Tex Lecor - Gaston Labrousse (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tex Lecor - Gaston Labrousse (Live)

Gaston Labrousse (Live)
Gaston Labrousse (Live)
Sortait de sa vache au début de mai
He came out of his cabin at the beginning of May
Avec les ours pis les siffleux
With the bears and the whistling birds
Les corneilles fraîchement arrivées
The crows, newly arrived
Faisaient leurs nids tout près de chez eux
Were making nests nearby
Connaissait le vent, connaissait le bois,
He knew the wind, he knew the woods,
La biche, l'outarde, le carcajou
The deer, the bustard, the wolverine
Le loup, la grive et les grandes oies,
The wolf, the thrush and the great geese,
La migration du caribou
The caribou migration
Gaston Labrousse
Gaston Labrousse
De Ville-Marie à Mont-Laurier
From Ville-Marie to Mont-Laurier
Savait les sources et les cours d'eau
He knew the springs and the watercourses
L'odeur, la trace du gibier, le bois,
The scent and tracks of the game, the wood,
La coulée, son canot
The portage, his canoe
Partait en froid, revenait en doux chargé
Would leave in the cold, return in the warm weather, laden
De fourrures et de soleil
With furs and sunshine
Y semait le printemps partout
He spread spring everywhere
Avec son rire et sa bouteille
With his laughter and his bottle
Un jour que l'automne était au seuil
One day when autumn was at the door
Et que le vent pinçait ses doigts
And the wind pinched his fingers
De sa forêt il fit son deuil,
He mourned the loss of his forest
L'amour remplaça le carquois
Love replaced the quiver
Lui qui n'avait jamais connu
He who had never known
Que les caresses d'un juillet
Anything but the caress of July
Pour elle il se serait pendu
For her he would have hanged himself
Aux quatre coins de son nordêt
From the four corners of his north wind
Ou l'air est jaune à respirer,
Where the air is yellow to breathe
Ou le ruisseau sort du robinet
Where the stream comes out of the faucet
Il est resté longues années
He stayed for many years
À se crever pour celle qu'il aimait
Toiling for the one he loved
Un beau matin sans dire un mot,
One fine morning without a word
Il ouvrit la porte de sa cage
He opened the door of his cage
Partit retrouver ses bouleaux,
Went off to find his birches
Son lac et son grand vent du large
His lake and his great wind from the sea
A son indienne qui l'attendait
To his Indian woman who was waiting for him
Il remit son coeur en lambeaux
He gave his heart in pieces
Reprit sa trappe et ses collets,
Took back his traps and his snares,
Sa tuque et sa chemise à carreaux
His tuque and his checked shirt
La loutre, la truite et le castor
The otter, the trout and the beaver
Ont repris la course à nouveau
Have started running again
Et quand le vent sera du bon bord,
And when the wind blows fair
Y'aura de la fourrure dans le canot
There'll be fur in the canoe

Авторы: Paul Lecorre

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