The Fall - Two Steps Back (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни The Fall - Two Steps Back (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)

Everybody likes me
Я всем нравлюсь.
They think I'm crazy
Они думают, что я сумасшедший.
Pull my string and I do my thing.
Потяни за веревочку, и я сделаю свое дело.
Two Steps Back
Два Шага Назад.
I don't need the acid factories
Мне не нужны кислотные фабрики.
I've got mushrooms in the fields
У меня есть грибы в полях.
Julian* said "How was the gear?"
Джулиан * спросил: "Как там шестеренка?"
They don't sell things to you over there
Там тебе ничего не продают.
A cigarette goes out when you put it down.
Сигарета гаснет, когда ты ее кладешь.
Two Steps Back
Два Шага Назад.
Had a look at the free festivals
Посмотрел на бесплатные фестивали
They're like cinemas with no films
Они как кинотеатры без кинофильмов.
You could make a fire with the seats
Сиденьями можно разжечь костер.
You could boil up some cigar (cig-ah!) dimps
Ты мог бы вскипятить немного сигар (сигар-ах!).
Or get into the sound
Или погрузиться в звук.
Wait for the ice cream to come around.
Жди, когда придет мороженое.
Two Steps Back
Два Шага Назад.
Two Doors Down
Две Двери Вниз.
I meet my old friends there
Я встречаюсь там со своими старыми друзьями.
They queue up for cash there
Они стоят в очереди за наличкой.
They are part Irish
Они наполовину ирландцы.
They have no conscience
У них нет совести.
They get threatened by the cracker factory.
Им угрожает фабрика крекеров.
Two Steps Back
Два Шага Назад.
Cracker Factory:
Фабрика Крекеров:
A place where you get into the working routine again.
Место, где ты снова погружаешься в рутину работы.
Rehabs for no hopes
Реабилитация без всяких надежд
Prefab for jobless dopes.
Сборный дом для безработных наркоманов.


The Fall - Live At the Witch Trials
Live At the Witch Trials
дата релиза

1 Frightened
2 Various Times (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
3 Bingo-Master's Break-Out! (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
4 Frightened (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
5 Industrial Estate (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
6 Psycho Mafia (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
7 Music Scene (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
8 Mother-Sister! (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 15 June, 1978)
9 Rebellious Jukebox (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 15 June, 1978)
10 Stepping Out (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
11 Two Steps Back (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
12 Last Orders (Bonus Track: From 'Short Circuit - Live At The Electric Circus' Released June 1978)
13 Stepping Out (Bonus Track: From 'Short Circuit - Live At The Electric Circus' Released June 1978)
14 Crap Rap 2/Like To Know
15 Mess of My (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
16 Rebellious Jukebox
17 No Xmas for John Quays
18 Mother - Sister!
19 Industrial Estate
20 Underground Medecin
21 Two Steps Back
22 Live at the Witch Trials
23 Psycho Mafia (Bonus Track: From Step Forward 7" Released August 1978)
24 Mother-Sister! (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
25 Music Scene
26 Industrial Estate (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 15 June, 1978)
27 Future and Pasts (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 15 June, 1978)
28 Put Away (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 6 December 1978)
29 Mess of My (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 6 December 1978)
30 No Xmas for John Key (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 6 December 1978)
31 Like to Blow (Bonus Track: John Peel Session, 6 December 1978)
32 Like To Blow
33 It's the New Thing (Bonus Track: Live From Mr. Pickwick's, Liverpool, 22 August 1978)
34 Future And Pasts
35 Bingo Master's Break-out (Bonus Track: From Step Forward 7" Released August 1978)
36 Repetition (Bonus Track: From Step Forward 7" Released August 1978)
37 It's the New Thing (Bonus Track: From Step Forward 7" Released August 1978)
38 Various Times (Bonus Track: From Step Forward 7" Released August 1978)
39 Dresden Dolls (Bonus Track: From Bootleg 7")
40 Psycho Mafia (Bonus Track: From Bootleg 7")
41 Industrial Estate (Bonus Track: From Bootleg 7")

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