The Law - Suka Suka Gue (feat. Explicit Verbal) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Law - Suka Suka Gue (feat. Explicit Verbal)

Suka Suka Gue (feat. Explicit Verbal)
As I Please (feat. Explicit Verbal)
Gue gak sempurna bacotan kemana mana
I'm not perfect, my words go all over the place
Boleh kok dihina gak bakalan gue marah
Feel free to insult me, I won't get mad
Janganlah ditiru kelakuan yang keliru
Don't imitate wrong behavior
Yang baik buat elu yang jelek jangan ditiru
Take what's good for you, leave the bad behind
Kadang bikin lagu suka suka gue
Sometimes I make songs as I please
Ga mikirin laku juga kue kue
Not thinking about sales or what's cool
Bebas ga pake rem liriknya blong
Free, no brakes, lyrics unfiltered
Dalem hati seneng rasanya plong
In my heart, I feel happy and relieved
Ga mau lirik kosong cuma ulang ulang
I don't want empty lyrics, just repetitions
Satu bar aja kepotong maknanya ilang
One bar cut, the meaning is lost
Ga mau melulu nyerang orang orang
I don't want to constantly attack people
Bikin lagu buat senang bukan mau perang
Making songs for joy, not war
Tapi ada aja yang jeleknya ditiru
But there are those who imitate the bad
Ambil yang buruk doang lo buru buru
Taking only the bad, you rush
Ga selamanya rusuh gue orang baik
I'm not always chaotic, I'm a good person
Ketemu di lokasi manggung jangan sok asik
Don't act cool when we meet at the gig
Waktu gue naik lo teriak manasin
When I'm on stage, you scream and provoke
Nyuruh gue keluar kata malu maluin
Telling me to get out, saying it's embarrassing
Lo pikir gue lagi mau bikin masalah
You think I want to cause trouble again
Kadang heran sama pendengar yang lebih gila
Sometimes I'm surprised by listeners who are even crazier
Gue gak sempurna bacotan kemana mana
I'm not perfect, my words go all over the place
Boleh kok dihina gak bakalan gue marah
Feel free to insult me, I won't get mad
Janganlah ditiru kelakuan yang keliru
Don't imitate wrong behavior
Yang baik buat elu yang jelek jangan ditiru
Take what's good for you, leave the bad behind
Di social media komentar ngeselin
On social media, annoying comments
Ngadu ngadu biar ada yang diributin
Trying to stir things up, looking for a fight
Ngetag IG gue ke si ini si itu
Tagging my IG to this and that person
Nyambung nyambungin sindiran begini begitu
Connecting insinuations this way and that
Tujuannya biar ribut lo ketawa
Your goal is to see a fight, you laugh
Tolong kalo mau jadi bego gw jangan dibawa
Please, if you want to be stupid, don't drag me into it
Ambil yang baik dari gue buruknya dibuang
Take the good from me, throw away the bad
Jangan salahin gue kalo moral lo yang kurang
Don't blame me if your morals are lacking
Bikin lagu banyak banyak bukan pingin kaya
Making lots of songs, not trying to get rich
Gue bukan lagi anak anak yang banyak gaya
I'm not a kid anymore with lots of style
Lirik diulang ulang eneg eneg jadinya
Repeating lyrics becomes nauseating
Liriklu sedikit makna kebanyakan adlib nya
Your lyrics have little meaning, too much ad-lib
Kadang lagu gue heyy suka lewatin batas
Sometimes my songs, hey, cross the line
Sekilas masa lalu gue banyak lagu gak pantas
A glimpse into my past, many inappropriate songs
Tapi gue gak malu itu perjalanan hidup
But I'm not ashamed, it's my life journey
Yang udah udah ya udah tenggelam di dalam laut hey
The past is the past, sunk deep in the ocean, hey
Gue gak sempurna bacotan kemana mana
I'm not perfect, my words go all over the place
Boleh kok dihina gak bakalan gue marah
Feel free to insult me, I won't get mad
Janganlah ditiru kelakuan yang keliru
Don't imitate wrong behavior
Yang baik buat elu yang jelek jangan ditiru
Take what's good for you, leave the bad behind
Banyak yangg komen tapi di belakang
Many comment, but behind my back
Mungkin inilah orang, orang yg dibilang
Maybe these are the people they call
Komentator, geratisan
Commentators, for free
Otaknya kotor, ngakunya teman
Their minds are dirty, claiming to be friends
Gak perlu cape marah marah lagi dalam lagu
No need to tire myself with anger in songs anymore
Gue mau ramah ramah bodo amat lu belagu
I want to be kind, I don't care if you're arrogant
Mungkin gue berubah bukan lagi yg dulu
Maybe I've changed, not the same as before
Elu pernah gini gitu gua udah lebih dulu
You've done this and that, I've been there first
Bikin lagu diss? Gw ga perlu cerita
Make a diss track? I don't need to explain
Lu tau soundclick? Gw masih ada disana
You know SoundClick? I'm still there
My space friendster reverbnation gw jajah
MySpace, Friendster, ReverbNation, I conquered them all
Lu baru main fb gw udah di layar kaca
You just started on Facebook, I'm already on TV
Bukan mau sombong tapi ya mau gimana
Not trying to brag, but what can I do
Itu cerita hidup gw ya apa adanya
That's my life story, as it is
Sekarang gw mau triplet okelah
Now I want triplets, alright
Gue gak sempurna bacotan kemana mana
I'm not perfect, my words go all over the place
Boleh kok dihina gak bakalan gue marah
Feel free to insult me, I won't get mad
Janganlah ditiru kelakuan yang keliru
Don't imitate wrong behavior
Yang baik buat elu yang jelek muka elu
Take what's good for you, your face is bad

Авторы: Irwan Suwandi

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