams, my wishes are tiny and simple
只要我吃飽穿暖 她便知足常樂
As long as I'm warm and well-fed, she's content
全世界最大快樂 是我滿足眼神
The world's greatest happiness is the satisfaction in my eyes
一遍遍 一遍遍 叮嚀我多穿點
Over and over, over and over, telling me to wear more clothes
出門注意安全 等門等到半夜
Be careful when you go out, waiting at the door until midnight
這世界 再改變 媽永遠說這些
This world may keep changing, but Mom will always say these things
好啦好啦 以後我 會努力乖一點
Alright, alright, I'll try to be good in the future

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