Teresa De Sio - Song E Tre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Teresa De Sio - Song E Tre

Song E Tre
Song 'e tre
Song' 'e tre
Song of Three
E 'o calore se fa azzeccuso
And the heat becomes muggy
E cinqu 'o sei guagliune dint' 'o vico
And five or six kids in the alley
Se passano 'o pallone
Pass the ball around
E se danno 'a voce.
And shout at each other.
Stanno là,
They're there,
Cu 'e magliette fatte e sudore
In their sweaty T-shirts
Che teneno 'e culure d' 'a furtuna
That have the colors of fortune
Furtuna ca nun vene
Fortune that never comes
Mai dint 'a sta strada.
To this street.
Tu tira e falle vedè,
You kick it and let them see,
C'ogni calcio è nu pugno
Every kick is a punch
Tirato n'faccia o munno
In the face of the world
E tu tira e fatte sentì
And you kick it and make yourself heard
Chi cresce mmiez' 'a via
Who grows up in the streets
Adda sapè signà
Must know how to make a mark
O se perde.
Or get lost.
E chi
And who knows
Si quaccuno ve sta guardanno
If someone is watching you
Oppure 'o cielo è sulo 'n'onda chiara
Or the sky is just a light wave
Che passa e va luntano
That passes and goes far away
E nun vede 'a nisciuno.
And sees no one.
Tu tira e falle vedè
You kick it and let them see,
Comm'a ll'arte d'a guerra
Like the art of war
Pe' chi soldato va
For those who go to war
E tu tira e fatte sentì
And you kick it and make yourself heard
Chest'è ll'arte d'a vita
This is the art of life
S'adda sapè signà
Must know how to make a mark
E tu tira e fatte sentì...
And you kick it and make yourself heard...

Авторы: Teresa De Sio

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