Texta - You're Driving Me Wild - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Texta - You're Driving Me Wild

You're Driving Me Wild
You're Driving Me Wild
Ihr miesen Pfeiffen!
You lousy jerks!
Jetz is soweit!
Now it's time!
Drucks nimma durch!
I can't take it anymore!
I packs ned - i dazahs ned!
I can't stand it - I can't bear it!
Ihr miesen Pfeiffen!
You lousy jerks!
Jetz is soweit!
Now it's time!
Es is ka Wunda das i has geh, bei dem Gschissti Gschassti!
It's no wonder I'm leaving, with this shitty mess!
I wead no narrisch wie da Edi Finger,
I'm going crazy like Edi Finger,
Sitz wie imma allah im Studio und zimmer am Beat.
Sitting like always alone in the studio, crafting the beat.
Über die aundan daun nua sudan kennan.
I can only talk trash about the others.
Oba i budld mi ned auf weu di hom eh kan blossn Schimmer.
But I won't brag, because they have no clue anyway.
Du glaubst du bist a Dealer, du Dillo,
You think you're a dealer, you idiot,
Fia des wos du do zaumzimmast gibt da kana ah Kilo.
Nobody would pay a kilo for what you're putting together.
Ia mochts aus Bauernregeln Philosophie.
You guys turn peasant sayings into philosophy.
Oba da anzige MC von uns bin imma no i.
But the only MC among us is still me.
Reine Utopie.
Pure utopia.
Du des interessiert mi nimma, do beisst si d'Kotz in Schwaunz.
You, this doesn't interest me anymore, the cat is biting its own tail.
Kausd da du nix aundas suachn üba desd no motzn kausd.
You can't find anything else to whine about.
Jetzt glaubst du host as gschofft, jetzt hosd as ghobt di grosse Chance.
Now you think you've made it, you've had your big chance.
Oba waunsd so weida duasd, daun laundsd amoi alloa beim Fraunz.
But if you keep going like this, you'll end up alone with Franz.
Ia mochts mi olle mitanaund kraunk,
You guys are making me sick, all of you,
Nua deppade Texta - Debatten kennan mi so zaumhaun.
Just stupid lyrics - Debates can really get me down.
Mir reichts gscheid, i griag ah Bandüberdosis.
I've had enough, I'm getting a band overdose.
Hob akute Huckeyitis und multiple Skerosis. (Wos?)
I have acute Huckeyitis and multiple Sclerosis. (What?)
I sog da wos los is, bin scho länga im Showbiz
I'll tell you what's up, I've been in show business for a long time
Und Texte so wie deine schreib i waun i am Klo sitz.
And I write lyrics like yours when I'm sitting on the toilet.
Waun des so is, bisd du weder Profi no ah Genie. (Wos?)
If that's the case, you're neither a pro nor a genius. (What?)
Denn so laung wie du am Heisl sitzt wiads Enzyklopädie.
Because as long as you sit on the toilet, it'll be an encyclopedia.
Gaunz egal wie, ia woats beide scho bessa.
No matter how, you two better watch out.
Weu in unsara Partie, do bin i da Professor.
Because in our group, I'm the professor.
Aso, jetzt bisd wos bessas? (Du Studentenrapper!)
Oh, so now you're something better? (You student rapper!)
Wegen dia is hi die Street Credibility vo Texta.
Because of you, Texta's street credibility is gone.
2x Hook:
2x Hook:
Noch boid 20 joa wiads uns monchmoi z'steil
After almost 20 years, sometimes things get too much
Ma frogt si mit da Zeit samma wiakli no Freind
We ask ourselves over time if we're really still friends
Ma kennt jeden im Detail und oft is des oag weil
We know each other in detail and often that's the reason why
"You're driving me wild"
"You're driving me wild"
Wie laung soidn des nu geh?
How long should this go on?
Is des imma no so sche?
Is this still so beautiful?
Hobts es des no ned gschnoint?
Haven't you guys figured it out yet?
