The Synaptik - مع الشوك - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Synaptik - مع الشوك

مع الشوك
With Thorns
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
داقِقِ المِسْمارْ بِالْعينْ
Hammering the nail into the eye
هادِمْ الهَرَمْ حَفيدْ خادِمْ ثاني الحَرَمينْ
Demolishing the pyramid, the grandson of the servant of the two holy shrines
بَتْعَبَّدْ بِالشَّرَمْ
You worship shame
مِشْ مِتْخَبّي واقِف عَلى اعْلى دَرَجْ
Not hiding, standing on the highest step
بِدّي اشوفْ مينْ ابِنْ مَرَة بِيقْدرْ يِحْكي حَرَف
I want to see who dares to speak a word
انا مِنْ الحَمْ هانْ تَفْ مَرَضْ
I am from the heat, here is a disease of contempt
أنا الأسْبابْ والغَرَضْ
I am the cause and the purpose
دَقْدِقْ عَ بابْ الجَنّة حَتّْ مِنْها أنْطَرَدْ
Knock on the door of heaven until I am expelled from it
كانْ المَجْدْ للشِّيطانْ بَسْ اللَّعْنة للأبَدْ
Glory was for the devil, but the curse is forever
نِسْفُكْ دَمْ عالألحان كَ القُرْبانْ لِلْقَلَقْ
We shed blood on melodies like offerings to anxiety
لا لا لا دايماً في مَعْرَكة لَوْ أموتْ
No, no, no, always in a battle, even if I die
أَيْ لَحْظة راحْ أَدْخُلْ الفالهالا
At any moment I will enter Valhalla
ماشي عَ الشّوكْ دَمّو شوقْ
Walking on thorns, his blood is longing
أَنا ماشي حافي بِلا حِذاءْ
I'm walking barefoot, without shoes
كَمْ مِنْ غَلَطْ هَسّا انْطَلَبْ
How many mistakes have been made now
كَمْ مْنِ فْيوزْ هَسْ انْضربْ
How many fuses have blown now
شاعِرْ بِشُعورْ المَسيحْ لَمّا انْصَلَبْ
A poet with the feelings of Christ when he was crucified
بَضْرُبْ طَلَقْ خَلّي الصّنَمْ يْكَسِّر أَشْياءْ
I shoot bullets, let the idol break things
رايِحْ عَ المَدافنْ راجِعْ بْ كَمْشة أَحْياءْ
Going to the cemetery, coming back with a handful of living
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
هاتْ صَحّي النّاسْ مِنْ النّومْ
Come on, wake people up from sleep
إعْمَلْ طوفانْ بَ الْبومْ
Make a flood with the owls
كُلْ ايّامي الْ قْدامْ تَحْضيرْ لَ فالْ مِكْتوبْ
All my days ahead are preparation for what is written
هادْ مِشْ رابْ هادْ طوبْ
This is not rap, this is a brick
بَبْني في المَقَرْ لَ شَبابْ منبوذْ
I build in the headquarters for ostracized youth
ارْكِنْ عَلى الْحوتْ
Lean on the whale
نِكْبَرْ بِالرّاسْ ونْحِبْ
We grow with the head and we love
نِكْبَرْ بِالرّاسْ و نْخيبْ
We grow with the head and we fail
نِكْبَرْ بِالرّاسْ نِشْرِقْ
We grow with the head and we rise
نِكْبَرْ بِالرّاسْ ونغيبْ
We grow with the head and we disappear
برمي حجارْ ع النّارْ خَلّي الأشْجارْ تْشيبْ
I throw stones at the fire, let the trees turn gray
شايف كتير منيح شو بْصيرْ بَسْ الشّمس تْغيبْ
I see very well what happens when the sun sets
الحَقْني وآمِنْ بِالطَّريقْ
Catch me and believe in the path
سيبْ الآمِنْ بِالطَّريقْ
Leave the safe on the path
صَعْب تِقْنِعْني اتْنازَلْ عَنْ إشي مْآمِنْ في
It's hard to convince me to give up something I believe in
ايشْ يَعْني مُسْتَحيلْ
What does impossible mean
حَتّى لَوْ كانْ المَطْلوبْ انّي اشيلْ
Even if what is required is for me to carry
عَشْرْ جْبالْ على ظَهْري سْنينْ
Ten mountains on my back for years
لالالا دايما في معركة لو اموت أي لحظة راح ادخل الفالهالا
No, no, no, always in a battle, even if I die, at any moment I will enter Valhalla
ماشي كل يوم هيني بلحق احلامي اقلهم مرحبا
Walking every day, here I am, catching up with my dreams, I tell them hello
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِسْتَنّاشْ بنِنْساشْ شيء شي
We will not forget, not forget anything
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ (بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ)
Out with the thorns (Out with the thorns)
بْنِتْخَبّاشْ هَيْنا هينْ هينْ
We will hide, gently, gently
بَرّا مَعِ الشّوكْ
Out with the thorns

Авторы: Laith Hasan, Mohammad Bitar

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