The Synaptik - القمر و المحيط - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Synaptik - القمر و المحيط

القمر و المحيط
The Moon and the Ocean
Understand me
Understand me
في نِهايةْ هذه الرِّحْلة الغَريبة جِدّاً
At the end of this very strange journey
تْخَرَّجْنا بَعْضَ الدُّروسْ
We graduated some lessons
بَعْضَ الجُروحْ
Some wounds
وَالكَثيرْ الكَثيرْ الكَثيرْ مِنَ الجِلْدِ السّميكْ
And many many many thick skin
وْهيكْ شَغْلاتْ
And some stuff
فَ شُكراً لاسْتِماعِكُمْ وَ شُكْراً لِكُلّْ ما حَصَلْ
So thank you for listening and thank you for everything that happened
هَسّا مَرَّتْ سَنة سَنة و أَرْبَعْ seasons
Now it's been a year a year and four seasons
بَلَّشْ شِتا خَلَّصْ شِتا عيدِنْ
Started a winter finished a winter Eid
مِنَ جَهَنَّمْ عْمِلْها جَنّة إيدينْ
From hell made it a paradise Eden
طَعْمونا التُّفاحة كانَتْ بِإيدنْ
We tasted the apple it was in Eden
قُلْتِلِّكْ ضايِلْ بَسْ آسِفْ I'm leaving
I told you I'm lost but sorry I'm leaving
عِنْدي غيرِكْ شَياطيني غوصْ فيهِنْ
I have other demons to dive in
بَسْ بَتْمَنّى إِنْتَ تْكونْ سَعيدٍ
But I wish you were happy
بَسْ مِنْ بَعيدٍ
But from afar
فُتِتْ حارِبْ
Fight it
وْهَسّا عَالبيتْ راجِعْ
And now I'm going back home
فُتِتْ حارِبْ
Fight it
وْهَسّا عَالبيتْ راجِعْ
And now I'm going back home
بَسْ مِشْ نَفْسِ الشّي
But it's not the same
بَسْ مِشْ نَفْسِ الشّي
But it is not the same
كُلْ يومْ بَتْعلَّمْ شي
Every day I learn something
بَكْتُبْ وْبَمْحي
I write and I delete
إِللّي ماتْ جوعْ أَبْصَرْ إيشْ الّلي يِحْييهْ
He who does not die of hunger sees what makes him live
نِسْتَسْلِمْ كِلْمة غيرْ مَوْجودة عِنْدي بِالقاموسْ
We surrender the word does not exist in my dictionary
مُشْكِلْتي انّي بَغوصْ
My problem is that I dive
مُشْكِلْتي حِبَّ الدُّروسْ
My problem is the love of lessons
مُشْكِلْتي مِشْ مُشْكِلْتي
My problem is not my problem
مُشْكِلْتي كُلَّ النّفوسْ
My problem is all souls
تَكْرَهْ الغَريبْ
Hate the stranger
تقْتُلْ كلَّ الْ فيّا حوتْ
Kill all the whales in me
وَنا ناديتْ عَليكْ سِنينْ وَايّامْ
And I called you for years and days
و بَكيتْ بَكيتْ بَكيتْ
And I cried and I cried and I cried
عَالأَغاني كَتَبْتْ شو تعلّمْتْ
On the songs I wrote what I learned
وْكَتَبْتْ عَنْ عينيكْ
And wrote about your eyes
And that
وَكْ هذا اللّي أَجاكْ
And this is what came to you
كُنْتْ دَهِدِّ الْحيطْ
You were knocking on the wall
مِشْ بَسْ أَفْتَحْ شُبّاكْ
Not just to open a window
بَسْ ما عادْ فِيّي حيلْ ضَلْني خوضْ بهالليلْ
But I don't have the strength to keep wading through this night anymore
لانّي انْسانْ بِالآخرْ وعِنْدي حْدودْ
Because I am human in the end and I have limits
الكَوْكَبْ راحْ يْلِّفْ
The planet will revolve
بَسْ راحْ نْضَلْنا نِبْعِدْ
But we will continue to distance ourselves
النّوسْتالجيا مَرَضْ
Nostalgia is a disease
والوَقْتْ لا يَعودْ
And time does not come back
وَ نا فوقْ بينَ النُّجومْ
And I am up among the stars
أَنا ضاو
I am light
يوو شوفَ الجُمهورْ
Yo look at the audience
عِندي بُكْرة show
I have a show tomorrow
غَيّْرِ المَشْروع اليومْ
Change the project today
أَصْلاً حيفا شوبْ
Haifa Shop anyway
هَيْ أَعْطيتكو القَمَرْ والمُحيطْ
Hey I gave you the moon and the ocean
تِسْمَعْ كُلْ يومْ
You hear every day
القَمَرْ و المُحيطْ yo
The moon and the ocean yo
القَمَرْ و المُحيطْ
The moon and the ocean
تِسْمَعْ كُلْ يومْ
You hear every day
القَمَرْ والمُحيطْ yo
The moon and the ocean yo
تِسْمَعْ كل يومْ
You hear every day
القَمَرْ والمُحيطْ yo
The moon and the ocean yo
القَمَرْ والمُحيطْ
The moon and the ocean
تِسْمَعْ كُلْ يومْ
You hear every day
القَمَرْ و المُحيطْ yo
The moon and the ocean yo
تِسْمَعْ كُلْ يومْ
You hear every day

Авторы: Bader Azem, Laith Hasan

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