The Synaptik - على حسابي - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Synaptik - على حسابي

على حسابي
On My Account
قُلْتِلْها ، إسْتَنّيني عَ الطّريقْ مِشْ عارِفْ مَتى راحْ أَوْصَلْ
I told her, "Wait for me on the road," not knowing when I'll arrive.
عارِفْ الطَّلَبْ كْبيرْ
I know the demand is high.
الشّغْلة مش بِإيدي فِشْ تَصْريحْ
It's not in my hands, there's no permit.
مَنتي عارْفة إِحْتِلالْ حيطانْ وْأَلْوانو كْثيرْ
You know, occupation, walls, and their colors are many.
تِقْلَقيشْ سِرّ كْبيرْ
Don't worry, it's a big secret.
مِشْ راح ْأَمارِسْ فِيّو كُلْشي غيرو التّعْبيرْ
I won't practice anything on you except expression.
مِشْ دْراما
It's not drama.
بَسْ هيكْ عَ الخَفيفْ
Just like that, lightly.
مش شايِفْ بَسْ عادي لمّا كلْ حَدا هُنا كَفيفْ
I can't see, but it's normal when everyone here is blind.
بِدّي سيبة شِكْلي
I want to let go of my appearance.
بِدّي اعْمَلْ مْصيبة شِكْلي
I want to cause trouble, it seems.
بِحْكولي ليشْ هيكْ انْتَ بارِدْ
They tell me, "Why are you so cold?"
وانا بَغْلي مْدَوِّبْ كُلْ الثَّلْجْ التَّحْتي
While my inside melts all the ice beneath me.
مِشْ شايْفينْ
They don't see.
دَفَنْتْ حَبيبةْ قَلْبي مِنْ شَهْرينْ وَلْكو هايْ مينْ
I buried my sweetheart two months ago, and for whom is this?
وْعَلى حْسابي أكْتُبْ إلِكْ صَفَحاتْ عَ الأَلَمْ
And on my account, I write you pages about the pain.
وعَلى حْسابي أَدْفَعْ عَنْهُمْ كُلَّ الذِّمَمّ
And on my account, I pay off all their debts.
وعَلى حْسابي أَشْرَحْ لَهُمْ عَنِ الْهَرَمْ
And on my account, I explain to them about the pyramid.
وعَلى حْسابي عَلى حْسابي
And on my account, on my account.
بِضَحِّكْ مِشْ عارِفْ أطيبْ وَ انْ طَبيبْ
I laugh, not knowing how to heal, even if I were a doctor.
بَحْلِفْ بِالهِلالْ بَحْلِفْ بِالصّليبْ
I swear by the crescent, I swear by the cross.
دَفوتْ هايْ المرةُ لو بِحْبالْ او تَهْريبْ
This time I snuck in, even if by ropes or smuggling.
عَ البابْ واقِفْ بَسْتَنّى التّرْحيبْ
Standing at the door, waiting for the welcome.
الظّاهرْ لا جَديدْ
Apparently, nothing new.
مِشْ سَعيدْ
Not happy.
لِسّا نَفْسِ المَكانْ نِرْجَعْ ليه
We keep returning to the same place.
وانا آسِفْ لَنْ أُعيدْ
And I'm sorry, I won't repeat.
عٍضْ عَلى لْسانَكْ مَتِحْكيشْ
Bite your tongue, don't speak.
خَدِّرْ مَرْكِزْ الدُّموعْ في الدِّماغْ
Anesthetize the tear center in your brain.
Don't cry.
إحْكي cheers
Say cheers.
في كُلْ صورة مَعْ غَريبْ
In every picture with a stranger.
بَسْ بِالبيتْ كُلْ الصُّوَرْ خالية مِنْ أَيَّةْ تَعْبيرْ
But at home, all the pictures are devoid of any expression.
في الصُّوَرْ آياتْ للتَّفْسيرْ
In the pictures, verses for interpretation.
أَرْواحْ للتَّحْضيرْ
Spirits for summoning.
كُلْها حْجارْ وْ قَصديرْ
All stones and tin.
تّصَدِّقْ بَالله احْنا نْطيرْ
Believe in God, we fly.
جِنْحاني مِنِ سْطورْ
My wings are made of lines.
بَفْتَحْلِكْ مَكْتَبْ تَحْرير
I'll open an editorial office for you.
وْبَسْ عَشانْ كلِّ الْ years
And just because of all the years.
النّاسْ كُلْها آذانْ وَ نا كلّي عَويلْ
People are all ears, and I am all wailing.
وْعَلى حْسابي أكْتُبْ إلِكْ صَفَحاتْ عَ الأَلَمْ
And on my account, I write you pages about the pain.
وعَلى حْسابي أَدْفَعْ عَنْهُمْ كُلْ الذِّمَمّ
And on my account, I pay off all their debts.
وعَلى حْسابي أَشْرَحْ لَهُمْ عَنِ الْهَرَمْ
And on my account, I explain to them about the pyramid.
وعَلى حْسابي عَلى حْسابي
And on my account, on my account.
كَمْ مِنْ كَف أَكَلْتو كانْ عَ حْسابي
How many slaps I took were on my account.
كَمْ مِنْ طَلعة طلعتوا وكانْ عَ كْتافي
How many times you rose on my shoulders.
كَمْ مِنْ كذِبة قلتها جُوّا ذاني
How many lies I told within myself.
عشانْ السّينابْتيكْ
For The Synaptik.
بَسْ عادي سَجِّلْ هايْ المَرّة بَرْضو عَلى حْسابي
But it's okay, record this time too on my account.
بِالرّابْ انا ماكنْ
I wasn't in rap.
كُلْ يومْ هَيْني ماكِلْ
Every day, here I am, eating.
شارِبْ نايْم مْسافِرْ
Drinking, sleeping, traveling.
الرّابْ دافِعْ فَواتيرْ
Rap is paying bills.
فَ عادي عَلى حْسابو للكاتِبْ
So it's okay, on its account, to the writer.
تَحَقَّقْ من الخبر كُلّو كاذِبْ
Verify the news, it's all lies.
لَوْ كانْ الجِنّي عَلى الهاتِفْ
If the genie were on the phone.
تِرِنْ قَلّي أُطْلُبْ وَ تَمَنّى
He'd say, "Ask and wish."
لَ قُلْتِلّو قولْ
I would tell him, say.
لَ إمّي إنّي آسِفْ
To my mother, that I'm sorry.
قولْ لَ إمّي إنّي خايِفْ
Tell my mother that I'm afraid.
قولْ لَ إمّي انو الله مَعي عارِفْ
Tell my mother that God is with me, He knows.
فَ عادي كُلّو كُلّو كُلّو على حسابي
So it's okay, all, all, all on my account.
كَنْزة مثل القَمَرْ
A sweater like the moon.
و مْنِ المُحيطْ بَطْلَعْ ناشِفْ
And from the ocean, I emerge dry.
شوفْ كيفْ مِنِ المُحيطْ بَطْلَعْ ناشِفْ
See how from the ocean, I emerge dry.
وْعَلى حْسابي أكْتُبْ إلِكْ صَفَحاتْ عَ الأَلَمْ
And on my account, I write you pages about the pain.
وعَلى حْسابي أَدْفَعْ عَنْهُمْ كُلْ الذِّمَمّ
And on my account, I pay off all their debts.
وعَلى حْسابي أَشْرَحْ لَهُمْ عَنِ الْهَرَمْ
And on my account, I explain to them about the pyramid.
وعَلى حْسابي عَلى حْسابي
And on my account, on my account.

Авторы: Bader Azem, Laith Hasan

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