Tina/Rytmus - Pribeh - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tina/Rytmus - Pribeh

Tak neplač, keď ty ver mi posledný krát
So don't cry, when you believe me the last time
To vravíš stále a že sa nemám báť
You always say that, and that I don't have to be afraid
Čo mi to dávaš je čistý prvý plán
What you give me is a pure first plan
Riešim len hudbu a len s tebou spávam
I only do music and I only sleep with you
A keď sme spolu sami tak to nejde,
And when we are together by ourselves, it doesn't work
Len mávneš rukou, veď to hádam prejde
You just wave your hand, maybe it will pass
Hrdlo mi zviera pocit prázdna mám
My throat constricts, I have a feeling of emptiness
Na ten chlad dotyk viac nepomáha
That cool touch doesn't help anymore
Je koniec nie je cesty späť, ja viem to
It's over, there's no going back, I know it
Je koniec kde sme ja a ty, ty vieš to
It's over where we are me and you, you know it
Máme dve cesty, ktoré nič nespája
We have two paths that lead nowhere
Choď von, von z mojich snov
Get out, out of my dreams
To je náš príbeh cítim blízky pád
This is our story, I feel a close fall
Tak to pochop, je konec
So understand, it's the end
Chceli sme viac, aj málo sa niekedy
We wanted more, even little is sometimes possible
sa to nedá a nedá
It's not possible anymore
Poviem ti tých pár slov, tak prebolia snáď
I'll tell you those few words, maybe they'll really hurt
Nechcem nič počuť, chcem byť sám
I don't want to hear anything, I want to be alone
Nemôžem dýchať, nechcem viac pri tebe stáť
I can't breathe, I don't want to stand by you anymore
Choď von
Get out
Vkuse ma podozrievaš, stále mi voláš (nevolaj)
You always suspect me, you always call me (don't call)
Mám z teba paniku, pred tebou utekám
I panic of you, I run away from you
Cez všetky vidíš, že ťa len podvádzam
Through all the eyes you see, that I'm just cheating on you
Nemôžem za to, že sa ľúbim babám
I can't help that I love women
Máš na mňa nervy a nemôžeš mi veriť (neverit')
You're nervous about me and you can't believe me (believe')
Vieš, že je neskoro a nedá sa to zmeniť
You know it's too late and it can't be changed
Srdce ma ťahá za tebou a nepriznám si to pred sebou
My heart pulls me for you and I don't admit it to myself
Lebo premýšľam nad tebou, aha, prečo som s tebou viac nebol
Because I'm thinking about you, aha, why haven't I been with you more
Ostal len chlad, to dobré je dávno preč (preč)
There is only coldness left, the good is long gone (gone)
Nič nás nezachráni, sama to dobre vieš
Nothing will save us, you know it well
Tak poď sem, nech ťa naposledy objímem
Come here, let me hug you for the last time
Ja som ten ktorý spravil chybu a odídem
I am the one who made the mistake and I will leave
To je náš príbeh cítim blízky pád
This is our story, I feel a close fall
Tak to pochop, je konec
So understand, it's the end
Chceli sme viac, aj málo sa niekedy
We wanted more, even little is sometimes possible
sa to nedá a nedá
It's not possible anymore
Poviem ti tých pár slov, tak prebolia snáď
I'll tell you those few words, maybe they'll really hurt
Nechcem nič počuť, chcem byť sám
I don't want to hear anything, I want to be alone
Nemôžem dýchať, nechcem viac pri tebe stáť
I can't breathe, I don't want to stand by you anymore
Choď von
Get out
Vráť to späť, vráť to hneď,
Bring it back, get it now
Nie si rád, že ma tu máš
You're not glad that I'm here
Je to zlé, sa to nedá vrátiť späť
It's bad, it can't be undone
Cítim len chlad, to dobré je dávno preč
I feel only coldness, the good is long gone
ani nemôžeme nájsť spoločnú reč
We can't even find a common language anymore
Môj Rytmus je len len tvoj,
My Rytmus is only yours,
Ten dôkaz máme, je v nás (je v nás)
We have the proof, it's in us (it is in us)
To je náš príbeh cítim blízky pád
This is our story, I feel a close fall
Tak to pochop, je konec
So understand, it's the end
Chceli sme viac, aj málo sa niekedy
We wanted more, even little is sometimes possible
sa to nedá a nedá
It's not possible anymore
Poviem ti tých pár slov, tak prebolia snáď
I'll tell you those few words, maybe they'll really hurt
Nechcem nič počuť, chcem byť sám
I don't want to hear anything, I want to be alone
Nemôžem dýchať, nechcem viac pri tebe stáť
I can't breathe, I don't want to stand by you anymore
Choď von.
Get out.

Авторы: Alexandra Okalova, Rytmus, Tomi Popovic

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