Teddy Afro - Na'et - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Teddy Afro - Na'et

ዶፍ (ዶፍ)
Dof (Dof)
ዶፍ (ዶፍ)
Dof (Dof)
ግርም ያለ ጊዜ ሆነ ሰዓቱ
It's a wonderful time, the hour
በዳንኪራው ደምቆ በምቱ
Shining with the beat of the dankira drum
ለደቂቃም አይቆይ በስልቱ
It doesn't last for a minute, by its style
ቦግ እልም እያለ መብራቱ
Bog is blazing its light
ግርም ያለ ጊዜ ሆነ ሰዓቱ
It's a wonderful time, the hour
በዳንኪራው ደምቆ በምቱ
Shining with the beat of the dankira drum
ለደቂቃም አይቆይ በስልቱ
It doesn't last for a minute, by its style
ቦግ እልም እያለ መብራቱ
Bog is blazing its light
ኡኡ... ሬጌ ናዕት ሬጌ ናዕት
Ooh... Reggae Na'et, Reggae Na'et
ብልጭልጭ ቢሆን ዳሱ
Even if the dance floor is flashy
ኡኡ... ሬጌ ናዕት ሬጌ ናዕት
Ooh... Reggae Na'et, Reggae Na'et
ማን ሊታደም ከድግሱ
Who can resist this feast?
ኡኡ... ሬጌ ናዕት ሬጌ ናዕት
Ooh... Reggae Na'et, Reggae Na'et
ብልጭልጭ ቢሆን ድንኳን
Even if the hall is flashy
ኡኡ... ሬጌ ናዕት ሬጌ ናዕት
Ooh... Reggae Na'et, Reggae Na'et
አይለውጥ ጎግ የእውነት መልኳን
The truth's crown will never change, babe
ቢጋርድ ሃሳብ አድርጎ ሜዳን ገደል
With a divided mind, considering the field a cliff
እም አእላፍ ስቃይ ጭንቀት ቢደረደር
From thousands of sufferings and anxieties lined up
የነፍስ ሕላዊ መሻት ዋዌ ሳይገባቸው
Without understanding the natural desire of the soul, Waw!
ስንቶች በዘር ተዘፍቀው ታዘብናቸው
We see so many divided by race
ዘውግ ያወረው ድንበር ማላውን የረሳ
The boundary drawn by ethnicity, forgetting its proclamation
ሳር ያለመልማል ዛሬም በእልፍ አእላፍ ሬሳ
Today, grass refuses to grow on thousands of corpses
እያረረ ሆዴ ብስቅ በማሽላ ዘዴ
My stomach rumbles, aching with my troubled path
ታደም ይለኛል ደግሞ በነ ኡኡ ሬጌ
Come and listen, it calls me again with Ooh Reggae
ኡኡ... ሬጌ ናዕት ሬጌ ናዕት
Ooh... Reggae Na'et, Reggae Na'et
ብልጭልጭ ቢሆን ዳሱ
Even if the dance floor is flashy
ኡኡ... ሬጌ ናዕት ሬጌ ናዕት
Ooh... Reggae Na'et, Reggae Na'et
ማን ሊታደም ከድግሱ
Who can resist this feast?
ተላላ ዝንጉ ሰብ የሙታን ሸማ ደዋሪ
A contagious lazy person, wearing the shroud of the dead
ምን አለ አይል ከፊት ሆኖ ቅርብ አዳሪ
Saying nothing, standing in front, a close neighbor
ተናገር አፌ ደፍረህ ሳትናወጥ ከቶ
I confess, you cover your mouth without ever moving
ዝም አይሆንም ሜዳ ተራራ ሞት መጥቶ
It won't be silent, field and mountain, when death comes
ከበሮ ግም ሲል በእምቢ ነጎድጓድ ምቱ
When the drum beats, with a defiant thunderous sound
ይናዳል የዘር ድንዛዜ ድውይ ቤቱ
It awakens, the tribal stupor, that old house
ገለል በል ኤሳው ነፍሴን አንቀህ አታሳሳት
Stay away, Esau, don't confuse my soul by suffocating it
ብታገስ ባሰ ባንተ የልቤ እሳት
If you endure worse, the fire in my heart will not be extinguished
(እያመመው መጣ) እያመመው
(It's coming, aching) It's coming, aching
(እያመመው መጣ) እያመመው መጣ
(It's coming, aching) It's coming, aching
(እያመመው መጣ)
(It's coming, aching)
ያዳፈነው እሳት (እያመመው መጣ)
The fire he lit (It's coming, aching)
ከሆዱ ሳይወጣ (እያመመው መጣ)
Without leaving his stomach (It's coming, aching)
ልቤ እንደካቻምናው (እያመመው መጣ)
My heart, like the kachamo nut (It's coming, aching)
እያመመው መጣ (እያመመው መጣ)
It's coming, aching (It's coming, aching)
የሚያዜም ይመስላል (እያመመው መጣ)
It seems like it's begging (It's coming, aching)
ሲያጣጥር ተጨንቆ (እያመመው መጣ)
