The Venopian Solitude - Kehadapan Para Pencemar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни The Venopian Solitude - Kehadapan Para Pencemar

Kehadapan Para Pencemar
To the Polluters
Kehadapan angin yang membawa khabar peri
In the face of the wind that brings fairy tales
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
"Kehilangan takhta si pertiwi"
"The loss of the throne of the Earth"
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
"Beritahu aku dalang berita itu"
"Tell me the mastermind of that news"
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
"Dengan tangan berlumur darah, bahagianya kan ku cabut"
"With blood-stained hands, I will tear his happiness apart"
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
"Kejar, sepantas cahaya, selamatkan si hawa"
"Chase, as fast as light, save the woman"
"Lari, jangan berhenti sampai si buas direjami"
"Run, don't stop until the savage is crushed"
"Tanam ia, tebu, di tepi bibir"
"Plant it, sugarcane, by the edge of your lips"
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
"Dengan lakaran senyuman sang pencair"
"With the sketch of a smile of the melting one"
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ah)
Oh, mudahnya ia mencarik daun bebunga
Oh, how easy it is for her to pick blooming leaves
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, a)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, a)
Tinggalkan tangisan kuntum yang terbiar
Leave the cries of neglected buds behind
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, a)
(Ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, a)
"Lari, sepantas bunyi daripada pandangan ngeri"
"Run, as fast as sound, from a terrifying gaze"
"Tegar, janganlah gentar atau kita kan binasa, oh"
"Be firm, don't be afraid or we will perish, oh"
"Ey! Gerudilah tengkorak kepala supaya"
"Ey! Drill the skull of the head so that"
"Kebodohan yang tersimpan terbang keluar!"
"The hidden stupidity flies out!"
"Bersama-sama wap kebangangan yang terpendam selama-lamanya!"
"With the fumes of madness that have been bottled up forever!"
"Apakah wujudnya di fana manusia"
"Is there any existence in mortal man"
"Selemah penjajah yang lari meninggalkan bumi!?"
"As weak as the colonizer who flees leaving the earth!?"
"Yang dipijak setelah disentak daripada angan oleh pemberontak"
"That which is trampled after being snatched from the dream by the rebels"
"Tuan tanahnya?"
"His landlord?"
"Kejar! Sepantas cahaya! Sampai mereka berguling keluar!"
"Chase! As fast as light! Until they roll out!"
"Lari! Jangan berhenti, atau kamu kan kami rejami!"
"Run! Don't stop, or we will crush you!"
"Pergi! Lagi pantas dari bunyi, daripada renungan tajam kami!"
"Go! Faster than sound, than our sharp gaze!"
"Bubar! Jangan berani bersama, atau cicitmu kan binasa!"
"Disperse! Don't dare to be together, or your descendants will perish!"
"Kehadapan kita yang membawa pulang merdeka"
"In the face of us who bring back freedom"
"Ambil nafas dalam, berehatlah"
"Take a deep breath, rest"

Авторы: Suiko Takahara

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