The Kingston Trio - South Coast (Remastered) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни The Kingston Trio - South Coast (Remastered)

South Coast, the wild coast, is lonely. You may win at the game at Jolon,
Южное побережье, дикое побережье, одиноко, ты можешь выиграть в игре в Джолоне,
But the lion still rules the barranca, and a man there is always alone.
Но Лев все еще правит барранкой, а человек там всегда одинок.
My name is Juan Hano de Castro. My father was a Spanish grandee,
Меня зовут Хуан ХАНО де Кастро, мой отец был испанским вельможей,
But I won my wife in a card game, when a man lost his daughter to me.
Но я выиграл свою жену в карточной игре, когда один человек проиграл мне свою дочь.
I picked up the ace. I had won her! My heart, which was down at my feet
Я взял туз. я выиграл ее! мое сердце, которое лежало у моих ног.
Jumped up to my throat in a hurry- Like a warm summers′ day, she was sweet.
Она вскочила мне в горло в спешке - как теплый летний день, она была сладка.
Her arms had to tighten around me as we rode up the hills from the South.
Ее руки крепко обнимали меня, пока мы ехали вверх по холмам с юга.
Not a word did I hear from her that day- or a kiss from her pretty red mouth.
В тот день я не услышал от нее ни слова-ни поцелуя из ее прелестных красных губ.
We came to my cabin at twilight. The stars twinkled out on the coast.
Мы пришли в мою хижину в сумерках, звезды мерцали на берегу.
She soon loved the valley- the orchard- but I knew that she loved me the most.
Вскоре она полюбила долину-сад-но я знал, что она любит меня больше всех.
Then I got hurt in a landslide with crushed hip and twice-broken bone.
Потом я пострадал в оползне с раздробленным бедром и дважды сломанной костью.
She saddled our pony like lightning- rode off in the night, all alone.
Она оседлала нашего пони, как молния, и ускакала в ночь, совсем одна.
The lion screamed in the barranca; the pony fell back on the slide.
Лев закричал в барранке, пони упал на горку.
My young wife lay dead in the moonlight. My heart died that night with my
Моя молодая жена лежала мертвая в лунном свете, а мое сердце умерло в ту ночь вместе с моим ...
Daughters were possessions, to be bet away or arranged marriages for; also, note
Дочери были собственностью, ради которой можно было заключать пари или устраивать браки; кроме того, заметьте
The use of "young wife" in the final stanza. Her shyness- "had to tighten"-
Употребление слова "молодая жена" в последней строфе, ее застенчивость - "пришлось напрячься".
And her silent reticence but adaptable "soon loved..." indicates no previous
И ее молчаливая сдержанность, но легко адаптируемое "скоро полюбил..." не указывает ни на что предыдущее.
And "lost his daughter to me" indicates her origin, whereas "to hell with
И "потерял свою дочь из-за меня" указывает на ее происхождение, тогда как черту
The lords o'er the sea" seems thrown in. If this man were a sailor, why would
Если бы этот человек был моряком, то почему бы ему не быть моряком?
He have established orchards?
Он разбил сады?
Just a thought. I′d really like to see the original music if it were available.
Я бы очень хотел увидеть оригинальную музыку, если бы она была доступна.
The concept of betting away a daughter was my first exposure to the concept of
Идея о расставании с дочерью была моим первым знакомством с концепцией ...
Women as property and the sung stuck with me my whole life. (I was the oldest
Женщины как собственность, а песня осталась со мной на всю жизнь. был самым старшим
Only daughter and I was afraid of the possibility; I was 9 and the,
Единственная дочь, и я боялся такой возможности; мне было 9 лет, и
For one word, and the storyline, and the tune have stayed with me for the last
Ибо одно слово, и сюжет, и мелодия остались со мной навсегда.
25 years; it influenced my major "women's studies")
25 лет; это повлияло на мою главную тему "женские исследования".)


