Timbuktu (med Chords) - Nolltolerans - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Timbuktu (med Chords) - Nolltolerans

Zero Tolerance
Mina ögon kliar, min näsa rinner
My eyes are itchy, my nose is running
O min strupe känns som efter en ute kväll i yttre rymden
And my throat feels like after a night out in outer space
Som att syret i luften vill mej illa
As if the oxygen in the air wants to hurt me
Ja det e helt tydligt men ändå osynligt, inte minst förvirrat
Yes, it's quite clear but still invisible, not to mention confusing
Kan det vatt nått jag nudda vid
Could it be something I touched
Kan det vatt nån jag stod brevid
Could it be someone I stood next to
Kan det va ett år hög volym
Could it be a year on high volume
Kan det va nån form av udda kryp
Could it be some kind of strange creature
Doktorn gav mej ingen förklaring bara nån typ av medicin
The doctor gave me no explanation, just some kind of medicine
Han sa "min vän jag har ingen aning du verkar ha fått nån allergi"
He said, "My friend, I have no idea, you seem to have gotten some allergy"
E det mot katastrofer
Is it to disasters
E det mot skam och statistik
Is it to shame and statistics
E det mot kattungar eller fullmånar mot allmän hysteri
Is it to kittens or full moons, to general hysteria
Är det mot pessimism eller pissoarer eller stereotyper eller liberaler
Is it to pessimism or urinals or stereotypes or liberals
Eller genmodifierade tomater mot stora städer med för trånga gator
Or genetically modified tomatoes against big cities with too narrow streets
Om jag slutar med laktos och lägger mig vid elva
If I quit lactose and go to bed at eleven
Om jag alltid håller dörren för dem som inte kan själva
If I always hold the door for those who can't themselves
O lovar att aldrig ställa upp i en melodifestival
And promise to never participate in a Melodifestivalen
Han sa "Du kommer helt klart bli bättre men du kommer aldrig bli bra"
He said, "You will definitely get better, but you will never be good"
So yeah
jag symptomen står i prydlig rad
So my symptoms stand in neat rows
Medicinen gör mej bara svag
The medicine only makes me weak
Ännu en sak vi inte klarar av
Another thing we can't handle
De mkt vi inte tål minsta lilla blir katastrof
There's so much we can't tolerate, the slightest thing turns into a disaster
Nu står jag här med darrande hand
Now I stand here with a trembling hand
O letar efter svar som att dom fanns nånstans
And look for answers as if they existed somewhere
Va det som sjukdomen den såg sin chans
Was it then that the disease saw its chance
Eller va det bara för jag saknar tolerans
Or was it just because I lack tolerance
För jag sakna tolerans
Because I lack tolerance
Hur mycket klarar vi - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? - Noll
How much can we tolerate? - Zero
Hur mycket klarar vi? - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? - Noll
How much can we tolerate? - Zero
Hur mycket klarar vi? - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? Noll
How much can we tolerate? Zero
Vi tål (noll)
We tolerate (zero)
Doktorn, vi bor i världens renaste land
Doctor, we live in the cleanest country in the world
Ändå är jag intolerant att jag tillochmed blir sjuk utav damm
Yet I am so intolerant that I even get sick from dust
O jag föddes i en stad med sansad volym
And I was born in a city with such a reasonable volume
Till och med musik från en passerande bil tvingade mig ta en massa bricanyl
Even music from a passing car forced me to take a bunch of Bricanyl
Tänk om det är dej jag inte tål
Imagine if it's you I can't stand
Fan att det är mej det är fel
Damn, it's me that's wrong
Tänk om våran himmel va helt blå
Imagine if our spring sky was completely blue
Istället har den färg som ett elskåp
Instead it has the color of an electrical cabinet
Den där damen häromdagen som bad om pengar tuben
That lady the other day who asked for money on the subway
Och dem tefasstora utslagen huden fick minuter
And the teacup-sized rashes her skin got in minutes
Kan det vara hemmahos repotage
Could it be home reportage
Kan de vara för mycket snabbmat
Could it be too much fast food
Kan det vara skandalrubriker, mandatpolitiken, hot från klimat
Could it be scandal headlines, mandate politics, threats from the climate
Ja vet inte hur det ska botas
I don't know how to cure it
Ja intoleransen i Europa
The intolerance in Europe
Men ett liv slösas fort, tacka fan för mitt högkostnadskort
But a life is wasted quickly, thank God for my high-cost card
Hur fan ska jag hålla emot, när jag inte ens kan hålla mitt ord
How the hell am I supposed to resist, when I can't even keep my word
snälla doktorn finns det något starkare du kan ge
So please doctor, is there anything stronger you can give me
