The Motans - 42 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Motans - 42

O femeie perfecta e la fel de complicata,
A perfect woman is just as complicated,
Ca un puzzle super greu din care lipseste o bucata.
Like a super hard puzzle with a missing piece.
Si de cate ori am incercat sa o pun la loc sau pur si simplu sa o fac.
And every time I've tried to put it back or simply make it work,
De atatea ori am esuat.
I have failed that many times.
Cu ochii de sticla si mainile in cap si stiu ca tot ce am e tot ce fac.
With glass eyes and my hands in my head, I know that all I have is all I do.
Dar in viata parca nu-i deloc interesant.
But in life, it seems like it's not interesting at all.
Sufletul nu se topeste iar eu nu pot sa ard daca in femeie nu-i macar o coasta de drac.
My soul doesn't melt, and I can't burn if there's not at least a rib of the devil in a woman.
N-am spus ca nu sunt perfect si asa-mi vine cateodata ca sa ma mai imbat.
I didn't say I'm not perfect, and sometimes I feel like getting drunk again.
Sa iau soarta de dara s-o intreb dar de data aceasta doar in dialect.(42)
To grab fate by the collar and ask her, but this time only in dialect. (42)
Spune-mi soarta unde vrei sa ma duci.
Tell me, fate, where do you want to take me?
Desi la toti le pica fete da' mie numa susi.
Everyone else gets girls, but I only get queens.
De viata ma calesti si tot de dansa ma usuci.
Life tempers me, and she dries me out too.
Dupa dragoste alerg ca veverita dupa nuci.
I chase love like a squirrel after nuts.
Spune-mi soarta unde vrei sa ma iei.
Tell me, fate, where do you want to take me?
La toti le dai cu caru' da cu mine vrei sa bei.
You give everyone else a ride, but you want to drink with me.
Pe mine m-ai pus pe iarba da' la prosti le-ai dat un drum.
You put me on the grass, but you gave fools a way out.
Spui ca vrei sa ma lecuiesti da ma faci tot mai nebun.
You say you want to heal me, but you make me even crazier.
Si nu pot sa desenez fara poza, fara foi.
And I can't draw without a picture, without sheets.
Fericirea doar cu negru iar durerea in culori.
Happiness only in black, and pain in colors.
Si ma faci sa te astept ca mai apoi.
And you make me wait for you so that later,
Sa imi dai raspunsul 42.
You can give me the answer 42.
Ce a mai ramas din dragoste si visele mele.
What's left of love and my dreams,
Putin strans in pumn, nu desfac palmele.
A little clenched in my fist, I don't open my palms.
Am sa le duc cu grija pana nu ma sting,
I will carry them carefully until I fade away,
Am sa ratacesc cu ele printre stele si timp.
I will wander with them among the stars and time.
Vocea ei si buzele cat de mult le-am iubit.
Her voice and lips, how much I loved them.
Ooo, pentru ele am fost in stare de orice.
Ooo, for them, I was capable of anything.
Yo, iarta-ma ca in mine an avut atata tupeu.
Yo, forgive me for having so much audacity in me,
Sa cred ca fericirea nu se descalta in antreu.
To believe that happiness doesn't take off its shoes in the hallway.
Spune-mi soarta unde vrei sa ma duci.
Tell me, fate, where do you want to take me?
Desi la toti le pica fete da' mie numa susi.
Everyone else gets girls, but I only get queens.
De viata ma calesti si tot de dansa ma usuci.
Life tempers me, and she dries me out too.
Dupa dragoste alerg ca veverita dupa nuci.
I chase love like a squirrel after nuts.
Spune-mi soarta unde vrei sa ma iei.
Tell me, fate, where do you want to take me?
La toti le dai cu caru' da cu mine vrei sa bei.
You give everyone else a ride, but you want to drink with me.
Pe mine m-ai pus pe iarba da' la prosti le-ai dat un drum.
You put me on the grass, but you gave fools a way out.
Spui ca vrei sa ma lecuiesti da ma faci tot mai nebun.
You say you want to heal me, but you make me even crazier.
Spune-mi soarta unde vrei sa ma duci.
Tell me, fate, where do you want to take me?
Desi la toti le pica fete da' mie numa susi.
Everyone else gets girls, but I only get queens.
De viata ma calesti si tot de dansa ma usuci.
Life tempers me, and she dries me out too.
Dupa dragoste alerg ca veverita dupa nuci.
I chase love like a squirrel after nuts.
Spune-mi soarta unde vrei sa ma iei.
Tell me, fate, where do you want to take me?
La toti le dai cu caru' da cu mine vrei sa bei.
You give everyone else a ride, but you want to drink with me.
Pe mine m-ai pus pe iarba da' la prosti le-ai dat un drum.
You put me on the grass, but you gave fools a way out.
Spui ca vrei sa ma lecuiesti da ma faci tot mai nebunnn.
You say you want to heal me, but you make me even crazier.
Versuri The Motans
Lyrics by The Motans

Авторы: Cotoi Alexandru, Roabes Denis

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