The Kingston Trio - Totally the Kingston Trio (Remastered)
Totally the Kingston Trio (Remastered)
дата релиза

1 When the Saints Go Marching In (Live) [Remastered]
2 This Land Is Your Land
3 Karu (Remastered)
4 Merry Little Minuet (Live) [Remastered]
5 A Worried Man (Remastered)
6 Zombie Jamboree (Live) [Remastered]
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8 Don't You Weep, Mary - Remastered
9 'Round About the Mountain (Remastered)
10 Come All Ye Fair and Tender Ladies
11 Corey, Corey (Remastered)
12 Take Her Out of Pity (Remastered)
13 Billy Goat Hill
14 Gue Gue (Live) [Remastered]
15 Medley: Tanga Tika / Toerau (Remastered)
16 Across the Wide Missouri (Remastered)
17 Banua (Remastered)
18 El Matador (Remastered)
19 Reuben James (Remastered)
20 (The Wreck of the) "John B" [Remastered]
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22 Coast Of California - Remastered
23 Dorie (Live) [Remastered]
24 Three Jolly Coachmen (Remastered)
25 Bad Man's Blunder - Remastered
26 The Long Black Rifle (Remastered)
27 Rollin' Stone (Remastered)
28 E Inu Tatou E (Remastered)
29 Goober Peas (Remastered)
30 I Bawled (Remastered)
31 Little Maggie (Remastered)
32 This Mornin', This Evenin', so Soon (Remastered)
33 Oleanna (Remastered)
34 The Whistling Gypsy (Remastered)
35 Buddy Better Get On Down the Line (Remastered)
36 They Call the Wind Maria (Live) [Remastered]
37 Shady Grove / Lonesome Traveler (Live) [Remastered]
38 New York Girls (Live) [Remastered]
39 Molly Dee (Remastered)
40 Leave My Woman Alone (Remastered)
41 Weeping Willow (Remastered)
42 It Was A Very Good Year - Remastered
43 Hard Travelin
44 Everglades (Remastered)
45 O Ken Karanga (Remastered)
46 Tom Dooley (Remastered)
47 Hangman
48 Bay of Mexico (Remastered)
49 The Unfortunate Miss Bailey (Remastered)
50 With You My Johnny (Remastered)
51 Hard, Ain't It Hard (Remastered)
52 Oh, Yes, Oh!
53 To Morrow (Remastered)
54 With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm (Remastered)
55 Getaway John (Remastered)
56 When I Was Young (Remastered)
57 Guardo El Lobo
58 Glorious Kingdom (Remastered)
59 Blow The Candle Out
60 Remember the Alamo (Remastered)
61 The Seine (Remastered)
62 Razors In The Air
63 Tic, Tic, Tic (Live) [Remastered]
64 Coming from the Mountains (Remastered)
65 Oh, Sail Away (Remastered)
66 When My Love Was Here (Remastered)
67 Carrier Pigeon (Remastered)
68 Blow Ye Winds (Remastered)
69 M.T.A. (Remastered)
70 South Coast (Remastered)
71 Blue-Eyed Gal
72 The Wanderer (Remastered)
73 San Miguel (Remastered)
74 Scarlet Ribbons
75 Wimoweh (Live) [Remastered]
76 The Hunter (Remastered)
77 The Jug Of Punch
78 The Escape of Old John Webb (Remastered)
79 Who's Gonna Hold Her Hand (Remastered)
80 Jesse James (Remastered)
81 Colorado Trail (Remastered)
82 Coplas (Remastered)
83 Haul Away (Remastered)
84 Farewell Adelita (Remastered)
85 Bonny Hielan' Laddie
86 Scotch and Soda (Remastered)
87 The Tattooed Lady (Remastered)
88 Bimini (Remastered)
89 Good News (Remastered)
90 Don't Cry Katie (Remastered)
91 Saro Jane (Remastered)
92 South Wind (Remastered)
93 Fast Freight (Remastered)
94 Raspberries, Strawberries (Remastered)
95 Speckled Roan
96 Early Mornin' (Remastered)
97 You're Gonna Miss Me (Frankie & Johnny)
98 The Mountains of Mourne (Remastered)
99 River Is Wide
100 En El Agua

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