TIA - Dance to the Music - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни TIA - Dance to the Music

Dance to the Music
Dance to the Music
Hocu napred ali vratim se, pomislim kasno je
I want to move on, but I keep coming back, thinking it's too late
Zaboravljam sve navike, al jedna uvek prati me
I'm forgetting all my habits, but one always follows me
Ponekad stisnem zube ne dam niko da me vidi
Sometimes I clench my teeth, I don't let anyone see me
Kazu ona nema srca, al ja se samo stidim suza
They say she has no heart, but I'm just ashamed of my tears
Kad sam najvise tuzna, ja se najlepse nasmejem
When I'm the saddest, I smile the most beautifully
Da pustim da me suza skrha, znam da tako ne smem
To let a tear break me, I know I can't do that
Onda vidim jedne oci, koje gledaju me budne
Then I see a pair of eyes that are watching me awake
Kazu sreca je al pauza je izmedju dve tuge
They say happiness is just a pause between two sorrows
Evo ti srce, evo suze, uzmi neka tvoje bude
Here's my heart, here are my tears, take them, let them be yours
Nemam nista da ti dam, jos manje da od tebe uzmem
I have nothing to give you, even less to take from you
Bole najvise, to znas reci koje se precute
The words that are left unspoken hurt the most, you know that
I sta da ti kazem sada ti me vise ne razumes
And what can I tell you now, you don't understand me anymore
Nije bitno ljubavi sto te ljube neke druge
It doesn't matter, my love, that some other girls kiss you
Jer u mojim snovima ti ces biti moj zauvek
Because in my dreams, you will be mine forever
Stvarno nije bitno cije ruke nocas tebe grle
It really doesn't matter whose arms are holding you tonight
Samo vrati se jer mozda drugi put nam bolje bude
Just come back because maybe next time it will be better for us
Pamti me po dobru I znaj da jos te volim
Remember me fondly and know that I still love you
Sve bih dala da znam kako da te prebolim
I would give anything to know how to get over you
Pamti mi imena slova do nekog sledeceg zivota
Remember my name, letter by letter, until the next life
Ako takav postoji da mozes da me prepoznas
If such a thing exists, so you can recognize me
Seti se reci, dodira, poljubaca, pogleda
Remember the words, the touch, the kisses, the looks
Poruka I osmeha kada pocnes da zaboravljas
The messages and smiles when you start to forget
Pamti mi imena slova do nekog sledeceg zivota
Remember my name, letter by letter, until the next life
Ako takav postoji da mozes da me prepoznas
If such a thing exists, so you can recognize me
A sta sam bila ja, jos samo jedna klinka
And who was I, just another girl
Zalutala princeza koja ima sve a nema nista
A lost princess who has everything but has nothing
Trazila sam princa, ali ulica dva lica ima
I was looking for a prince, but the street has two faces
Pogresno je mesto, al sam snove tamo ostavila
It's the wrong place, but I left my dreams there
Videla sam oci njegove I tad je stao sat
I saw his eyes and then the clock stopped
Sa djavolom pakt je zapecatio poljubac
A kiss sealed the pact with the devil
Sad kazu da me ne znaju I sama znam da nisam ja
Now they say they don't know me and I know myself that I'm not me
Tu nasmejanu devojku odavno sam sahranila
I buried that smiling girl a long time ago
Naucio me je da covek coveku je zavidan
He taught me that man is envious of man
Da ne verujem nikom I da nema pravila
That I shouldn't trust anyone and that there are no rules
A sama sam I gde je sad covek kog sam volela
And I'm alone and where is the man I loved now
Ne prepoznajem ga vise kad mi proseta po snovima
I don't recognize him anymore when he walks through my dreams
I na jedno pitanje trazim jedan odgovor
And for one question, I'm looking for one answer
Gde je nestao andjeo sto me nekad voleo
Where did the angel who once loved me disappear to
Pa spuca suza sto niz usta klizi ne znam ko si a ko nisi
So a tear rolls down my lips, I don't know who you are and who you're not
Gledam te a ne znam ko da nikad nismo srecni bili
I look at you and I don't know, as if we were never happy
Pamti me po dobru I znaj da jos te volim
Remember me fondly and know that I still love you
Sve bih dala da znam kako da te prebolim
I would give anything to know how to get over you
Pamti mi imena slova do nekog sledeceg zivota
Remember my name, letter by letter, until the next life
Ako takav postoji da mozes da me prepoznas
If such a thing exists, so you can recognize me
Seti se reci, dodira, poljubaca, pogleda
Remember the words, the touch, the kisses, the looks
Poruka I osmeha kada pocnes da zaboravljas
The messages and smiles when you start to forget
Pamti mi imena slova do nekog sledeceg zivota
Remember my name, letter by letter, until the next life
Ako takav postoji da mozes da me prepoznas
If such a thing exists, so you can recognize me
Krv da kaplje mesto suza, umrla bih bar 100 puta
If blood dripped instead of tears, I would have died at least 100 times
Kada umesa se tuga onda mala rec je ljubav
When sadness gets involved, then love is a small word
Onda zaborav proguta nas svaki lep trenutak
Then oblivion swallows every beautiful moment
Kada razdvoje se srca uvek jedan bude tuzan
When hearts are separated, one is always sad
Niko nije mislio da mogli bi da imamo
No one thought we could have
Ni ono malo dovoljno da na trenutak zablistamo
Not even that little enough to shine for a moment
Dva sveta, ti I ja, al jedna ljubav I sta sad
Two worlds, you and I, but one love, and what now
Kada znamo da je kraj, samo oprosti mi I budi jak
When we know it's the end, just forgive me and be strong
I ne znam zasto sve to, opet znam da pravim gresku
And I don't know why all this, I know I'm making a mistake again
Sve je bilo vise tesko ne bih nazvala to srecom
Everything was more than difficult, I wouldn't call it happiness
Uvek trazio si nacine na koje da me povredis
You always looked for ways to hurt me
Ti najbolji si kada nemam s kim da te uporedim
You're the best when I have no one to compare you to

Авторы: Roy Bernard Thomas

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