Vieru - 8% (freestyle) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Vieru - 8% (freestyle)

8% (freestyle)
8% (freestyle)
E noapte si am 8%-n telefon
It's night and I have 8% battery left on my phone
Imi zboara gandul la tine cum zboara un avion
My thoughts fly to you like an airplane
Trag din tigara si vad luna printre stele
I drag on my cigarette and see the moon among the stars
Stau si ma intreb de ce nu mai esti printre ele
I sit and wonder why you're no longer among them
Si stiu ca sunt un om bun si stiu ca o sa trec peste
And I know I'm a good man and I know I'll get over it
Vreau o fata buna, nu doar sa primesc teste
I want a good girl, not just to be tested
M-am saturat de tepe, de trepte, de fete
I'm tired of scams, of steps, of girls
Tre sa raman puternic, fiindca mintea-mi joaca feste
I have to stay strong, because my mind plays tricks on me
Da' viata e o curva, tre sa vedem cine-o fute
But life's a bitch, we have to see who fucks it
In timp ce altii fut doar timpu', investesc secunde
While others only fuck around, I invest seconds
Si banii fac oamenii doar sa se transforme-n bestii
And money only makes people turn into beasts
Nu mai vreau relatii, dar putem ramane besties
I don't want relationships anymore, but we can stay besties
Si stii ca nu sunt perfect si n-o sa fiu vreodat'
And you know I'm not perfect and I'll never be
Dar cat treiesc, inima imi bate doar pentru o fata
But as long as I live, my heart beats only for one girl
Ascuns in overthinking, usa acum e-ncuiata
Hidden in overthinking, the door is now locked
Si raul facut, cu intentie - niciodata
And harm done intentionally - never
Dar acum ce sa zic, bai, frate, totul s-a schimbat
But now what can I say, man, brother, everything has changed
Caracterul si vocea, coaie, parca s-au mutat
My character and voice, dude, it's like they've moved
Am vrut sa fac bine, raul neintentionat
I wanted to do good, unintentional harm
Pana-ntr-o zi ciudata cand am realizat
Until one strange day when I realized
Tot ce facusem pan-atunci era degeaba
Everything I had done until then was in vain
Nu realizam atunci, iubirea imi era otrava
I didn't realize then, love was my poison
Tovarasi-mi ziceau "nu pune suflet, spune-i pa pa"
My comrades told me "don't put your heart into it, say goodbye"
Ce am in jur sunt, pill-urile si cu iarba
What I have around me are pills and weed
Dar tot incerc, in pula mea, de tot sa ma feresc
But I still try, damn it, to protect myself
Ma fut in dragoste, vreau muzica si sa muncesc
I'm fucking myself over with love, I want music and to work
Decat cu dragoste si deprimat, mai bine cresc
Rather than being in love and depressed, I'd rather grow
Cu trap-ul asta monstru, coaie, c-o sa-l stapanesc
With this monster trap, dude, 'cause I'm gonna master it

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