Tall Heights - Back to Autumn (Audiotree Live Version) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tall Heights - Back to Autumn (Audiotree Live Version)

Back to Autumn (Audiotree Live Version)
Back to Autumn (Audiotree Live Version)
Si ho sabessis em diries
If you knew, would you tell me,
Què faries terra endins,
What would you do with the earth,
Però no trobes la paraula,
But you can't find the words,
Jo no hi trobo cap sentit.
And I can't make sense of it.
Si comptessis cada hora
If you counted each hour
Del meu món peninsular,
Of my insular world,
Veuries que el mar no compta
You would see that the ocean doesn't count
Quan navegues per despit.
When you sail in defiance.
No saps que tot s'esborra?
Don't you know that it all fades out?
O ho saps però no tens son?
Or you know but you can't sleep?
Segueix-me si pots córrer
Follow me if you can run,
Però no diguis que fa massa temps que sento por.
But don't say it's been too long since I have known fear.
Pensaràs que pots ser lliure,
You will think yourself free,
Pensaràs que pots ser clar
You will think yourself clear
Quan et quedi el somriure
When your smile fits too well
I no sàpigues comptar.
And you don't know how to count.
Dels racons més silenciosos,
From the corners of quiet,
N'ha sortit un crit massa alt
A cry has come too loud.
I és per això que hi van els gossos,
That's why they send the dogs,
Per això no hi arribo mai.
That's why I never arrive.
I ara em dona voltes aquest cap que ja no dorm
And my sleepless head spins now,
I sembla una broma però trec forces qui sap d'on.
And ironically, I find strength when I don't know how.
I ara que ella em mira jo puc dir-te que és veritat,
And as she watches me, I can tell you it's true,
Que a vegades passa i gira i torna a començar.
Sometimes it happens and turns and begins again.
No saps que tot s'esborra?
Don't you know that it all fades out?
O ho saps però no tens son?
Or you know but you can't sleep?
Segueix-me si pots córrer
Follow me if you can run,
Però no diguis que fa massa temps que sento por.
But don't say it's been too long since I have known fear.
No saps que tot s'esborra?
Don't you know that it all fades out?
O ho saps però no tens son?
Or you know but you can't sleep?
La vida amb comptagotes...
Life in measured drops...


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