TheO - Hannibal Lecture, Vol.1: Think and Grow Bitch! текст песни

Текст песни Hannibal Lecture, Vol.1: Think and Grow Bitch! - TheO

Think and grow ritch bitch
Attain power and apply
The power to organize
And direct intelligently
Attain power and apply
The power to organize
And direct intelligently
Rocket launcher
Real power reflects to organized effort
Sufficient to transmute desire
Into an equivalent that is monetary
People working towards a definite end
Coordination of effort
Knowledge is simply infinite intelligence
Accumulated experience and researched experiment
If you have a mastermind group
Synced in with perfect harmony
That brings economic advantages
That you otherwise couldn't see
You can't match it on your own
A mastermind group with psychic ability
Let this sink into your being
This is the third eye of economics opening
I classify by what we say
I classify by what we do
I classify by how we say it
I classify by how we look
I classify by what we say
I classify by what we do
I classify by how we say it
I classify by how we look
What clothes?
What shoes are you wearing?
You broke?
Got stacks?
Detail Identify
Search in the soul
Search in mind
Imagine floors opening doors
Conscious unconscious
Go faster
Find the key lock
Hidden rooms
The grand keymaster
Welcome in the devil's workshop
Welcome in your own state of mind
Destroy a cats character
Its to do that with every line
But how to counter?
Suggestibility to negative plus willpower
Seek people who encourages you to think for your own
Do not expect trouble
Self discipline plus habit equals mind control
Let your light bulb illuminate your name is on the bottom
I gotta shield walla of sheer willpower
Faith desire I carry in my aura
Indecision multiplied by time equals failure
Means you can be your own savior
Who are you?
Where is the control room?
Who controls who?
With persistence and a plan
With my own choices at hand
If we are related we shall meet again
Control room of decision and
The mastery of procrastination
Failure is nothing but a lack of decision
Success is reaching decisions promptly
Plus changing them slowly
Don't talk too much
You give your plans away
Listen much more
You'll hear opportunities
You will hear info
Don't talk too much
You give your plans away
Listen much more
You'll hear opportunities
You'll hear info
Genuine wisdom is silent
Faith courage respect for the law equals
Having nature work for your benefit
Reaching decisions promptly as is suited for a leader
A child is indecisive at school
Or a man at his first job
Train your decision making making it a habit
Your brain can transmit
High frequency thoughts
According to Graham Bell and Elmer Gates
Your brain can transmit
High frequency thoughts
From brain to brain?
That is insane!
Imagine a pathway that
Represents your own brain
In a horizontal line
Target the sub brain with emotion high vibration
So you can receive thoughts and imagination
Telepathy is human broadcasting and receiving
First autosuggest yourself
Secondly your desire to express
Now add to that
Thought vibration and any kind of persistence
There is ether in the air
Sexual energy will lift you up and
Get you there
Sex triggers this and
Lifts your vibration
Use auto suggestion
Which is the password to submind
Reach up to the ether
And grab a creative imagination
Submind sending station
Sending thought vibrations
Senses transform into thoughts
Your submind is the key to changing everything
Screen energies coming in
Block the negative
Human action stems from emotion not logic
Faith is transforming thought into spirit
Mix faith with imagination because
Emotionalized thought calls for action
Thought alone is really passively still
Have faith and thought impulses assembled into a plan
But how to set up your plan?
Using a mastermind group brings advantages
How to setup your plan?
Meet and greet in harmony
If you make a plan
Let it be checked again than
Use a mastermind team
It must not contain errors
If you do this right
It can be perfect
Succes is persistence
Having good service
Success is temporary defeat
Success is having a plan that works
Quality plus quantity
Perfect marketing of service
Opportunity to surface plus
Freedom without effort doesn't bring riches
Effort brings opportunity to collect riches
That many men misses
You don't get something for nothing
Remember the law of economics?
Freedom of speech
Freedom of deed
It is a free society but you want
Getting without giving
The Law is nature's given
Twenty five years of analysis
And careful study
It is a free society so
You may refuse to adapt or
To provide service but
In your own best interest
Continue doubtlessly
This is the law of economics