Wia san längst aus da Mode
We're long out of fashion
Des woa mei letzte Strophe
This was my last verse
I dad gern in Pension geh
I'd like to retire
Und die neichn Texta - Tracks san ah ka Kanone.
And the new Texta tracks are no good either.
I glaub du hosd an Vogl,
I think you've lost it,
Redst mehr Schas ois di Krone.
You talk more nonsense than the Krone newspaper.
Und wenns di nimma gfreid es geht ah ohne Skerone. (Wos?)
And if you're not happy anymore, it works without Skero too. (What?)
Und mit deim Soloalbum hosd jo eh ah nix grissn,
And with your solo album you haven't achieved anything anyway,
Aussa bei die Hiaschn in die Grossraumdissn.
Except with the chicks in the large-capacity buses.
Du bist do groß am dissen und groß am attackieren,
You're big on dissing and attacking,
Do mit deine Plottn kau i ma mei Wohnung tapezieren. (Na und?)
I could wallpaper my apartment with your records. (So what?)
Oba immerhin, zumindest woats produktiv.
But at least you're productive.
Nua wo woa da Laima? Ajo, vor Gericht.
But where was Laima? Oh right, in court.
Wer was ob des stimmt?
Is any of that true?
Oba wann woas ned schlimm
But even if it wasn't bad
Doch im Gegensatz zu eich Deppen hob i jetz ah Kind
But unlike you idiots, I now have a child
Najo wauns da wos bringt, daun loss i da di Freid,
Well, if it brings you something, then I'll let you have your joy,
Oba dei Rhyme - Timing is no imma ned tight.
But your rhyme timing is still not tight.
Ma hots ned leicht mit eich Spinna,
It's not easy with you weirdos,
Vielleicht lohnt si des kämpfen
Maybe it's worth fighting
Für an Wiener sats es Linza scho komische Menschen.
For a Viennese, you Linz people are already strange people.
Deine Audienz - Tendenzen zum ewig z'spot kumman
Your audience tendencies to always ridicule
Bringan mi zum ausflippen, i brauchat ah Kumma - Numma.
Make me freak out, I need a coma number too.
Bei da Numma kumma umma, wie gehässige oide Mauna,
When the number comes around, like grumpy old men,
Deshoib renna ma oft has, wie da Huckey in da Sauna.
That's why we often run away, like Huckey in the sauna.
Schau ma hoid wie laungs no dauat,
Let's just see how long it lasts,
Ois valiat hoit moi sein Zauber.
Everything loses its magic at some point.
I was nua ans, waun ma aufhean,
I just remember, when we stop,
Daun trogn di Gondln drau (?)
Then the gondolas will carry you away (?)
2x Hook:
2x Hook:
Noch boid 20 joa wiads uns monchmoi z'steil
After almost 20 years, sometimes things get too much
Ma frogt si mit da Zeit samma wiakli no Freind
We ask ourselves over time if we're really still friends
Ma kennt jeden im Detail und oft is des oag weil
We know each other in detail and often that's the reason why
"You're driving me wild"
"You're driving me wild"
Ihr miesen Pfeiffen!
You lousy jerks!
Jetz is soweit!
Now it's time!
Drucks nimma durch!
I can't take it anymore!
I packs ned - i dazahs ned!
I can't stand it - I can't bear it!
Ihr miesen Pfeiffen!
You lousy jerks!
Jetz is soweit!
Now it's time!
Es is ka Wunda das i has geh, bei dem Gschissti Gschassti!
It's no wonder I'm leaving, with this shitty mess!
Ihr miesen Pfeiffen!
You lousy jerks!
Jetz is soweit!
Now it's time!
Drucks nimma durch!
I can't take it anymore!
I packs ned - i dazahs ned!
I can't stand it - I can't bear it!
Ihr miesen Pfeiffen!
You lousy jerks!
Jetz is soweit!
Now it's time!
Es is ka Wunda das i has geh!
It's no wonder I'm leaving!
2x Hook
2x Hook

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