The Synaptik - رن رن - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Synaptik - رن رن

رن رن
Ring Ring
وْ يَمْ الغَلَبة حِنْ حِنْ حِنْ
Yo, victory is ours, honk honk honk
بْنِعملْ غَنَمة دِنْ دِنْ دِنْ
We're making a fortune, ding ding ding
لَفْلِفْ بِالْهَضَبة فِنْ فِنْ فِنْ
Cruising the hills, vroom vroom vroom
تَلْفِنْلِكْ رُدّي رِنْ رِنْ رِنْ
Call you back, ring ring ring
وَلِكْ آني وْ صَحَبي مِشْ زَيْكِنْ
Listen, me and my friends ain't like you
بَنْزِلْ عَ الْخَشَبة مِتْدايْكٍ
We hit the stage with passion
غَنّي لَلجَماهيرْ exciting
Sing to the crowd, it's exciting
Just know that I'm always fighting
Just know that I'm always fighting
وْ آه آه آه
And oh, oh, oh
قَلْبي في الفَضا لا يَرى ما أَمامو
My heart's in space, it can't see what's in front
بِتْقُلّي ارْجَعْ وَرا لَ وَرا لَ وَرا
You're telling me to back off, back off, back off
صَعْبِ اللّي زَيّي يْغَيِّرْ كَلامو
It's hard for someone like me to change their words
خلْ نْحَدِّدْ نِصِفْ قُطُرْ هذي الدّائِرة
Let's define the radius of this circle
عَشانْ كُلْ واحَدْ فينا يِرْجَعْ مَكانو
So each of us can return to their place
و ما بينْ كُْلِّ حْروبْ الدّائِرة
And between all the wars within this circle
انا وانْتي اثْنينْ كُلّو يْدَوِّر عَ سَلامو
You and I, both searching for our peace
ويا تَرى يا تَرى
And I wonder, I wonder
عَدّي هَالْفَتَرة
During this time
ماشي بالْ هَالشِّمالْ شَرَّ النّاسِ اخْتَصَرَ
Walking north, the worst of people have gathered
حُطْني قْبالْ الكامَرا
Put me in front of the camera
أنا عَنْ عَشَرة
I'm worth ten
مع دَمار فِشْ هِزارْ
With destruction, there's no joking around
بْنِلْعَنْ اللّي بَزَرَكْ
We curse whoever betrayed you
وْ يَمْ الغَلَبة حِنْ حِنْ حِنْ
Yo, victory is ours, honk honk honk
بْنِعملْ غَنَمة دِنْ دِنْ دِنْ
We're making a fortune, ding ding ding
لَفْلِفْ بِالْهَضَبة فِنْ فِنْ فِنْ
Cruising the hills, vroom vroom vroom
تَلْفِنْلِكْ رُدّي رِنْ رِنْ رِنْ
Call you back, ring ring ring
وَلِكْ آني وْ صَحَبي مِشْ زَيْكِنْ
Listen, me and my friends ain't like you
بَنْزِلْ عَ الْخَشَبة مِتْدايْكٍ
We hit the stage with passion
غَنّي لَلجَماهيرْ exciting
Sing to the crowd, it's exciting
Just know that I'm always fighting
Just know that I'm always fighting
شايْفِ الباقي بالي مُمِلْ بْعيدْ الأَشْياءْ
Seeing the rest, my mind is bored, far from things
كُلْنا بْنِعْمَلْ عَ قَوانينْ الفيزياءْ
We all operate on the laws of physics
فَ مَتْعَقِّدْهاشْ
So don't complicate it
كُلّو بِالآخِرْ بَسْ بَسيطْ
Everything in the end is just simple
عُمْرَكْ ما حَتْكونْ أعْمَقْ من المُحيطْ
You'll never be deeper than the ocean
وَ انا ناطِطْ راسْ مِنْ أَعْلى جَبَلْ
And I'm jumping headfirst from the highest mountain
كيفْ القاعْ زيِّ العَسَلْ
How the bottom feels like honey
كيفْ انا عايِشْ لمّا احْكي لَلنّاس بِقولوا هَبَلْ
How I'm living when I talk to people, they say I'm crazy
هَلْ بَحِبِّكْ نَعَمْ أَجَلْ
Do I love you? Yes, indeed
ضَلْنا نْلِفْ زي الْعَجَلْ
We keep spinning like a wheel
وكُلْ ما تْذايَقْ ضَلْني اتِفْ اتِفْ
And whenever you're bothered, I keep talking, talking
ضَلْني اتِفْ جُمَلْ
I keep forming sentences
ومِشْ عادِلْ بِالمَرّة
And it's not fair at all
كُلْ مرّة السّعادة بَس مُرّة
Every time, happiness is just bitter
كُلْ مَرّة التّعاسة بَسْ مَرَّتْ
Every time, sadness just passed
كُلْ مَرّة بَصْحى بِلا طاقة
Every time, I wake up without energy
كُلْ مَرّة بَصْحى مَعي كامِلْ الْقُدْرة
Every time, I wake up with full power
مْآمِنْ بِ بُكْرة
Believing in tomorrow
أنا مْآمِنْ بِ بُكْرة
I believe in tomorrow
أنا مْآمِنْ بِ بُكْرة
I believe in tomorrow
قوم اشْحَنْ هذي الْباقة
Get up, charge this package
بْسُرْعة اضْربْ عَلى هَذهِ النُّمْرة
Quickly dial this number
و يَمّا اللّيلْ اللّيلْ اللّيلْ اللّيلْ طَويل
And oh, the night, the night, the night, the night is long
فيه كُلّ الصَّفَحاتْ ما عَمْ تِنْطَوي
All the pages in it won't close
في غولْ كْبيرْ جوّا
There's a big monster inside
حاوِلْ أَحْتَويهْ
Try to contain it
مُخّي المَكْسورْ
My broken brain
حاوِلْ أنْ داويهْ
Try to heal it
وْ آه آه آه
And oh, oh, oh
قَلْبي في الفَضا لا يَرى ما أَمامو
My heart's in space, it can't see what's in front
بِتْقُلّي ارْجَعْ وَرا لَ وَرا لَ وَرا
You're telling me to back off, back off, back off
صَعْبِ اللّي زَيّي يْغَيِّرْ كَلامو
It's hard for someone like me to change their words
خلْ نْحَدِّدْ نِصِفْ قُطُرْ هذي الدّائِرة
Let's define the radius of this circle
عَشانْ كُلْ واحَدْ فينا يِرْجَعْ ل مَكانو
So each of us can return to their place
و ما بينْ كُْل حْروبْ الدّائِرة
And between all the wars within this circle
انا وانتي اثنين كلو يدوّر عَ سَلامو
You and I, both searching for our peace
وْ يَمْ الغَلَبة حِنْ حِنْ حِنْ
Yo, victory is ours, honk honk honk
بْنِعملْ غَنَمة دِنْ دِنْ دِنْ
We're making a fortune, ding ding ding
لَفْلِفْ بِالْهَضَبة فِنْ فِنْ فِنْ
Cruising the hills, vroom vroom vroom
تَلْفِنْلِكْ رُدّي رِنْ رِنْ رِنْ
Call you back, ring ring ring
وَلِكْ آني وْ صَحَبي مِشْ زَيْكِنْ
Listen, me and my friends ain't like you
بَنْزِلْ عَ الْخَشَبة مِتْدايْكٍ
We hit the stage with passion
غَنّي لَلجَماهيرْ exciting
Sing to the crowd, it's exciting
Just know that I'm always fighting
Just know that I'm always fighting

Авторы: Alaa Barghouthi, Laith Hasan, Osama Abbas

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