Tafrob feat. Radikal, Delik & 1210Symphony - Budoucnost - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tafrob feat. Radikal, Delik & 1210Symphony - Budoucnost

Nabehnem na ten track len aby som prizabil beat,
I'll jump on this track just to kill the beat,
Harmoniku ktorú pripravil Wich, nevieš čo sa deje,
Harmonica that Wich prepared, you don't know what's happening,
Jebem do toho farby jak výtvarníci,
I'm fucking with colors like artists,
Si mrdaný ako keby máš práve dick v palici.
You're fucked like you have a dick in your head.
Bol som predurčený prísť sem písať rýmy,
I was destined to come here to write rhymes,
Zničiť MCs priamo z budúcnosti, každý večer 33 pív,
Destroy MCs straight from the future, every night 33 beers,
Píšeš 33 dní a noci jediný rým.
You write 33 days and nights a single rhyme.
Ja som na majku fresh jak buchte lízať didy,
I'm fresh on the mic like licking a pussy,
V klube na hajzli chcem zarobiť chipsy jak Diddy,
In the club on the toilet I want to earn chips like Diddy,
Bum digy bang bang pľujem dynamity,
Boom diggy bang bang I spit dynamite,
Výpalníci na majku, Radikalos, Taffy, Delik, Wich na beate,
Extortionists on the mic, Radikalos, Taffy, Delik, Wich on the beat,
Bro zhoria ti vlasy.
Bro, your hair is on fire.
Ja som Thor ty si Loki,
I'm Thor, you're Loki,
Ja mám flow, ja mám sloky,
I have flow, I have words,
Ty máš sračku tri roky plus smrdia ti nohy,
You've had shit for three years plus your feet stink,
Pľujem oheň jakeby mi rastú rohy.
I breathe fire like I'm growing horns.
Ženské omdlievajú pri pohľade do mojich očí,
Women faint at the sight of my eyes,
Rád sa odfotím homie, buchtám dám podpis na kozy,
I like to take pictures homie, I give bitches signatures on their tits,
Odhryznem hlavu netopierovi na stagi jak Ozzy,
I'll bite off the head of a bat on stage like Ozzy,
Tvoja kariéra trvanlivosť jak kvapky rosy,
Your career has a shelf life like dewdrops,
Behám po žeravých uhlíkoch bosý. (ja som budúcnosť)
I run on hot coals barefoot. (I am the future)
Pre rap jak že Amerika ovládne svet,
For rap like America will rule the world,
Potom niekto stlačí gombík a svet zmizne preč,
Then someone will press the button and the world will disappear,
Do vtedy budem robiť hymny v mojom pohári Jack,
Until then I'll be making anthems in my glass of Jack,
Oukej stačilo, ste fake a wack jak Money Boy.
Okay, that's enough, you're fake and wack like Money Boy.
Radikal, Delik, Tafrob, DJ Wich,
Radikal, Delik, Tafrob, DJ Wich,
Blunty a texty brácho silnej beat,
Blunts and lyrics bro strong beat,
Talibán, benzín áno přísnej shit,
Taliban, gasoline yes strict shit,
Klasika nestíhaš to, přidej plyn.
Classic you can't keep up, add gas.
Ano píšem hit, ano líp než ty,
Yes I'm writing a hit, yes better than you,
A přitom sereme na slávu víc než ty, ty,
And yet we don't give a shit about fame more than you, you,
Prý hoříme jak pochodeň,
They say we're burning like a torch,
Tvoje plány končí většinou u piva v hospodě.
Your plans usually end with a beer in the pub.
Jako další Star Bucks na Marsu,
Like another Star Bucks on Mars,
My jsme budoucnost jak Tyler,
We are the future like Tyler,
V ruce s majkem, nesmrtelný jako Nike Air.
In hand with a mic, immortal like Nike Air.
My sme budoucnost jak Čína,
We are the future like China,
