The Refrescos - Airiños, Airiños, Aires - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Refrescos - Airiños, Airiños, Aires

Airiños, Airiños, Aires
Airiños, Airiños, Airs
Sen ela vivir non podo, non podo vivir sen ela
I cannot live without her, I cannot live without her
E onde queira que vaia cóbreme unha sombra espesa.
And wherever I go, a thick shadow covers me.
Cóbreme unha espesa nube, tal preñada de tormentas,
A thick cloud covers me, so pregnant with storms,
Tal de soidás preñada que a miña ida envelena.
So pregnant with loneliness that my departure is poisoned.
Levaime, levaime, airiños, coma unha folliña seca
Take me, take me, winds, like a dry leaf
Que seco tamén me puxo a callentura que queima.
That has also dried me up with the fever that burns.
Ai! Se non me levades pronto, airiños da miña terra
Oh! If you don't take me soon, winds of my homeland
Se non me levais, airiños quizais xa non me coñezan.
If you don't take me, winds, perhaps they will no longer know me.
Levaime, levaime, airiños, levaime onde me espera
Take me, take me, winds, take me where she awaits me
Unha nai que por min chora, un pai que sin min n'aventa.
A mother who cries for me, a father who yearns for me
Irmán por quen daría, a sangue das miñas venas,
A brother for whom I would give, with the blood of my veins,
Un amorciño que en alma a vida lle prometera.
A tiny love that would promise life to his soul.
Se pronto non me levades, ai! Morrerei de tristeza,
If you don't take me soon, oh! I will die of sadness,
Soio nunha terra estraña, onde o estraño me alumea.
Alone in a strange land, where the stranger shines on me.
Onde todo canto miro, todo me di estranxeiro.
Where everything I see, everything tells me I am a stranger.
Ai miña probe casiña! Ai meu puchiño vermello!
Oh my poor little house! Oh my little red chick!
Non permitais que aquí morra, airiños da miña terra,
Do not allow me to die here, winds of my homeland,
Inda penso que de morto ei de suspirar por ela.
I still think that when I am dead I will sigh for her.
Inda penso, airiños, aires, que despois de morto sea,
I still think, winds, airs, that after I am dead,
Pases polo camposanto onde enterrado me teñan.
You will pass by the cemetery where they have buried me.
Pases na calada noite, ruxindo entre as follas secas,
You will pass by in the dead of night, roaring among the dry leaves,
O murmuxar dos medosos, atrás tantas calaveras.
The murmur of the fearful, behind so many skulls.
Ainda despois de mortiño, airiños da miña terra,
Even after I am dead, winds of my homeland,

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