The Law - Cinta 5 Waktu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Law - Cinta 5 Waktu

Cinta 5 Waktu
5 Times Love
Ku rasakan cinta yang tak pernah mati
I feel a love that never dies
Selalu bergelora di dalam hati
Always burning in my heart
Dari isya subuh dhuhur azar sampe magrib
From Isha, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr to Maghrib
Dari dulu sampai kini malam hingga pagi
From the past until now, night to morning
Januari februari maret april meiiii
January, February, March, April, May
Juni juli agustus september oktober yei
June, July, August, September, October, yay!
November desember cuma kamu yang ku nanti
November, December, it's only you I wait for
Ga pernah berhenti ga bisa berhenti
Never stopping, can't stop
Senin selasa rabu dan kamis jum'at sabtu kurindu kamu terhalang jarak dan waktu aku disini kamu jauh
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, I miss you, hindered by distance and time, I'm here, you're far away
Melewati lautan meski naik kapal terbang
Crossing oceans, even if by plane
Kalo ku lagi kangen ku ga bisa langsung datang
When I miss you, I can't just come right away
Rinduku selalu ku pendam lama lama jadi jerawat
My longing I keep bottled up, it turns into pimples after a while
Ga bisa tidur tiap malam rindu ini sudah darurat
Can't sleep every night, this longing is an emergency
Segalau galaunya alay ga akan bisa segalau aku
No matter how melancholic and cheesy, they won't be as melancholic as me
Status bbm ku risau pake photo yang paling kacau
My BBM status is worried, using the most messed-up photo
Aduh my hooney kamu tau ga sich aku lonely
Oh my honey, don't you know I'm lonely?
Tau ga sich aku lonely aduh my hooney
Don't you know I'm lonely, oh my honey
Cinta yang ku punya mungkin seluas samudra
The love I have is maybe as vast as the ocean
Kalo sunami nanti pasti bisa berbahaya
If there's a tsunami, it could be dangerous
Peringatan ini awas awas hatiku mulai panas
This is a warning, watch out, my heart is starting to heat up
Kamu mesti was was cintaku sudah mulai berpotensi gempa bumi
You better be careful, my love is starting to have earthquake potential
Sekala 15 twister atau mungkin lebih
Magnitude 15 twister, or maybe more
Ku tau aku mungkin bukan satu satunya
I know I might not be the only one
Lelelaki keren yang kepadamu jatuh cinta
Cool guy who fell in love with you
Boboleh saja dia bilang lang jangan sedih
He can say, "Honey, don't be sad"
Tetapi ku tak kan pernahmembuatmu menangis
But I will never make you cry
Boleh saja wajahnya terlihat lebih bersinar
His face might look brighter
Tapi satu hal yang pasti yang lebih tenar
But one thing's for sure, who's more famous
Inilah kebenaran yang aku utarakan
This is the truth I'm speaking
Aku rindu kamu dari senin sampe akhir pekan
I miss you from Monday to the weekend
Aku disini kamu disana ku tidur sama dia
I'm here, you're there, I sleep with her
Kamu ntah sama siapa
You're with who knows who
Tapi ku tau hatiku disana ditempat dimana dirimu kini berada ku tau dirimu tau kalo ku cinta
But I know my heart is there, in the place where you are now, I know you know I love you
Aku layak ditunggu kamu layak dinanti
I'm worth waiting for, you're worth waiting for
Walau diriku cuma waiting list kadang bikin ku bete habis
Even though I'm just on the waiting list, it sometimes makes me really annoyed
Abis kamu terlalu manis tubuhmu ga bisa ku tangkis
Because you're too sweet, I can't resist your body
Aku jujur ga lagi bokis @#$%&
I'm honest, no more lying @#$%&
Hatimu seperti tetris sulit ditebak bergerak begitu cepat
Your heart is like Tetris, hard to predict, moving so fast
Biar aku bergerak lambat ku cari selah dalam hatimu
Let me move slowly, I'll find the gap in your heart
Lalu ku coba lupain kamu tapi aku ga bisa tidur
Then I try to forget you, but I can't sleep
Dalam tidur kumimpi kamu tapi aku lalu terbangun
In my sleep, I dream of you, but then I wake up
Bangun tidur aku lapar tapi aku ga bisa makan
Waking up, I'm hungry, but I can't eat
Liat makanan ga nafsu aku cuma mau kamu
Looking at food, I have no appetite, I just want you
Kamu lembut begitu halus kamu bagaikan damaskus
You're soft, so smooth, you're like Damascus steel
Walau mahal akan ku tebus walau bikin badan kurus
Even though it's expensive, I'll buy it, even if it makes me skinny
Kamu manis semanis madu bikin hatiku merah jambu
You're sweet as honey, making my heart pink
Hidup kini menjadi biru sudah biru sudah biru
Life is now blue, already blue, already blue

Авторы: The Law

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