Terco92 - Decisiones - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Terco92 - Decisiones

Voy a contarles una historia que es como la de cualquiera
I'm going to tell you a story, honey, a story like any other
De un joven que comenzó a escribir sentado en una acera
About a young man who began writing sitting on a curb
Que se enamoro del HIPHOP solo siendo pequeño
Who fell in love with HIPHOP as a child
Y a su corta edad el muchacho ya tenía grandes sueños
And at his young age, the boy already had big dreams
Le puso empeño y comenzó con el RAP a los doce
He put in the effort and started rapping at twelve
Chico humilde y en todo el barrio de 'Sano' lo conocen
Humble boy, and everyone in the 'Sano' neighborhood knows him
No fuma, no toma tampoco se mete esa nota
He doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, he doesn't do drugs
Si acaso no esta componiendo esta jugando pelota
If he's not composing, he's playing ball
Algunos ya lo sacan porque baja a las movidas
Some already take him out because he goes down to the gatherings
Le mete unos temas y hasta se queda de amanecida
He puts on some tracks and even stays up all night
En unos meses ya tenía una vaina decidida
In a few months he already had something decided
Que iba dedicarse al RAP por el resto de su vida
That he was going to dedicate himself to RAP for the rest of his life
El joven a los 16 en la zona destaca
The young man at 16 stands out in the area
Ya no le dicen su nombre, ahora lo llaman por su AKA
They don't call him by his name anymore, now they call him by his AKA
Y porsiaca, le dicen 'Sano' porque es muy tranquilo
And by the way, they call him 'Sano' because he is very calm
Pero destroza en los eventos demostrando su estilo
But he destroys in the events showing his style
A los 17 'Sano' ya es muy conocido
At 17 'Sano' is already well known
Y presume que la lleva, que es un matón y un bandido
And he boasts that he's got it, that he's a thug and a bandit
Parece que está perdido por estar en ese juego
He seems to be lost for being in that game
Y sin darse cuenta el muchacho se le ha subido el ego
And without realizing it, the boy's ego has risen
Firme, en su propio barrio lo miran como extraño
Firmly, in his own neighborhood they look at him as a stranger
Ya que siempre dice "soy la revelación del año"
Since he always says "I'm the revelation of the year"
Ahora míralo en los eventos cada fin de semana
Now look at him at events every weekend
Con mujeres, trago y hasta consumiendo marihuana
With women, booze, and even smoking weed
Ya nadie lo respeta y su estilo está para el tacho
No one respects him anymore and his style is trash
Y hasta se sube a tarimas a cantar estando borracho
And he even gets on stage to sing drunk
Patético ya no pronuncia y se queda estático
Pathetic, he no longer pronounces and remains static
Pero él contento porque todavía tiene fanáticos
But he's happy because he still has fans
Se cree de lo mejor y ya no hace HIPHOP consciente
He thinks he's the best and he doesn't make conscious HIPHOP anymore
Habla de drogas, de pistolas y hasta suena incoherente
He talks about drugs, guns and even sounds incoherent
La gente ya no quiere escucharlo cuando rapea
People don't want to hear him rap anymore
Si cuando se sube al escenario todos lo abuchean
Because when he gets on stage everyone boos him
En su propio barrio ya nadie lo quiere ver
In his own neighborhood no one wants to see him anymore
Y al parecer poco a poco va a desaparecer
And apparently little by little he is going to disappear
Ya que el poco dinero que tiene se lo gasta
Since the little money he has he spends it
Ya no solo en marihuana sino también en pasta
Not only on weed, but also on coke
A pasado el tiempo y ya nadie sabe de 'Sano'
Time has passed and no one knows about 'Sano' anymore
Que será de quien era la promesa del RAP peruano
What will become of who was the promise of Peruvian RAP
Todos ahora se preguntan de como estará
Everyone now wonders how he will be
Si habrá dejado las drogas o si acaso vivo está
If he has quit drugs or if he is still alive
Se rumorea por ahí que lo metieron preso
It is rumored out there that he was put in jail
Que lo chaparon cuando estaba traficando queso
That he was busted when he was trafficking cocaine
Y otros comentan que le ha pasado algo más serio
And others comment that something more serious has happened to him
Que no pasó de los 20 y que duerme en un cementerio
That he did not live past 20 and that he sleeps in a cemetery
De pronto alguien lo vio sentado solo en un esquina
Suddenly someone saw him sitting alone on a corner
Todo mal vestido y encima con la ropa cochina
All badly dressed and on top of that with dirty clothes
Le preguntó ¿que fue? ¿que haces aquí batería?
He asked him what was wrong, what are you doing here buddy?
Y él le dijo llorando que ahora en la calle vivía
And he told him crying that now he was living on the street
El man lo quizo ayudar y sacarlo de esa plaza
The man wanted to help him and get him out of that place
Le dijo tranqui hermano, mejor vamos pa mi casa
He said don't worry bro, better let's go to my house
Pero 'Sano' no quiso y el causa se pudo liso
But 'Sano' didn't want to and the guy went smooth
Y cuando de pronto saco su tola y pum pal piso
And when suddenly he took out his gun and boom to the floor
'Sano' impresionao por lo que había pasao
'Sano' impressed by what had happened
Despertó y se había dado cuenta que al pata lo había matao
He woke up and realized that he had killed the guy
Y en su desesperación de no saber que hacer
And in his despair of not knowing what to do
Lo dejo tirado en la avenida y comenzó a correr
He left him lying on the avenue and started running
De pronto se detuvo y en la calle solo reza
Suddenly he stopped and in the street he only prays
Termina la oración y apunta el arma en su cabeza
He finishes the prayer and points the gun at his head
"Dios, perdóname por todo lo que sucedió"
"God, forgive me for everything that happened"
Clic clac y pum, 'Sano' se mató.
Click, clack and boom, 'Sano' killed himself.
Por eso uno siempre tiene que luchar por sus sueños
That's why you always have to fight for your dreams, honey
Y no caer en las tentaciones del diablo
And not fall into the temptations of the devil
Recuerda que de nuestras decisiones somos dueños
Remember that we are the masters of our decisions
Por eso escucha con el corazón esto que te hablo
So listen with your heart to what I'm telling you
Todos estamos en este mundo por una razón
We are all in this world for a reason
Y al nacer el Señor a todos nos da su bendición
And at birth the Lord gives us all his blessing
decides que camino seguir y que enfrentas
You decide which path to follow and what you face
Pero decide bien para que luego no te arrepientas
But choose well so that you don't regret it later
Decide bien que camino seguir
Choose well which path to follow
Hay dos caminos, el correcto y el incorrecto
There are two paths, the right one and the wrong one
Y tienes que saber cual elegir batería
And you have to know which one to choose, buddy
Cada uno de nosotros tenemos nuestras propias decisiones
Each of us has our own decisions
Terco92 barrio
Terco92 neighborhood
Rapsodia Music, yeah
Rapsodia Music, yeah

Авторы: Terco92

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