En el Distrito tus amigas siempre están calientes, mami, ponte de rodillas sé que estás caliente)
In the District your friends are always hot, baby, get on your knees I know you are hot)
He estado cerca de la caída viendo a lo lejos el Edén, con la misma canibal que ahora yo tengo de rehén.
I've been close to the fall looking into the distance at Eden, with the same cannibal that now I have as a hostage.
Vives del azar quien te presenta a quien yo no hago na′ que no se sienta bien.
You live by chance whoever introduces you to whoever, I don't do anything that doesn't feel good.
He estado cerca de la caída viendo a lo lejos el Edén y esta vieja malicia no me deja mucho que hacer.
I've been close to the fall looking into the distance at Eden and this old malice does not leave me much to do.
Vives del azar quien te presenta a quien yo no hago na' que no se sienta bien.
You live by chance whoever introduces you to whoever, I don't do anything that doesn't feel good.
(¡Ah, llega, ah!)
(Ah, come on, ah!)
Sigo en shock por la herida que dejo esa mujer, salgo en shorts la avenida que cruzamos ayer.
I'm still in shock from the wound left by that woman, I go out in shorts the avenue we crossed yesterday.
Cual fieston lleva rato que no prendo mi cel, toco de agrapa pa′ que vean el nivel. (Así es)
Which party has been going on for a while that I don't light my cell phone, I touch the staple so they can see the level. (That's right)
También me lanzo y doy shows solo si no puede Miguel, con el alcance en Nickelodeon viendo Kenan
& Kell.
I also jump out and give shows only if Miguel can't, with the scope in Nickelodeon watching Kenan
& Kell.
No soy pa' modas nueves más que un vejestorio prefiero ser su vieja escuela, vieja historia. ¡Yo!
I'm not for new fashions more than an old wreck, I prefer to be his old school, old story. Me!
Lo escribo en la memoria de un historiador
I write it in the memory of a historian
Sin saber bien si lo hago por rencor o amor,
Without knowing if I'm doing it out of grudge or love,
Son los estrobos que encendí, güey, nunca sé que hacer.
They are the strobes that I turned on, man, I never know what to do.
De por los ojos de JD tengo un cassette que hacer.
From the eyes of JD, I have a cassette tape to make.
Sigo medio dormido, listo pa' empezar la jornada.
I'm still half asleep, ready to start the day.
No sé que haces conmigo ya no te emocionas con nada.
I don't know what you do with me anymore you don't get excited about anything.
Ni el escandalo te sienta bien, tan lejana como el Sol cuando recién calienta.
Not even the scandal looks good on you, as far away as the Sun when it just heats up.
No he cojido en semanas y esa fue el tema del sonido.
I haven't fucked in weeks and that was the theme of the sound.
Tiempo pa′ irse de putas que es lo justo si andas jodido. (Que no)
Time to go out and be a whore which is what's fair if you're fucked up. (No you don't)
Dice que no puede fingir que no le di alas pero sí se puede vestir de colegiala.
He says that he can't pretend I didn't give him wings but he can dress as a schoolgirl.
Sigo tras el millón aunque sea mil en mil y no me hago responsbale lo que llegue a sentir, busqué algo radical subí una cima sin fin; se tumba, güey, no te deprimas sin mí.
I'm still after the million even if it's a thousand at a time and I'm not responsible for what I might feel, I looked for something radical, I climbed a mountain without end; it falls down, man, don't be depressed without me.
Tú igual que mis lagrimas estás caliente,
You too like my tears are hot,
En Hermosillo la tarima siempre está caliente,
In Hermosillo the stage is always hot,
En el Distrito tus amigas siempre están calientes, mami, ponte de rodillas sé que estás caliente.
In the District your friends are always hot, baby, get on your knees I know you are hot.
He estado cerca de la caída viendo a lo lejos el Edén, con la misma canibal que ahora yo tengo de rehén.
I've been close to the fall looking into the distance at Eden, with the same cannibal that now I have as a hostage.
Vives del azar quien te presenta a quien yo no hago na′ que no se sienta bien.
You live by chance whoever introduces you to whoever, I don't do anything that doesn't feel good.
He estado cerca de la caída viendo a lo lejos el Edén y esta vieja malicia no me deja mucho que hacer.
I've been close to the fall looking into the distance at Eden and this old malice does not leave me much to do.
Vives del azar quien te presenta a quien yo no hago na' que no se sienta bien.
You live by chance whoever introduces you to whoever, I don't do anything that doesn't feel good.
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