Timur Alixonov - Такой лёгкий (feat. Morf, Konsta) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Timur Alixonov - Такой лёгкий (feat. Morf, Konsta)

Такой лёгкий (feat. Morf, Konsta)
So Easy (feat. Morf, Konsta)
Hayotim oddiyku, takoy lyoxki
My life is simple, so easy
Qiyin bo'magan u, takoy lyoxki
It hasn't been hard, so easy
Gelikka qara, takoy lyoxki
Look at the Gelik, so easy
No prokat keremas, takoy lyoxki
No rental needed, so easy
Ja aqllimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not smart, so easy
Sliwkom milliymasman, takoy lyoxki
I'm not too nationalistic, so easy
Ja odoblimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not polite, so easy
Boymasmanu lekin, takoy lyoxki
I'm not rich, but, so easy
Hayotim oddiy, qiyinchilik ko'rmaganman
My life is simple, I haven't seen hardship
Ko'rgan bo'samam bu haqida har kun gapirmaganman
Even if I had, I wouldn't talk about it every day
Muhlislani giv orqali ko'paytirmaganman
I haven't boosted my fans through giveaways
Oddiy hayotimdan yasab omaganman dramma
I haven't made a drama out of my simple life
Yeta-yetadi talant, qilish uchun oddiy joyda kontent
Talent is enough to make content in a simple place
Ula ko'rmagan joyda topaman tema
I find themes where they haven't seen
Yasavomadim o'zimdan crush'shi goddamn
I didn't make a crush out of myself, goddamn
Heytrlani quloqlari tikka doim antena
Haters' ears are always antennas
Yasavomadim yaxshi bola bo'lish uchun hype
I didn't make hype to be a good boy
5 kun ibratli video oltinchi kun kayf
5 days of exemplary videos, the sixth day is a vibe
Kamera ortida bangi, kamera oldida sipo
Weed behind the camera, sipo in front of the camera
Yoki naborot, ko'pu, keremas isbot
Or nonsense, a lot of it, no proof needed
Nima o'zgaradi degan bilan ayt nima o'zgaradi?
With saying what will change, tell me what will change?
Soppa sog' bollar o'zidan yasavogan yarador
Healthy guys made themselves wounded
Qiyin bo'sa harakat qilish kere hamma bilbl
If it's hard, everyone knows you need to try
SmhlavryIvwl hjayq kskfb
SmhlavryIvwl hjayq kskfb
Hey, Takoy Lyoxkiy ashula etilu
Hey, So Easy song is playing
Naqoratti qo'yvoring, oka
Turn up the bad boy music, bro
Hayotim oddiyku, takoy lyoxki
My life is simple, so easy
Qiyin bo'magan u, takoy lyoxki
It hasn't been hard, so easy
Gelikka qara, takoy lyoxki
Look at the Gelik, so easy
No prokat keremas, takoy lyoxki
No rental needed, so easy
Ja aqllimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not smart, so easy
Sliwkom milliymasman, takoy lyoxki
I'm not too nationalistic, so easy
Ja odoblimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not polite, so easy
Boymasmanu lekin, takoy lyoxki
I'm not rich, but, so easy
Takoy lyoxkiy yurib qo'yaman uyda kalta paypog' kiyib
So easy, I walk around at home wearing short socks
Ko'chada gapiraman bunaqalarni lo'x deb
On the street, I call people like that fools
Internetta domlaman, singilcha gunoh bu
I'm a mullah on the internet, sister, it's a sin
Jon beraman so'rasa do'stlar Aue
I'll give my life if my friends ask, Aue
Sochlarim ko'zimni to'sadi aue
My hair covers my eyes, aue
Erkakni soqoli o'sadi voyey
A man's beard grows, voyey
Bo'rimanu au, AUE
I'm a bull, au, AUE
Da ne brat men oddiyman ammo
But no, bro, I'm simple though
Sen uyat deganlaring menga bu norma
What you call shame is the norm for me
Sen divaningda o'tirvolib gapiro'virma
Don't talk while sitting on your couch
Erkaligingni qil uyingda you know
Do your pampering at home, you know
Takoy lyoxkiy, o'zim nigerman yarashadi, oq kiyim
So easy, I'm black myself, white clothes suit me
Legenda bo'lishim uchun menga o'q kerak
To be a legend, I need a bullet
Takoy lyoxkiy, ey brat, Timur byaxke!
So easy, hey bro, Timur is a byaxke!
Hayotim oddiyku, takoy lyoxki
My life is simple, so easy
Qiyin bo'magan u, takoy lyoxki
It hasn't been hard, so easy
Gelikka qara, takoy lyoxki
Look at the Gelik, so easy
No prokat keremas, takoy lyoxki
No rental needed, so easy
Ja aqllimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not smart, so easy
Sliwkom milliymasman, takoy lyoxki
I'm not too nationalistic, so easy
Ja odoblimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not polite, so easy
Boymasmanu lekin, takoy lyoxki
I'm not rich, but, so easy
Hamma narsani eplasa bo'ladi na chille
You can handle everything, no worries
Bitta senda bo'maganu o'sha qiyinchili
The only thing you don't have is that difficulty
Jonga teydi saxnada maskada o'yinchilar
Actors in masks on stage get on your nerves
Becharani yoqvolib qiladi tirikchilik
They make a living by turning on the poor thing
Takoy lyoxki yuraman har qandey holatda
So easy, I walk in any situation
Tashvishlarim yurishimga qarab hijolatta
My worries are embarrassed by my walk
Qo'llarim kir pulda, qizimmiki shokolatda
My hands are in money, or in chocolate for my daughter
Yaxshi harakat qiganindan keyin yaxshi bo'ladida
After good deeds, things will be good
Oson yo'lli tanlamadim, lekin easy katka
I didn't choose the easy way, but it's an easy katka
Bitta notani bilmay aylandim muzikantga
Not knowing a single note, I became a musician
Diplom bilan eplomaganlar bor
There are those who haven't succeeded with a diploma
Bu saxnaga o'tolmagan otbor
There are otbor who haven't made it to this stage
Takoy lyoxki yozaman o'zimizzikilarga
So easy, I write for our own people
Tushunganlar kayfda bizzi muzikalarga
Those who understand are vibing to our music
Takoy lyoxki salom beraman ularga
So easy, I greet them
O'zimizni durachello Bemanilarga
Our durachello to the Bemani
Hayotim oddiyku, takoy lyoxki
My life is simple, so easy
Qiyin bo'magan u, takoy lyoxki
It hasn't been hard, so easy
Gelikka qara, takoy lyoxki
Look at the Gelik, so easy
No prokat keremas, takoy lyoxki
No rental needed, so easy
Ja aqllimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not smart, so easy
Sliwkom milliymasman, takoy lyoxki
I'm not too nationalistic, so easy
Ja odoblimasman, takoy lyoxki
Yeah, I'm not polite, so easy
Boymasmanu lekin, takoy lyoxki
I'm not rich, but, so easy

Авторы: Rezcaze

Timur Alixonov - Такой лёгкий
Такой лёгкий
дата релиза

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