The 5 Love - Adios - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The 5 Love - Adios

The 5 Love
The 5 Love
No lo que me pasa
I don't know what's wrong with me
Me la paso día y noche pensando en mi cama
I spend day and night thinking about my bed
Me acuesto en la hamaca a ver televisión
I lay in the hammock and watch television
Y escucho una voz que me dice adiós
And I hear a voice that says goodbye
Yo The 5
Yo The 5
No lo que me pasa
I don't know what's wrong with me
Me la paso día y noche... well, well
I spend day and night... well, well
Me acuesto en la hamaca con la mente bien slow
I lie in the hammock with my mind real slow
Y escucho una voz que me dice adiós
And I hear a voice that says goodbye
Compa tienes que cogerlo con calma
Buddy, you gotta take it easy
Pero mi corazón me dice que me hace falta
But my heart tells me that I need her
Paso día y noche pensando en ella en mi cama
I spend day and night thinking about her in my bed
Y a la vez se pasa el tiempo y metiendo mi cana
And at the same time, time passes by, and my hair turns gray
The 5 Love
The 5 Love
No lo que me pasa
I don't know what's wrong with me
Quisiera estar con ella abrazarla y besarla
I wish I could be with her, hug her and kiss her
Sin su amor, no lo que me pasa
Without her love, I don't know what's happening to me
Quisiera estar con ella ahora mismo en su cama
I wish I was with her right now in her bed
Se lo que tu pasas y cual es tu situación
I know what you're going through and what your situation is
Lo que estás viviendo en un tiempo lo viví yo
What you are experiencing, I experienced it in time
Por eso te digo que prestes mucha atención
That's why I tell you to pay close attention
A lo que vengo a contarte, te lo digo de corazón
To what I'm about to tell you, I say it from the heart
Estás enamorado y te encuentras en la prisión
You're in love and you're in prison
Y no sabes que acá afuera es otra decepción
And you don't know that out here it's another disappointment
Tu orgullo y tus besos ella los tiene en el piso
Your pride and your kisses, she has them on the floor
Y todas las noches yo le pido a Jesucristo brother
And every night I pray to Jesus Christ, brother
Déjala, basta de sufrir
Leave her, stop suffering
Déjala, te lo tengo que advertir
Leave her, I have to warn you
Déjala, amigo
Leave her, friend
Esa mujer no quiere nada contigo
That woman doesn't want anything to do with you
Te lo digo
I'm telling you
Déjala, basta de sufrir
Leave her, stop suffering
Déjala, te lo tengo que advertir
Leave her, I have to warn you
Déjala, amigo
Leave her, friend
Esa mujer no quiere naaa
That woman doesn't want any...
No, no, no
No, no, no
Escuchaba una voz, diciéndome adiós
I heard a voice saying goodbye to me
Postrado peguntaba cómo es esto señor
Prostrate, I asked how is this, Lord?
Le decía a mi Dios, porque duele el amor
I told my God, why does love hurt?
Si yo tanto la amaba
If I loved her so much
Ella me traicionó, con mi corazón jugó
She betrayed me, played with my heart
Le decía algo anda mal, me dijo que no
I told her something's wrong, she said no
La caminó otro "The five" o con otro me engañó
Another "The Five" walked her, or she cheated on me with another one
Bueno, presentía que algo pasaba
Well, I had a feeling something was going on
Bueno hermano, ahora te cuento que fue que pasó
Well, brother, now I'll tell you what happened
Esa guial es traicionera y con tu corazón jugó
That girl is treacherous and played with your heart
Yo te decía por el phone, aguanta la emoción
I told you on the phone, hold your excitement
Esa lapecilla usted no sabe de donde salió
That girl, you don't know where she came from
Pero comprendo el amor, paga bien a veces no
But I understand love, it pays well sometimes not
Sea pobre o con dinero, no es pa′ ni para voz
Whether poor or with money, it's not for me or for you
Con las horas pasa el tiempo y ya lo que pasó, pasó
As hours go by, time passes, and what happened, happened
Tobe, yo si sabía lo que pasaba
Tobe, I knew what was happening
Entonces good bye, good bye
Then goodbye, goodbye
Dile que le vaya bien, bien, bien
Tell her to go well, well, well
Good bye, good bye
Goodbye, goodbye
Y que no piense en volver
And not to think about coming back
Good bye, good bye
Goodbye, goodbye
tanto que la amabas
You loved her so much
Y con el brother me engañaba
And she was cheating on me with my brother
Entonces good bye, good bye
Then goodbye, goodbye
Dile que le vaya bien, bien, bien
Tell her to go well, well, well
Good bye, good bye
Goodbye, goodbye
Y que no piense en volver
And not to think about coming back
Good bye, good bye
Goodbye, goodbye
Si tanto que la amabas
If you loved her so much
Con el "The five" me engañaba
She was cheating on me with "The Five"
The 5 Love
The 5 Love
No lo que me pasa
I don't know what's wrong with me
Me la paso día y noche pensando en mi cama
I spend day and night thinking about my bed
Me acuesto en la hamaca a ver televisión
I lay in the hammock and watch television
Y escucho una voz que me dice adiós
And I hear a voice that says goodbye
Yo The 5
Yo The 5
No lo que me pasa
I don't know what's wrong with me
Me la paso día y noche... well, well
I spend day and night... well, well
Me acuesto en la hamaca con la mente bien slow
I lie in the hammock with my mind real slow
Y escucho una voz que me dice adiós
And I hear a voice that says goodbye
Que me dice adiós
That says goodbye
Se va y se va
She goes and goes
Que me dice adiós
That says goodbye
Se va y se va
She goes and goes
Yo la escucho
I hear her
Sola se va a ir
She will go alone
Se va
She goes

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