Tom Zé - Jeitinho Dela - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tom Zé - Jeitinho Dela

Jeitinho Dela
Jeitinho Dela
A revista provou
The magazine proved
O jornal confirmou
The newspaper confirmed
Pela fotografia
With a photo
Que nos olhos dela
That in her eyes
Tem sol nascendo
The sun was rising
Mas não se explica
But it doesn't explain
Nem se justifica
Or justify
Por que naquele dengo
Why in the sweet caresses
Do sorriso dela
Of her smile
A cidade
The city
Acabou se perdendo
Ended up getting lost
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
Botei o passo
I stepped in time
No compasso dela
To her rhythm
Caí no laço
I fell into the trap
Do abraço dela
Of her embrace
Me desencaminhei
I lost my way
No caminho dela
On her path
Me desajeitei
I became clumsy
No jeitinho dela, no jeitinho
In her ways, in her ways
No jeitinho dela, no jeitinho
In her ways, in her ways
Que ferve panela
That make the pot boil
Quando falta gás
When there's no gas
Mas quanta gente boa
But how many good people
trocou sua paz
Have exchanged their peace
Pelo jeitinho dela
For her ways
Um cientista
A scientist
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
Disse na tevê
Said on TV
Que o jeitinho dela
That her ways
Tem um micróbio
Have a microbe
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
Que faz miolo derreter
That makes minds melt
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
No jeitinho dela, no jeitinho dela
In her ways, in her ways
Geladeira teve febre
The refrigerator had a fever
Penicilina teve bronquite
Penicillin had bronchitis
Melhoral teve dor de cabeça
Aspirin had a headache
E quem quiser que acredite
And anyone who wants to believe it
A revista provou
The magazine proved
O jornal confirmou
The newspaper confirmed
Pela fotografia
With a photo
Que nos olhos dela
That in her eyes
Tem sol nascendo
The sun was rising
Mas não se explica
But it doesn't explain
Nem se justifica
Or justify
Por que naquele dengo
Why in the sweet caresses
Do sorriso dela
Of her smile
A cidade
The city
Acabou se perdendo
Ended up getting lost
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
Botei o passo
I stepped in time
No compasso dela
To her rhythm
Caí no laço
I fell into the trap
Do abraço dela
Of her embrace
Me desencaminhei
I lost my way
No caminho dela
On her path
Me desajeitei
I became clumsy
No jeitinho dela, no jeitinho
In her ways, in her ways
No jeitinho dela, no jeitinho
In her ways, in her ways
Que ferve panela
That make the pot boil
Quando falta gás
When there's no gas
Mas quanta gente boa
But how many good people
trocou sua paz
Have exchanged their peace
Pelo jeitinho dela
For her ways
Um cientista
A scientist
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
Disse na tevê
Said on TV
Que o jeitinho dela
That her ways
Tem um micróbio
Have a microbe
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
Que faz miolo derreter
That makes minds melt
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
No jeitinho dela, no jeitinho dela
In her ways, in her ways
Geladeira teve febre
The refrigerator had a fever
Penicilina teve bronquite
Penicillin had bronchitis
Melhoral teve dor de cabeça
Aspirin had a headache
E quem quiser que acredite
And anyone who wants to believe it
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
Vou me perder
I will get lost
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
No jeitinho dela
In her ways
No jeitinho dela
In her ways

Авторы: Tom Ze

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