While savoring and worrying (It's coming, aching)
ውስጡን ሲሰብቅለት (እያመመው መጣ)
While it breaks inside (It's coming, aching)
ኡ... እያለ ማሲንቆ (እያመመው መጣ)
Ooh... like the masinko (It's coming, aching)
Ooh... Ooh
(እያመመው መጣ) እያመመው መጣ
(It's coming, aching) It's coming, aching
(እያመመው መጣ) እያመመው መጣ
(It's coming, aching) It's coming, aching
(እያመመው መጣ)
(It's coming, aching)
የተረገጠ እውነት (እያመመው መጣ)
The trampled truth (It's coming, aching)
በጊዜ ውስጥ እግር (እያመመው መጣ)
With time on its feet (It's coming, aching)
ታፍኖ የቆየ (እያመመው መጣ)
That has been hidden (It's coming, aching)
በሆታ ግርግር (እያመመው መጣ)
In the hot turmoil (It's coming, aching)
ትንሽ ጋብ እንዳለ (እያመመው መጣ)
When there is a little gap (It's coming, aching)
የጭብጨባው ጩኸት (እያመመው መጣ)
The cry of applause (It's coming, aching)
እረጭ ሲል ውሸት (እያመመው መጣ)
When the lie sprays (It's coming, aching)
ይናገራል እውነት (እያመመው መጣ)
The truth speaks (It's coming, aching)
እያመመው መጣ (እያመመው መጣ)
It's coming, aching (It's coming, aching)
እያመመው መጣ (እያመመው መጣ)
It's coming, aching (It's coming, aching)
ቂምን ሻረውና (እያመመው መጣ)
He who has consumed revenge (It's coming, aching)
ወይ ፍቅርን አንግሠው (እያመመው መጣ)
Or he who has crowned love (It's coming, aching)
ሁለት ሆኖ አያውቅም (እያመመው መጣ)
He doesn't know how to be two (It's coming, aching)
አንድ ነው አንድ ሰው (እያመመው መጣ)
He is one, one person (It's coming, aching)
ከሀገርም ይሰፋል (እያመመው መጣ)
It will spread from the country (It's coming, aching)
የፍቅር ገዳም (እያመመው መጣ)
That monastery of love (It's coming, aching)
መጠሪያው ሰው እንጂ (እያመመው መጣ)
Its name is human (It's coming, aching)
ዘር አይደለም አዳም (እያመመው መጣ)
It's not race, it's Adam (It's coming, aching)
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die
ዳር አለው እንዴ ድንበር (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
Does a border have an edge? (Does it have an edge?)
ዳር አለው እንዴ ፍቅር (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
Does love have an edge? (Does it have an edge?)
የዘር ሐይማኖት ድንበር (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
The border of race and religion (Does it have an edge?)
ዳር አለው እንዴ ፍቅር (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
Does love have an edge? (Does it have an edge?)
በዚህ ለፀና እውነት (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
For this enduring truth (Does it have an edge?)
የፍቅር ሀገር ከጥንት (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
The land of love from the beginning (Does it have an edge?)
ዘብ ያድራል ሁሉም እስከሞት (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
Everyone will guard it until death (Does it have an edge?)
ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እቶን እሳት (ዳር አለው እንዴ)
Dof, even if the oven rains fire (Does it have an edge?)
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die
ዶፍ ዶፍ ቢዘንብ እሳት
Dof dof, even if fire rains
ሀገሬን ላልረሳት
I will not forget my country
ቃል አለኝ ኖሬ ሞቼም ልክሳት
I have a promise, to mourn her, whether I live or die

Авторы: Samuel Alemu, Tewodros Kassahun

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