Tomáš Klus - Noe (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Tomáš Klus - Noe (Live)

Noe (Live)
Noah (Live)
v parku reznou z kyselých dešťů
Rains in the park from the acid tears are rusting
the swings
A plíce těžknou od zplodin.
and lungs are getting heavy because of the waste.
Svět čeká na potopu, proto je nehezky.
The world is expecting its flood, therefore it's ugly.
I Noe je furt bez lodi.
Even Noah is still without a boat.
Když přišel na úřady žádat o svolení,
When he came to the authorities asking for a permit,
By mohl stavbu vykonat,
so he could build his boat,
řekli mu, že pro něj místo není,
they told him there was no place left for him,
Kde by mohla jeho archa stát.
where his ark could be.
Poslední parcelu prý prodali Tescu
They had sold the last plot to Tesco
Za doživotní členství v klubu.
for lifetime membership in the club.
Máš svoji cenu, generace stesku,
You have got your price, my generation of complaints,
Ve stopách držet krok
to keep up in its footsteps
A nepouštět hubu na špacír,
and not to speak out
Aby snad nemluvila pravdu.
so it wouldn't perchance speak the truth.
Jsem taky takový,
I am also like that,
že tam, kam jde dav,
where I see the crowd go,
Jdu, do sebe zavřený,
I go, keeping myself to myself,
Spoutaný kořeny, jako že žiju.
bound by my roots, just as if I was living.
Předstírám štěstí, od rána budím dojem,
I feign happiness, from the morning I build the illusion,
že netrpím a neprožívám nepokoje,
that I am not suffering or going through disquietude,
Do sebe zavřený dělám, jako že žiju.
keeping myself to myself I act as if I was living.
v parku reznou z kyselých dešťů
Rains in the park from the acid tears are rusting
the swings
A plíce těžknou od zplodin.
and lungs are getting heavy because of the waste.
Svět čeká na potopu, proto je nehezky.
The world is expecting its flood, therefore it's ugly.
I Noe je furt bez lodi.
Even Noah is still without a boat.
Noe však svoje úsilí nevzdal,
But Noah did not give up his efforts,
Vydal se jednou na horu.
he went into the mountains one day.
K práci na lodi mu svítila hvězda
A star shone for him while he worked on his boat
A v těle zahříval ho rum.
and rum warmed him inside.
Postavil archu za pár hodin
He built his ark in a couple of hours
A sešel z hor lidi do zvát:
and he went down from the mountains to call the people to it:
Pojďte se zachránit do lodi,
Come and rescue yourselves in my boat,
Není čas ztrácet čas, ne, nemusíte se bát.
there is no time to waste, no, you don't have to be afraid.
Najednou kolem něj bylo klubko
Suddenly there was a ball of
uniforms around him,
Sirény vzduchem zněj - prej - zklidni se
the sirens droned through the air - they said - calm down
you madman.
ho mají, odvezou ho a nechají pod
They have got him, they are going to drive him away and leave him under
Práškama tiše spát.
tablets to sleep quietly.
Tak tady v cele spí naděje naše poslední.
So here in prison sleeps our last hope.
Sedm dní bude prý teď špatné počasí.
They say it is going to be bad weather for seven days.
Jestli se ještě někdy rozední,
If it is ever going to dawn again,
Propusťte Noeho z basy.
let Noah out of prison.
Postavil archu za pár hodin
He built his ark in a couple of hours
A sešel z hor lidi do zvát:
and he went down from the mountains to call the people to it:
Pojďte se zachránit do lodi,
Come and rescue yourselves in my boat,
Není čas ztrácet čas, ne, nemusíte se bát.
there is no time to waste, no, you don't have to be afraid.
Najednou kolem něj bylo klubko
Suddenly there was a ball of
uniforms around him,
Sirény vzduchem zněj - prej - zklidni se
the sirens droned through the air - they said - calm down
you madman.
ho mají, odvezou ho a nechají pod
They have got him, they are going to drive him away and leave him under
Práškama tiše spát.
tablets to sleep quietly.
Tak tady v cele spí naděje naše poslední.
So here in prison sleeps our last hope.
Sedm dní bude prý teď špatné počasí.
They say it is going to be bad weather for seven days.
Jestli se ještě někdy rozední,
If it is ever going to dawn again,
Propusťte Noeho z basy.
let Noah out of prison.
v parku reznou z kyselých dešťů
Rains in the park from the acid tears are rusting
the swings
A plíce těžknou od zplodin.
and lungs are getting heavy because of the waste.
Svět čeká na potopu, proto je nehezky.
The world is expecting its flood, therefore it's ugly.

Авторы: Tomas Klus

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