Budoucnost jak vymíraní zvířat, jak víra,
The future like the extinction of animals, like faith,
Něco jako CML,
Something like CML,
Něco jako jistota že všichni zemřeme.
Something like the certainty that we will all die.
Technika jakou tady málokdo,
Technique that few have here,
Charisma a koule jako Belmondo,
Charisma and balls like Belmondo,
Většina raperů stojí za hovno,
Most rappers suck,
Nejsou vidět, slyšet prostě nejsou hot.
They are not seen, heard, they are simply not hot.
Mají dvě stě fans, a napiču swag,
They have two hundred fans, and shitty swag,
Mají vše co jen chceš, jenom kvalitu ne,
They have everything you want, just not quality,
Nezkoušej nás zastavit,
Don't try to stop us,
Zářime jak hvězdy tam vysoko nad mraky.
We shine like stars high above the clouds.
Radikal, Tafrob, Delik, Dj Wich,
Radikal, Tafrob, Delik, Dj Wich,
Kvalita, hardcore, zenit čiže krič.
Quality, hardcore, zenith, which means shout.
Keď prichádzame do klubu,
When we come to the club,
Prinášame top hudbu,
We bring top music,
Vytláčame pot z ľudu,
We squeeze sweat out of people,
Vyháňame von nudu.
We're driving out boredom.
Konkuruj koľko chceš aj tak zlyháš,
Compete as much as you want, you'll fail anyway,
Roztrubuj to čo chceš strácaš tým čas,
Trumpet what you want, you're wasting time,
Som kataklizma, počiatok budúcnosť,
I am a cataclysm, the beginning of the future,
Netúžim byť naj naj naj, aj tak mám krutú show.
I don't want to be the best, I have a cruel show anyway.
Luxus job, new school flow,
Luxury job, new school flow,
Nie som true school bro,
I'm not true school bro,
Nestojím v roku 90 ako Rumunsko. (wow)
I'm not stuck in the 90s like Romania. (wow)
Čivavy štekajú iba cez ploty,
Chihuahuas bark only through fences,
Tie zblízka hrýzť nebudú lebo sa boja besnoty,
Those close up won't bite because they're afraid of rabies,
Hej sypem, sypem ale krásne rýmy,
Hey I'm pouring, I'm pouring but beautiful rhymes,
Típek, típek new school rap žiaden limit.
Dude, dude new school rap no limit.
Kľudne hatuj z netu, ani to ti príliš nejde,
Feel free to hate from the net, you're not very good at it either,
Sám sebe som najväčší hater, ty hatuješ biedne, bejbe,
I'm my own biggest hater, you hate poorly, baby,
Sme budúcnosť ako v Európe islam,
We are the future like Islam in Europe,
Ako atentát na Fica, Lebron James a Visa.
Like an assassination attempt on Fico, Lebron James and Visa.
Tak ako Real a Neymar, ako predčasný pád eura,
Just like Real and Neymar, like the early fall of the euro,
Ako Trenčiansky hrad svietia z neba naše mená,
Like Trenčín Castle, our names shine from the sky,
Takže jebať sráčov a vankúšové bitky,
So fuck the assholes and the pillow fights,
Nepáčim sa ti tak čo, tak more vypni.
If you don't like me, so what, turn it off already.
Veľa ľudí za mnou, bratranci prísny,
Many people behind me, cousins are strict,
Ideme tvrdo svoje, nasrať ti na beafy.
We're going hard on our own, fuck your beefs.
Buducnosť je to čo možeš zmenit
The future is what you can change
Toto je buducnosť, buducnosť
This is the future, the future
Delik, Radikal, Tafrob, My tři
Delik, Radikal, Tafrob, The three of us
My sme buducnosť...
We are the future...

Авторы: Tomas Pechlak, Pavel Sup

Tafrob feat. Radikal, Delik & 1210Symphony - Krásný ztráty
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