que se escapo por una rendija para no volver jamas
That it escaped through a crack, never to return
con el pasos de los años la confianza se bolvio costumbre
With the passing of years, trust turned into habit
pero a llegado el momento de reflexcionar pasaber como accionar
But the time has come to reflect, to know how to act
esta historo comenso con un beso robado en un auto antiguo
This story began with a stolen kiss in an old car
y por un tienpo como locos isimos de todo en el amor
And for a while, like crazy, we did everything in love
tu me amabas yo te amaba llegaron los retoños
You loved me, I loved you, the children came
compramos casa aunto nuevo un telefono y un televisor
We bought a house, a new car, a telephone and a television
y las sonrisas se volvieron risas pero aora son carcajadas
And the smiles turned into laughs, but now they are laughter
por que me rio y me carcajeo para no llorar
Because I laugh and cackle so I don't cry
que dificil es aceptar cuando el amor traicion
How difficult it is to accept when love betrays
atus espaldas amando a otro en la opscuridad
Behind your back, loving another in the darkness
la confianza es un belo perfecto para las traiciones
Trust is a perfect veil for betrayal
cuando confias que estas en la cima de la felicidad
When you trust, you are at the peak of happiness
las sonrisas se volvieron risas pero aora son carcajadas
The smiles turned into laughs, but now they are laughter
por que me rio y me carcajeo para no llorar
Because I laugh and cackle so I don't cry
no savias que un dia tu celular me diria toda toda la verdad me traicionastes por la espalda y sinpiedad me distes duro pero no boy a borrar sin mirar tu lo beras
You didn't know that one day your cell phone would tell me the whole truth, you betrayed me behind my back and mercilessly, you hit me hard, but I won't delete it without looking, you'll see
la son risas se bolvieron risas pero aora son carcajadas
The smiles turned into laughs, but now they are laughter
por que me rio y me carcajeo para no llorar
Because I laugh and cackle so I don't cry
tu me aces llorar tu me aces llorar tu me aces llorar tu me aces
You make me cry, you make me cry, you make me cry, you make me
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