I do what I want before who I always want to be...
No lo veía venir un ritmo acelerado para mi vida tenía, respiré.
I didn't see it coming a fast pace for my life I had, I breathed.
Pero vaya sorpresa la que me di, me queda corta la cinta con la que un día me medí, te diré.
But what a surprise I got, I'm running out of the tape with which I once measured myself, I'll tell you.
Lo que dijeron de mi, me apostaron por muerto tal John.
What they said about me, they bet me dead like John.
Pero no por nada le dí, buena voluntad para Adan ya no es mucho pedir, así que.
But it's not for nothing that I gave it my all, goodwill for Adam is no longer too much to ask, so.
Súbele a tus Buffers y así sin duda escuchas que rapear no es hacer waffles aquí se muere fulano de tal ruta desnuda letal para tu cruda verdad, hasta los mejores se caen.
Pump up your Buffers and so without a doubt you hear that rapping is not making waffles here someone dies naked lethal for your raw truth, even the best fall down.
Bailen, mientras estabilizo mi vida yo hago que bailen.
Dance, while I stabilize my life I make them dance.
Ay ven.
Come on baby.
En mis sueños no hay tormenta ni bajo del sombrero de raiden.
In my dreams there is no storm or under Raiden's hat.
Siempre me entrego y entreno en el ring de la crisis, también ya degustó el sabor del apocalipsis, no me detiene ni siquiera desnudo de una piscis.
I always give myself and train in the ring of the crisis, I also already tasted the flavor of the apocalypse, I'm not even stopped naked from a Pisces.
Uh uh... You got me?
Uh uh... You got me?
I do what i want before who i always want to be"
I do what I want before who I always want to be...
Ya lo veía venir, un ritmo acelerado que en esta vida medí, te diré.
I saw it coming, a fast pace that I measured in this life, I'll tell you.
Ojalá no se canse de mi, hoy caminan multitudes en mis, tenis te diré, te miré.
I hope you don't get tired of me, today there are crowds of people in my sneakers, I'll tell you, I looked at you.
Si la corriente pasa en malecón soy un paredón, un cabezón que fue a la teleco, aja, hey.
If the current passes on the pier I'm a wall, a bighead who went to the teleco, aha, hey.
Ganas de estar en el game perro, yo no fui de la calle salí de los cerros, fui rebelde valentía me orilló al arrepentimiento me ha forjado el error una docena de intentos, por eso no finjo que me den, reconocimientos y pide que le de, pero un escenario que me de, desde que en el juego Adan Cruz era un bebé y sigue siéndolo, tengo los pies en postura, también las estatuas tienen estatura, figuras públicas sin la cordura de que al ir creciendo su público pierde figura...
The desire to be in the dog game, I didn't come from the street I came from the hills, I was a rebel, my bravery led me to repentance, I have forged the error a dozen times, that's why I don't pretend they give me, recognition and ask him to give me, but a stage that gives me, since Adam Cruz was a baby in the game and still is, I have my feet in a pose, also the statues have stature, public figures without the sanity that as they grow their public loses figure...
It was funny, i remember when, mom told me...
It was funny, I remember when, Mom told me...
You are not get it that far", I didn't trust her, so, thanks for my dreams.
You are not going to get that far", I didn't trust her, so, thanks for my dreams.
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