The Robo feat. Hayal Köseoğlu - Durakla - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Robo feat. Hayal Köseoğlu - Durakla

Bu sabah kalktım gittim buralardan
This morning I got up and left this place,
Senden benden bütün kalanlardan
From you, from me, from all that remains,
Bi an bile durmadım
I never stopped for a moment,
Bi an bile sormadım
I never even asked,
Döner mi diye oralardan
If you would come back from there.
Kazıdım attım bütün umudumu
I scratched and threw away all my hope,
Düşünmedim bile beni sordun mu
I didn't even think about whether you asked about me,
Son sözü söylerken yüzüme bakmadın
You didn't look me in the face when you said the last word,
Bak etrafına ben bile kalmadım
Look around, even I'm not here anymore.
Bir bulabilsem gerçeği
If only I could find the truth,
Bir bilebilsem
If only I could know,
Ben niye bilmem
Why don't I know,
Ben diye bildiğim kendimi yendiğim yerde
Where I thought I knew myself, I was defeated.
Bir bulabilsem gerçeği
If only I could find the truth,
Bir bilebilsem
If only I could know,
Ama ben niye bilmem
But why don't I know,
Bana ben diyebilmem
To be able to call myself I?
Geride ne kalan
What remains behind,
Geri neden dönemiyo insan ileriden
Why can't we go back from the future?
Ne gelse bilemez geleni hiç
No one can ever know what is coming,
Hiç sevmem
I don't like it at all,
Hiç sevmem
I don't like it at all,
Ne sevsem sen
Whatever I like, you,
Bilemem ileri geçiyim der
I don't know, I say I'll move forward,
Erkenden deneyip beceremem
I try early and I can't do it,
Evim -ki evimsin
My home - because you are my home,
Evdeyken hep
When I'm at home
Hep çarpar
It always hits me,
Hep çarpar
It always hits me,
Kalp hala
My heart is still,
Hala var
It's still there.
Kaç kaldırımda(Bin)
How many sidewalks (a thousand),
Durcam bu akşam (Az)
I'll stop this evening (a little),
Az nefes vercem (Iç)
I'll breathe a little (inside),
Çok duman alcam (çek)
I'll take a lot of smoke (draw),
Saysam sayılmaz (çok)
I can't count them (many),
Çok hiç azalmaz (dur)
Many never decrease (stop),
Dursa artık
Should it stop now,
Burda çoğalman
Your increasing here?
Durakla durakla
Stop, stop,
Durup da gelme akla
Don't come to mind,
Akılda kalanlar
Those who remain in mind,
Hep hatrını sorarlar
Always ask about you.
Ne yapsam ne fayda
What good does it do,
Kalan zamanlar artar
The remaining times increase,
Durakla durakla
Stop, stop,
Desem de durma asla
Even if I say it, never stay.
Senin gibi biri göremedim
I've never seen anyone like you,
Aradım bulamadım sokaklarda
I searched for you in the streets and couldn't find you,
Kimseye sen gibi gülemedim
I couldn't smile at anyone like you,
Aradım bulamadım uzaklarda
I searched for you in the distance and couldn't find you.
Senin gibi biri öpemedim
I've never kissed anyone like you,
Aradım bulamadım dudaklarda
I searched your lips and couldn't find you,
Sensizliği hiç sevemedim
I never liked loneliness,
Ama kaybolmuştum tuzaklarda
But I was lost in traps.
Senin gibi biri göremedim
I've never seen anyone like you,
Aradım bulamadım sokaklarda
I searched for you in the streets and couldn't find you,
Kimseye sen gibi gülemedim
I couldn't smile at anyone like you,
Aradım bulamadım uzaklarda
I searched for you in the distance and couldn't find you.
Senin gibi biri öpemedim
I've never kissed anyone like you,
Aradım bulamadım dudaklarda
I searched your lips and couldn't find you,
Sensizliği hiç sevemedim
I never liked loneliness,
Ama kaybolmuştum tuzaklarda
But I was lost in traps.
Sen sevmeyi bilsen bilemedin
You don't know how to love,
Uyu şimdi boş yataklarda
Sleep now in empty beds,
Sevmeyi bilsen bilemedin
You don't know how to love,
Uyu şimdi boş yataklarda
Sleep now in empty beds.

Авторы: Hayal Köseoğlu

The Robo feat. Hayal Köseoğlu - Durakla
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