Ideas transmutate into the matrix
This is the nature of economics
Failure is the seed of achievement
Everything arouses from faith of fear
Do you want respect?
Up your frequency
Do you want respect?
Up your flow
Direct com or no com at all
You play too much
Talk too much
Laugh too much
Better to be a bit less personal
And robotic in response though
Everything seems fear or love
Either by force or consent
Love is either play or quality time spend
Nature is conversion of ideas into the matrix
But what is a solid plan?
It needs to be flawless
No errors and have more faculty of spirits
Serve plus collect
Divided by your value of service
That ll get u there
You got matrix connection repaired
Now you go repair elsewhere
But where?
This is the wind on the sea and
Your imagination is what is blowing
Poor minds don't desire
So do you?
If the wind is strong enough you get action
Now when the going gets tough you
Will stop running
Or you will become even more persistent
Your ship consists of your character plus experience
Failure is not an option because you will sink
To the bottom of the ocean all by yourself
All this is yours
Whatcha gonna do with it?
Do you have a plan?
How do you expect to see opportunity
To get rich and have it easy
When you don't know what to do
When shit hits the fan
Service is your flag
Capitalism does the rest
Service is your flag
Capitalism will do the rest
Service is your flag
Capitalism does the rest
But don't forget first deprogram than
Imagination Factory Reset
Transform desire into reality
Desire plus a plan in your Imagination Factory
Desire is energy plus thought impulse
Matter plus energy combined equals
All of our the universe
Conversion of desire into physical counterpart
It is nature's method so go
Create whatever u want
Plan strategize organize
Use it just like a muscle
This factory is
Creative not so synthetic and has
Direct com with the infinite
Infinite intelligence
Inspiration hunches
This faculty only functions when it is conscious
Stimulated through emotion or desire
So tune in to others subconsciousness
Look who sitting at this table again
Opportunity and danger go hand in hand
You must use your sixth sense
Illuminate yourself
Red or blue
Make a choice
You are a receiving set
Through which ideas come
The thirteenth principle is the sixth sense and
Sixth sense is the creative imagination
Flashes through your subconscious by inspiration
Character is build by decision
Choose as many as you can
Desire thoughts are the waters upon which character flows
Feel yourself what you are becoming
Fear breeds indecision leads to doubt which again leads to fear and
The blending of these three is slow
Analyze your thoughts
Friendly enemy
No indecision no doubt no fear
Hi said the rich man to the poor
That is the first'time ever
You've never spoken before
How do you expect to live on the planet
With such differences poverty and fears altogether
So the rich family filled with shame
Because of the criticism system
He fell ill
Ill health for the rich men
And it didn't took long
All of the poor on earth wished the rich man dead
Men fear losing someone they love
Child and wife left behind
Two of them getting older
Fear kicks in
Mama she has wrinkles
Never again sex
Fear of old age is strange
Not so strange as the fear of death
The whole universe is made up of energy or matter
No fear
Units of energy versus units of electrons atoms molecules
Your mind is part energy partly spiritual
Nature habits and the power of thought
Brains work better together
Your thoughts are like a brick of energy
If you are smart enough
You can use that energy
Just like a real one in this reality
If spirits are in harmony
Induced not enforced
This is a miracle
Just look at Gandhi
Two hundred millions spirits
Sit with definite purpose
Willing to cooperate in spirit of harmony
Satya Agraha
Satya Agraha
Control over the vibration of the brain
Is a genius with sixth sense
He who can build bridges no one has ever seen
Combine different areas of lands
Transformation of mediocrity into genius
Perpetuation maintenance of health
Use the power of the will and
Transmuting your sexual energy
Sexual energy is the key to your imaginative creative factory
Idea springs at the bottom of
Your brain if it were vertical
It goes through the storm of criticism system
Or it doesn't dare at all
If it goes through though
Than see yourself
Taking the necessary action
Definite desire
Definite plan
Constant persistance
Lack of persistence against intensity of desire
Check your consciousness level now
Is it money or poor?
Finito perfecto?
Think and Grow Bitch!

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