ThreeSixty, Jason Taylor - Descent (Jason Taylor Remix) [Jason Taylor Remix] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни ThreeSixty, Jason Taylor - Descent (Jason Taylor Remix) [Jason Taylor Remix]

Descent (Jason Taylor Remix) [Jason Taylor Remix]
Descent (Jason Taylor Remix) [Jason Taylor Remix]
Terhempaskan sesak nafasku dikendalikan waktu
Suffocated, my breath is controlled by time
Ku tuliskan nama paman SAM dilirik laguku
I wrote the name Uncle Sam in my song
Jerit hati yang kau ingkari
The scream of the heart that you denied
Menjadi nyata dalam emosi
Becomes real in emotion
Terlupakan akan datangnya hari
Forgotten will come the day
Nyawaku Terhenti
My life stops
Tak sedikit asap ganja yang membusuk di dadaku
Not a little bit of rotten marijuana smoke in my chest
Yang kupikir dapat membius semua rasa takutku
Which I thought could numb all my fears
Langkahku terhenti jalanku berduri tersenyum menanti
My steps stop, my path is thorny, smiling and waiting
Tertunduk berlutut ku disini
Bowing on my knees, I am here
Menunggu berganti akan datangnya hari yang tutupi semua harapan ini
Waiting for the day to change that will cover all these hopes
Tak cukup egoku menangkap sepi
My ego is not enough to capture loneliness
Mencoba tutupi yang ku temui tenggelam diriku di pecundangi dunia
Trying to cover up what I meet, drowning myself in the losers of the world
Sedikit angkuh yang tak kumiliki perlahan coba tuk telusuri
A little bit of arrogance that I don't have, slowly trying to explore it
Tenggelam diriku di pecundangi duniaa ...
Drowning myself in the losers of the world...
Dapatkah engkau tuk mengerti inilah jalan yang ku pilih
Can you understand this is the path I choose
Yang ku jadikan alasan betapa sendiriku
Which I use as an excuse for how lonely I am
Lelah hatiku telusuri jalan pikir yang ku kagumi
My heart is tired of exploring the way of thinking that I admire
Tersadar berjuta wajah miliki senyum yang berbeda
I realized that millions of faces have different smiles
Back to Reff Sedikit angkuh yang tak kumiliki perlahan coba tuk telusuri
Back to Chorus A little bit of arrogance that I don't have, slowly trying to explore it
Tenggelam diriku di pecundangi duniaa ...
Drowning myself in the losers of the world...

Авторы: Damian Higgins, M Caro

ThreeSixty, Jason Taylor - Descent
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