Teresa De Sio - Pizzica - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Teresa De Sio - Pizzica

Nuie simmo venute a pere da luntano
Tonight we came here from afar
Nuie simmo venute a pere p'abballà
Tonight we came here to dance
E jettame stu veleno pe dint'e vvene
Drop this poison into my veins
E jettame stu veleno oi Santu Pa'
Drop this poison, O Saint Paul
Siamo venuti a piedi da lontano
We came here on foot from afar
Siamo venuti a piedi per ballare
We came here on foot to dance
Gettaci questo veleno nelle vene
Drop this poison into my veins
Gettaci questo veleno Santo Paolo
Drop this poison Holy Father
Addò me pizzicau la tarantella
Where the tarantula stung me
Sotto la potea della vunnella
Under the street lamp
Me pizzicau lu pede aimè ca moro
It stung my foot, alas, I'm dying
Me pizzicau lu pede aimè ca moro
It stung my foot, alas, I'm dying
Santu Paulu mio de li tarante
O Saint Paul of the tarantulas
Pizzichi le zitelle dint'a 'll anche
You sting young girls on their hips
Santu Paulu mio de Galatina
O Saint Paul of Galatina
Facitence na grazia stammatina
Give us a grace this morning
Santu Paulu mio de li tarante
O Saint Paul of the tarantulas
Facitence na grazia a tutte quante
Give us all a grace

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