The Real Group - bara vi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Real Group - bara vi

bara vi
Just the two of us
Tanker pa minnen som vi har, du och jag
Thinking back on memories we've shared, you and I
- 당신과 나의 추억들을 생각하고 있어요
- I've been thinking about the memories we've shared, you and I
Tiderna gar sa snabbt forbi
Times pass by so quickly
- 세월은 빨리도 흘러가고
- Time goes by so fast
Barn har vi fatt och allt som kommer med det
We've had children and all that comes with it
- 아이들을 얻고 나서 모든 것이 변했어요
- We've had children and all that comes with that
Men en gang var det bara vi
But once it was just the two of us
- 그래도 한때는 당신과 뿐이었지요
- But once it was just the two of us
Sag minns du nar det bara var vi, du och jag
Tell me, do you remember when it was just the two of us, you and I
- 말해봐요, 당신과 둘뿐이었던 때가 생각나나요
- Tell me, do you remember when it was just the two of us, you and I
Vi reste runt i var forsta bil, du och jag
We traveled around in our first car, you and I
- 우리가 첫번째 차로 당신과 나는 여행을 다녔지요
- We traveled around in our first car, you and I
Vi stanna till och tog oss ett dopp
We stopped and took a dip
- 차를 멈추고 호수에 뛰어들기도 하고
- We stopped and took a dip
Somna tatt vid varann,
Fell asleep next to each other,
- 서로 붙어서 잠이 들었지요
- We fell asleep next to each other,
Ljuvligt blommade sommarn
Summer bloomed beautifully
- 눈부시게 피어나던 여름
- Summer bloomed beautifully
En dag sa var vi pa liseberg, du och jag
One day we were at Liseberg, you and I
- 하루는 리세베리 유원지에 갔었지요
- One day we were at Liseberg, you and I
Du madde illa efter den dan, inte jag
You got sick after that day, not me
- 당신은 저녁 속이 불편했지만, 나는 끄떡 없었어요
- You got sick after that day, but not me
Vi drack vart vin, sov i talt vid folkets park
We drank our wine, slept in a tent at the People's Park
- 포도주를 마시고, 시민 공원에서 텐트를 치고 잤었어요
- We drank our wine, slept in a tent at the Citizens Park
Och dar dansa vi, du och jag
And there we danced, you and I
- 거기서 춤도 춰었잖아요, 당신과 둘이서
- And there we danced, you and I
Vi maste fa nan tid som racker till oss
We must make enough time for ourselves
- 우리한테 필요한 만큼 충분한 시간을 내야겠어요
- We must make enough time for ourselves
Bara va tva och ha det bra
Just the two of us, to have a good time
- 우리 둘을 위한, 다시 행복해 지기 위한 시간
- Just the two of us, to have a good time
Kasta loss ankaret driva bort med en vind
Cast off the anchor, drift away with the wind
- 바람에 모든 것을 맡기고 떠나는 거예요
- Cast off the anchor, drift away with the wind
Leva for stunden, du och jag
Live for the moment, you and I
- 바로 순간만을 위해서 사는 거예요, 당신과 둘이서
- Live for the moment, you and I
Sag minns du nar det bara var vi, du och jag
Tell me, do you remember when it was just the two of us, you and I
- 말해봐요, 당신과 뿐이었던 때를 기억하나요
- Tell me, do you remember when it was just the two of us, you and I
Vi korde runt i var forsta bil, du och jag
We drove around in our first car, you and I
- 우리가 첫번째 차로 여행을 떠났지요
- We drove around in our first car, you and I
Du korde fel och kartan tog slut
You drove the wrong way and the map ran out
- 당신이 길을 잘못 들어서 지도에도 없는 곳에 떨어졌지요
- You drove the wrong way and the map ran out
Inte hitta vi ut, natten blev snart till morgon
We couldn't find the way out, the night soon turned into morning
- 길도 찾고 밤은 금새 깊어갔어요
- We couldn't find the way out, the night soon turned into morning
Pa olandsbron sa stannade bilen, jaha
The car stopped at the Olandsbron, oh well
- 욀란드 다리에서 차는 결국 고장이 버렸지요, 아하
- The car stopped at the Olandsbron, oh well
Och vi fick lift med allt vart bagage, du och jag
And we got a ride with all our luggage, you and I
- 짐꾸러미를 바리바리 들고 지나가는 차를 얻어 탔지요
- And we got a ride with all our luggage, you and I
Vi tog ett rum pa hotell, som var for dyrt,
We got a room at a hotel, which was too expensive,
- 호텔에 방을 하나 잡았는데 우리한텐 너무 비싼 방이었어요
- We got a room at a hotel, which was too expensive,
Men dar alska vi, du och jag
But there we made love, you and I
- 그래도 우리는 거기에서 사랑을 나누었지요
- But there we made love, you and I
Aren har gatt och sa mycket har hant
Years have passed and so much has happened
- 세월은 흘러가고 너무나 많은 일들이 일어났어요
- Years have passed and so much has happened
Vi glommer bort hur det var
We forget what it was like
- 우리 옛날엔 어땠었는지 잊어버린 아닌가요
- We forget what it was like
Men om vi skulle ge tusan i allt
But if we could just forget about everything
- 그래도 에라, 모르겠다, 하고
- But if we could just forget about everything
Och sticka ivag med en bil, du och jag
And drive away with a car, you and I
- 하나로 떠나는 거예요, 당신과 둘이서
- And drive away with a car, you and I
Da far vi samma kanslor som forr, du och jag
Then we'll feel the same feelings as before, you and I
- 그러면 옛날과 똑같은 감정을 다시 느낄 있을 거예요
- Then we'll feel the same feelings as before, you and I
Vi lever runt och skrattar var dag, du och jag
We'll live our lives and laugh every day, you and I
- 행복하게, 매일매일 웃으면서
- We'll live our lives and laugh every day, you and I
Vi stannar till nar natten blir mork
We'll stop when the night gets dark
- 밤이 아주아주 깊어가도 집에는 들어가지 않기로 해요
- We'll stop when the night gets dark
Satter upp varat talt, somnar tatt vid varandra
Put up our tent, sleep next to each other
- 텐트를 치고, 서로 붙어서 잠이 드는 거예요
- We'll put up our tent, sleep next to each other
Vi sitter har och minns hur det var, du och jag
We're sitting here remembering how it was, you and I
- 우린 여기 앉아서 옛날엔 어땠는지를 회상하고 있죠
- We're sitting here remembering how it was, you and I
Ett sorglost liv vi levde var dag, du och jag
A carefree life we lived every day, you and I
- 하루하루가 아무 걱정없는 나날들이었잖아요
- A carefree life we lived every day, you and I
Solen den varmde och sommaren stod i blom,
The sun was warm and the summer was in bloom,
- 태양은 따뜻하고 여름은 다시 피어날 거예요
- The sun was warm and the summer was in bloom,
Och da alska vi, ja, da alska vi, du och jag
And then we loved, yes, then we loved, you and I
- 우리는 다시 사랑하는 거예요, 당신과 둘이서
- And then we loved, yes, then we loved, you and I

Авторы: Anders Jalkéus, Bengt Arwen

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