För just nu känns det som jag tittar men att jag aldrig ser, du vet
Because right now it feels like I'm looking but I never see, you know
jag symptomen står i prydlig rad
So my symptoms stand in neat rows
Medicinen gör mej bara svag
The medicine only makes me weak
Ännu en sak vi inte klarar av
Another thing we can't handle
De mkt vi inte tål minsta lilla blir katastrof
There's so much we can't tolerate, the slightest thing turns into a disaster
Nu står jag här med darrande hand
Now I stand here with a trembling hand
O letar efter svar som att dom fanns nånstans
And look for answers as if they existed somewhere
Va det som sjukdomen den såg sin chans
Was it then that the disease saw its chance
Eller va det bara för jag saknar tolerans
Or was it just because I lack tolerance
För jag sakna tolerans
Because I lack tolerance
Hur mycket klarar vi - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? - Noll
How much can we tolerate? - Zero
Hur mycket klarar vi? - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? - Noll
How much can we tolerate? - Zero
Hur mycket klarar vi? - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? Noll
How much can we tolerate? Zero
Vi tål (noll)
We tolerate (zero)
O vi klättrar väggarna o vi tål inte klotter väggarna
And we climb the walls and we can't stand graffiti on the walls
Domarn sa håll dom bänkarna istället slåss vi läktarna
The referee said keep them on the benches, instead we fight on the stands
Fyllde för små skor o dom klämmer tänk om fördomarna stämmer
Filled shoes that were too small and they squeeze, what if the prejudices are true
Hur ska jag kunna bli frisk om doktorn behöver mer pengar
How can I get well if the doctor needs more money
O vi bara klaschar som lila o rött
And we just clash like purple and red
O världen kraschar som nåt inuti den har dött
And the world crashes like something inside it has died
ge mej mod att tåla
So give me the courage to tolerate
Doktorn ge mej mod att tåla
Doctor give me the courage to tolerate
Ja sa ge mej mod att tåla
I said give me the courage to tolerate
Doktorn ge mej mod att tåla
Doctor give me the courage to tolerate
jag symptomen står i prydlig rad
So my symptoms stand in neat rows
Medicinen gör mej bara svag
The medicine only makes me weak
Ännu en sak vi inte klarar av
Another thing we can't handle
De mkt vi inte tål minsta lilla blir katastrof
There's so much we can't tolerate, the slightest thing turns into a disaster
Nu står jag här med darrande hand
Now I stand here with a trembling hand
O letar efter svar som att dom fanns nånstans
And look for answers as if they existed somewhere
Va det som sjukdomen den såg sin chans
Was it then that the disease saw its chance
Eller va det bara för jag saknar tolerans
Or was it just because I lack tolerance
För jag sakna tolerans
Because I lack tolerance
Hur mycket klarar vi - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? - Noll
How much can we tolerate? - Zero
Hur mycket klarar vi? - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? - Noll
How much can we tolerate? - Zero
Hur mycket klarar vi? - Allting
How much can we handle? - Everything
Hur mycket tål vi? Noll
How much can we tolerate? Zero
Vi tål (noll)
We tolerate (zero)
It's that same old shit
It's that same old shit
I took a little walk today
I took a little walk today
And outside the door of my building
And outside the door of my building
And I see 'em
And I see 'em
Them killers, man
Them killers, man
And they're everywhere
And they're everywhere
I mean everywhere you look - Killers
I mean everywhere you look - Killers
No good, no down (?)
No good, no down (?)
Motherfucking killers
Motherfucking killers
You know exactly what I'm talkin' about
You know exactly what I'm talkin' about
I'm talkin' about
I'm talkin' about
Talkin' bout them trees, man
Talkin' bout them trees, man
The trees
The trees
The trees make me sneeze
The trees make me sneeze
The trees make my eyes red
The trees make my eyes red
Make my nose run like fucking (?)
Make my nose run like fucking (?)
I hate them motherfucking trees
I hate them motherfucking trees
And I mean the taxman
And I mean the taxman
They be collecting my money
They be collecting my money
Getting money off of my paycheck
Getting money off of my paycheck
To pay people to take care of these goddamn
To pay people to take care of these goddamn
Good for nothing trees
Good for nothing trees
I say send them back
I say send them back
Send them back to where they came from
Send them back to where they came from
I mean trees belong with other trees
I mean trees belong with other trees
In the goddamn forests
In the goddamn forests
They up to no good
They up to no good

Авторы: Marten Mulamba Sakwanda, Patrik Jan Collen, Jason Michael Diakite, Jens Resch

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