Target - Kroz Metropolu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Target - Kroz Metropolu

Kroz Metropolu
Through the Metropolis
Dobro došli u grad punog sjaja
Welcome to the glorious city
Već dobro znate da mi brijemo do jaja
As you know we do it right
Ovo je grad kojeg jedanaestica spaja
This is the city united by the number eleven
Od istoka na zapad Zagreb-grad kreće u napad
From east to west, Zagreb strikes
A sa sjevera na jug put je dug
And from north to south the road is long
I golub kad leti mora ispustiti guk
And the dove must coo in the air
Zato prije sleti na trg... po mrvice
So it stops on the square... for some bread crumbs
Okupljaju se tam ko zg dečki i curice
Boys and girls gather there at dusk
Pa u Tkalču ja sam doma u Vrapču
And in Tkalča I'm at home in Vrapča
Jedini reper koji ne pjeva u falšu
The only rapper who doesn't sing out of tune
I mrzim flašu i znam mamu i Mašu
I hate the bottle and I know Mama and Maša
I suseda z vikendice mi šljaka u Krašu
And my neighbor from the weekend house lets me sleep over in Kraš
I samo radim stvari kaj mi pašu
And I only do things that feel right
A za rođendan stavim zastavu za lijepu našu
And on my birthday I raise the flag for our beautiful country
Tu ima vlak koji vozi za???
There's a train that goes to ???
Ja sam rap gradonačelnik kaj te vodi kroz metropolu!
I'm the rap mayor leading you through the metropolis!
Refren: dobrodošli u Zagreb grad
Chorus: Welcome to Zagreb, city
I moj je grad kao centar svijeta
My city is like the center of the world
K'o da je meta zbog svih epiteta
As if it were a target because of all the epithets
On je prepun stričeka i finih teta
It's full of dudes and beautiful babes
A povijest Gornjeg grada je ukleta
And the history of the Upper Town is cursed
Tu ima vukova al' iz Cibone
There are wolves there but from Cibona
I Mrava iz Trnskog, repam ZG šampione
And Mrava from Trnsko, I rap ZG champion
I politika je tu k'o doma
And politics is as much at home there
Svi volimo Dinamo ali brija je koma
We all love Dinamo but the shave is a coma
Imam želudac i dost' apetita
I've got a big appetite
Da odgovorim 'ko god da me pita
To answer whoever asks me
Jer tu se veli "ko pita ne skita'
'Cause as they say there "He who asks doesn't wander"
Labud??? Andol Cedevita
Labud??? Andol Cedevita
I kod nas si kurac a ne kita
And here you're a prick and not a flower
Za slang pitaj škvadru kaj brije prek beata
For slang ask the squad who rap over the beat
I prži k'o šparhet svaku ljubomoru
And fry every jealousy like a stove
Muzika te vel'kim dijelom vodi kroz metropolu
Music takes you through the metropolis in a big way
Refren: dobrodošli u Zagreb grad
Chorus: Welcome to Zagreb, city
A od zidina starih i do Save
And from the ancient walls to the Sava
škvadru budi ZG sunce ak' si uru ne nave
The ZG sun wakes up the squad if you don't show up on time
I mnogi dave i mnogi se ne jave
And many drown and many don't show up
A cure su štikle, mace ili krave
And the girls are sluts, pussies, or cows
Il' vele 'male' a takvih je prepun grad
Or they say 'little' and there are so many of them in town
U školu iz škole, iza škole dobro poznat rad
At school, from school, after school, a well-known scam
I tu dođeš na glavni ili busni
And then you get to the main square or the bus station
I sva'ko trči pod strehu kad su pljuski
And everyone runs for shelter when it rains
Kužiš šprehu šamarelica-pljuski
You understand the slang-clever-slap-rain
Može i švabski i engleski i ruski
You can speak Swabian and English and Russian
Jer Zagreb je jedno veliko mjesto
Because Zagreb is a big place
Ak' dođeš izvana prvo sletiš na Pleso
If you come from out of town you first land at Pleso
Po mlado meso u klub ili Purgeraj
To hunt for young flesh at the club or Purgeraj
Purgerski raj svaki park koji veli KAJ!
Purgeraj paradise, every park that says KAJ!
Ovdje se mladi furaju u čoporu
Here the young crowd around in wolf packs
Ulicama grada koje vode kroz metropolu
In the city streets that lead through the metropolis
Refren: dobrodošli u Zagreb grad
Chorus: Welcome to Zagreb, city

Авторы: Nenad Nemec

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