The 5 Love - Abuso De Autoridad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The 5 Love - Abuso De Autoridad

Abuso De Autoridad
Abuse of Authority
Que sopá compa, vamos a llegar a la tienda?
What's up dude, are we going to the store?
Dale cuero pues. Chuzo! los viernes loco
Let's go then. Friday's wild, man!
Chá, pero si tu no le debes nada a esos ′manes'
Man, but you don't owe those guys anything.
Chá Pero vamos a pasarle al rato
Yeah, but we'll swing by later.
Que es esta pasando?
What is going on?
Con los gobernantes en este tiempo (gobernantes en este tiempo)
With the government officials these days (government officials these days)
Eso no me esta gustando(eso no me esta gustando)
I don't like it (I don't like it)
Qué está pasando Señor?
What's going on, Lord?
Con los Gavilán en este tiempo(los gavilán en este tiempo)
With the Hawks these days (the Hawks these days)
Ponle pausa ya hace rato (ponle pausa hace...)
Put a stop to it, it's been going on for a while (put a stop to it…)
Abuso de Autoridad, es lo que yo estoy viendo
Abuse of Authority, is what I'm seeing
Mi pueblo prostetando y los guardias ′tan tirando (esa de las hoy) Ya no me está gustando (de que?)Estamos hablando
My people are protesting and the guards are firing (that's today) I don't like it anymore (what?) We're talking about
Abuso de Autoridad es lo que yo estoy viendo
Abuse of Authority is what I'm seeing
Los guardia 'tan' titrando y mi ghuetto ′ta′ corriendo
The guards are trembling and my ghetto is running
(Eso de las hoy) Ya no me esta gustando
(That's today) I don't like it anymore
(De qué) Estamos hablando
(What) We're talking about
Ay, donde esta la paz que tu le prometiste a Panamá?
Oh, where is the peace that you promised Panama?
Ya eso no se ve, lo que si es maldad
It's gone now, what is left is evil
Donde esta el amor? que tu le brindaste a Panamá
Where is the love? that you gave to Panama
Que tu me 'va′ a hablar de paz?
What are you going to tell me about peace?
Si tu no pides paz, tu lo que quieres el sistema dominar
If you don't ask for peace, what you really want is to dominate the system
Si quieres tener todo ve y pidele permiso a Jehova a ver si él te lo va a aceptar
If you want to have it all, go and ask Jehovah's permission, let's see if he will accept it
Abuso de Autoridad, es lo que yo estoy viendo
Abuse of Authority, is what I'm seeing
Mi pueblo prostetando y los guardias 'tan tirando (esa de las hoy) Ya no me está gustando (de que?)Estamos hablando
My people are protesting and the guards are firing (that's today) I don't like it anymore (what?) We're talking about
Abuso de Autoridad es lo que yo estoy viendo
Abuse of Authority is what I'm seeing
Los guardia ′tan' titrando y mi ghuetto ′ta' corriendo
The guards are trembling and my ghetto is running
(Eso de las hoy) Ya no me esta gustando
(That's today) I don't like it anymore
(De qué) Estamos hablando
(What) We're talking about
Yes Sai!
Yes Sai!
Nunca confies de alguien que te mienta y no le mientas a alguien que confia en ti
Never trust someone who lies to you and don't lie to someone who trusts you
No te olvides del pueblo pues recuerda que antes de que fueras electo quien voto por ti
Don't forget about the people, remember who voted for you before you were elected
Y si te dieron la confianza fue por una razón
And if they gave you their trust, it was for a reason
Aun que el pueblo 'ta′ clarito con ustedes You Know?
Even though the people are clear about you, You Know?
′Ta' bien claro de tu sucio sistema, prohibido robar los políticos no aceptan competencia
They are very clear about your dirty system, stealing is forbidden, politicians don't accept competition
Ahi esta la diferencia, de que ′to' somos la voz que representa
There is the difference, that we are all the voice that represents
Y si callarnos sea tu terapia intensa, será mejor de que cambies de estrategia
And if silencing us is your intense therapy, it would be better if you changed your strategy
Abuso de Autoridad, es lo que yo estoy viendo
Abuse of Authority, is what I'm seeing
Mi pueblo prostetando y los guardias ′tan tirando (esa de las hoy) Ya no me está gustando (de que?)Estamos hablando
My people are protesting and the guards are firing (that's today) I don't like it anymore (what?) We're talking about
Abuso de Autoridad es lo que yo estoy viendo
Abuse of Authority is what I'm seeing
Los guardia 'tan′ titrando y mi ghuetto 'ta' corriendo
The guards are trembling and my ghetto is running
(Eso de las hoy) Ya no me esta gustando
(That's today) I don't like it anymore
(De qué) Estamos hablando
(What) We're talking about
Por que si vamos a hablar de bala tambien se de pistola
Because if we're going to talk about bullets, I also know about pistols
Si me tiras una lata te respondo con piedras
If you throw a can at me, I'll respond with stones
Asi es que entenderás que es a las buenas o a las malas
That's how you'll understand that it's either the good way or the bad way
El pueblo lo que quiere es acabar con esa Mierda
What the people want is to put an end to that Shit
Por que si hablas de pistola, también se de pistola
Because if you talk about pistols, I also know about pistols
Y si tiras la pimienta te respondo con piedras
And if you throw pepper spray, I'll respond with stones
Asi es que aprenderás que es a las buenas o a las malas
That's how you'll learn that it's either the good way or the bad way
El pueblo lo que quiere es...
What the people want is...
Que esta pasando? Con los gobernantes en este tiempo
What is going on? With the government officials these days
Ya eso no me esta gustando(eso no me esta gustando)
I don't like it anymore (I don't like it anymore)
Que esta pasando Señor? Con los Gavila es en este tiempo
What's going on, Lord? With the Hawks these days
Ya ponle pausa ya hace rato (ponle pausa ya hace)
Put a stop to it, it's been going on for a while (put a stop to it…)
Si hablamos lo que aconteció en Colón, 2, 3 dias de balas y muertos 6, 7, 8 cuerpos
If we talk about what happened in Colon, 2, 3 days of bullets and 6, 7, 8 dead bodies
Lo vamos a tiempo de la invasión, puerca buscando a otro puerco, bombardean al Ghuetto
We're going to the time of the invasion, pig looking for another pig, they bomb the Ghetto
Te hablo de Venezuela y todo hoy, Ierno haz lo que tu quieras
I'm talking about Venezuela and everything today, Ierno do what you want
Pero dale al pueblo, y dicen que controlan el World
But give it to the people, and they say they control the World
Y no solo en Haití se habla de desnutrición.
And it's not only in Haiti that we talk about malnutrition.

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