Tisin - lovesickness - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tisin - lovesickness

Ya me cansé de aparentar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm tired of pretending (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que siempre me siento genial (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I always feel great (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Allí se va otra chica más (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
There goes another girl (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Este es mi mal de amores
This is my lovesickness
Ya me cansé de aparentar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm tired of pretending (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que me siento fenomenal (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I feel phenomenal (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que yo ya no te he de extrañar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I won't miss you anymore (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Y que no hay mal de amores
And that there's no lovesickness
Le dije que la quiero pero "She Don't Give A Fo"
I told her I love her but "She Don't Give A Fuck"
A veces la veo y pienso que sin le va mejor (sin le va mejor)
Sometimes I see her and I think she's better off without me (better off without me)
Van cuatro relaciones y ninguna funcionó (ninguna-guna)
Four relationships and none of them worked (none of them)
No tengo claro si el problema son ellas o yo (soy yo)
I'm not sure if the problem is them or me (it's me)
Pero yo siempre trato de darles de lo mejo-oh-oh-or
But I always try to give them my best-oh-oh-est
Y a cambio recibo su odio y pierdo su calo-oh-oh-or
And in return I receive their hatred and lose their warm-oh-oh-th
O tal vez soy muy bueno con ellas o soy muy to-on-to
Or maybe I'm too good to them or I'm too dumb-uh-umb
Y aunque no lo muestre, me daña muy en el fo-on-do
And even though I don't show it, it hurts me deep-eep-eep down
"Siempre me voy a enamorar de quién de no se enamora"
"I'll always fall in love with who doesn't fall in love with me"
Mi cora llora, y mi mente sufre por que te añora
My heart cries, and my mind suffers because it longs for you
Y yo siempre vuelvo a "sobre pensar" sobre qué está pasando ahora
And I always go back to "overthinking" about what's happening now
Y salen heridas que creía perdidas
And wounds I thought were lost come out
Pero que no sanan y dañan las cosas
But they don't heal and they damage things
No si soy un adicto
I don't know if I'm an addict
No sé, pues es muy extraño
I don't know, it's very strange
No pero me maldigo
I don't know but I curse myself
Por que todavía te amo
Because I still love you
Ya me cansé de aparentar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm tired of pretending (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que siempre me siento genial (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I always feel great (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Allí se va otra chica más (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
There goes another girl (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Este es mi mal de amores
This is my lovesickness
Ya me cansé de aparentar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm tired of pretending (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que me siento fenomenal (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I feel phenomenal (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que yo ya no te he de extrañar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I won't miss you anymore (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Y que no hay mal de amores
And that there's no lovesickness
Vi que me borraste de tu historia destacada
I saw you deleted me from your featured story
Y que poco a poco te hiciste distante
And that little by little you became distant
Yo trato de borrarte de mi mente y de mi almohada
I try to erase you from my mind and my pillow
Pero no como puedo olvidarte
But I don't know how I can forget you
Siempre te veo feliz como si no importara
I always see you happy as if it didn't matter
El desastre que dentro de dejaste
The disaster you left inside me
¿Dime por qué te tomaste en serio lo de ser mala?
Tell me why did you take being mean so seriously?
Si no sentías nada solo debías decirlo antes
If you didn't feel anything you should have just said it before
Me quedé viendo todas tus palabras vacías
I stared at all your empty words
Y tus fotografías por si algún día volvías
And your photographs in case you ever came back
Pero me di cuenta que eran promesas tiradas
But I realized they were broken promises
Tanto tiempo de mi vida, que yo a ti te dedicaba
So much of my life, that I dedicated to you
¿Y ahora qué?, dime que debo hacer
And now what? Tell me what I should do
Dejé de sentirme bien y no de mi qué va a ser
I stopped feeling good and I don't know what will become of me
Pero siento que estoy seco y mis dos ojos ya no lloran
But I feel like I'm dry and my two eyes don't cry anymore
Mis emociones se fueron, solo quiero estar a solas
My emotions are gone, I just want to be alone
Ya me cansé de aparentar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm tired of pretending (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que siempre me siento genial (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I always feel great (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Allí se va otra chica más (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
There goes another girl (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Este es mi mal de amores
This is my lovesickness
Ya me cansé de aparentar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I'm tired of pretending (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que me siento fenomenal (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I feel phenomenal (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Que yo ya no te he de extrañar (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
That I won't miss you anymore (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Y que no hay mal de amores
And that there's no lovesickness
Ya me cansé de aparentar
I'm tired of pretending
Que siempre me siento genial
That I always feel great
Allí se va otra chica más
There goes another girl
Este es mi mal de amores
This is my lovesickness

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