Tolga Sağ - Gerekmez - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tolga Sağ - Gerekmez

Evvelden bade-i aşk ile mestiz
Formerly drunk with the wine of love
Yerimiz meyhane, mescit gerekmez
Our place is the tavern, no need for the mosque
Saki kevserden kandık elestiz
The cupbearer has given us the goblet of paradise, we are drunk
Kuran-ı natık var samit gerekmez
There is the speaking Koran, there is no need for the silent
Saki kevserden kandık elestiz
The cupbearer has given us the goblet of paradise, we are drunk
Kuran-ı natık var samit gerekmez
There is the speaking Koran, there is no need for the silent
Cennet irfan imiş remzini bildik
We have learned the secret of paradise, it is knowledge
Cennet irfan imiş remzini bildik
We have learned the secret of paradise, it is knowledge
Bay Bismillahdan dersimiz aldik
We have learned our lesson from the Lord of the Bismillah
Cemal-i dilberi aşikar gördük, cennetteki huri gılman gerekmez
We have seen the beauty of the beloved clearly, we do not need the maidens and boys of paradise
Cemal-i dilberi aşikar gördük, cennetteki huri gılman gerekmez
We have seen the beauty of the beloved clearly, we do not need the maidens and boys of paradise
Gelmişiz cananın asitanına
We have come to the threshold of the beloved
Sıtk ile sarıldık dost damanına
We have embraced the skirt of our friend with sincerity
Canı baş vermişiz aşk meydanına
We have given our lives to the battlefield of love
Hayvan kesmek gibi kurban gerekmez
There is no need for a sacrifice like killing an animal
Canı baş vermişiz aşk meydanına
We have given our lives to the battlefield of love
Hayvan kesmek gibi kurban gerekmez
There is no need for a sacrifice like killing an animal
Biliriz Mevlayı vicdanımızda
We know God in our conscience
Biliriz Mevlayı yar vicdanımızda
We know the God in your conscience
Allah aşikardır seyranımızda
God is manifest in our contemplation
Kuş dili okuruz irfanımızda, Arabi Farisi lisan gerekmez
We read the language of birds with our knowledge, there is no need for the Arabic and Persian languages
Kuş dili okuruz irfanımızda, Arabi Farisi lisan gerekmez
We read the language of birds with our knowledge, there is no need for the Arabic and Persian languages
Yürekte gizlidir bizim derdimiz
Our pain is hidden in our hearts
Taklide bağlanmaz hiçbir ferdimiz
None of us cling to imitation
Nefsimiz iledir daim harbimiz
Our struggle is always with our soul
Cahil-i nadanla kavga gerekmez
There is no need to fight with the ignorant and fool
Nefsimiz iledir daim harbimiz
Our struggle is always with our soul
Cahil-i nadanla kavga gerekmez
There is no need to fight with the ignorant and fool
İbret-i nadanla etme ülfeti
Do not befriend the ignorant
İbret-i nadanla yar etme ülfeti
Do not befriend the ignorant
Dost kapısın bekle, eyle hizmeti
Wait at the door of the friend, do service
Anlamak istersen ilm-i hikmeti, aşktan başka din ve iman gerekmez
If you want to understand the science of wisdom, there is no need for religion and faith other than love
Anlamak istersen ilm-i hikmeti, aşktan başka din ve iman gerekmez
If you want to understand the science of wisdom, there is no need for religion and faith other than love

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