TheO - Belvedere - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни TheO - Belvedere

Baya oldu adam
He's become quite the man, baby
Türkçe dinleyicilerime gelsin
This one's for my Turkish listeners
SO naar
Where to, girl?
Kime diyim?
Who should I tell?
SO naar Kuri
Where to, Kuri?
SO naar nebilim
Where to, I don't know
SO naar Yung Baba
Where to, Yung Baba?
SO naar Bayrow
Where to, Bayrow?
En SO naar Panda
The furthest to Panda
Keder sever
Lover of sorrow
Biter gider
It ends and goes
Yeşil şekil
Green figure
Değil delil sivil
Not evidence, civilian
Nag bog yog
There's a lot of fog, darling
Çog var sog morog
So much fog, cold fog
Yamaç ağaç
Slope tree
Araç kes haraç
Vehicle, cut, tribute
Doktor motor rotor Terminator
Doctor, motor, rotor, Terminator
Demir getir tekbir bir vezir
Bring iron, prayer, a vizier
Kuş ucmuş durmuş muş duş
Bird flown, stopped, mashed, showered
Arap şarap ama çorap kitap?
Arab wine, but sock book?
Fiş pişmiş şişmiş diş
Fuse cooked, swollen, tooth work
Şu bu su
This, that, water
Tolu dolu yolu coğu
Full, filled, road, most
Kuyruk koltuk
Tail, seat
Unuttuk ufuk
We forgot, horizon
Parmag dayag
Finger, beat
Yatag ve tarag
Lie down and comb
Fırsat ıspat
Opportunity, proof
Imdat ve lugat
Help and dictionary
Araba alana
To the one who buys a car
Satana yalana
To the one who sells, lie
Karton baston
Cardboard, cane
Garcon bidon
Waiter, can
Çöp öp löp Jürgen Klopp
Trash, kiss, sip, Jürgen Klopp
Bizene gidene gelene?
What do we care about who comes and goes?
Köprü örtü öttü ve öldü
Bridge, cover, hooted and died
Ot bot hot mod not robot
Grass, bot, hot, mod, not, robot
Rakı varmı?
Is there any raki?
Sarı mutha fagga
Yellow mutha sucker
Adam yakcam
I'll burn the man
Tam satcam atam
I'll sell him completely, my ancestor
Şişe içine işe
Bottle, inside, work
Işe bi bekle
Work, wait a minute
Öğrenci terzi
Student, tailor
Iyi matematiği
Good mathematics
Küçük sümük
Small snot
Büyük bi yük yüzük
Big load, ring
Rüzgar yatar duvar var bar zarar
Wind lies down, wall exists, bar, damage
Bal al sanal
Honey, take, virtual
Çal kal çakal
Steal, stay, jackal
Sayana rovasata
Bicycle kick to the counter
Ardinda Tsubasa
Behind him Tsubasa
Tuvalet red et
Toilet, refuse
Keşfet reddet
Discover, reject
Ün yün dün bugün topyekun
Reputation, wool, yesterday, today, all together
Akrobasi demokrasi siyasi fedaisi
Acrobatics, democracy, political fanatic
Bit git MIT kibrit it kilit
End, go, MIT, match, dog, lock
Er terler
Man sweats
O yer Belvedere
That place, Belvedere

Авторы: Ekrem Ozan

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